FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- Ohio State, Purdue and Michigan State universities are partnering to present the 20th annual Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference to help dairy nutritionists better serve their farm clientele.
Dairy nutritionists, industry professionals and producers who attend the April 19-20 conference will learn about a number of ways to best manage feeding the herd. It will be held at the Grand Wayne Center, 120 W. Jefferson Blvd. in Fort Wayne, Ind.
"Milk prices are up, but so are grain and feed prices, which really presents a challenge for dairy producers," said Tamilee Nennich, Purdue Extension dairy specialist. "Improving nutrition management can help offset some of those costs."
Conference sessions will be based on four themes: "Dairy Nutrition: Past and Future," "Management of Transition Cows," "Feeding System Management" and "Forage Management."
"We've hosted this as a joint program for the last 20 years because we have outstanding researchers and resources at all three universities who can share the best management techniques with nutritionists," said Maurice Eastridge, Ohio State University Extension dairy specialist. "Those nutritionists can then go out and share the information with the farmers."
One of the main targets of the conference is the management of transition cows. Because those animals are so vulnerable, Nennich said specialists will focus on the transition diet and ways to quickly identify which transition cows may have problems.
Another focus will be forage management.
"Stored forages and corn silage on dairy operations are lower quality due to last year's challenging growing season," Nennich said. "Conference talks will teach participants about grasses, forage quality and managing rations."
Many feed companies also will be present to visit with producers about the newest nutrition technologies.
Registration of $165 per person includes meals, materials and conference proceedings. Discounted registration fees are available for organizations with groups of five or more. Registration deadline is April 8. Late registrants will be charged an additional $30 fee.
Registration forms and more conference information are available at