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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Three-Day West Ohio Grazing School To Be Held in July in Sidney: Register by July 8

June 24, 2011

SIDNEY, Ohio -- A three-day, intensive-grazing educational program designed for livestock producers in both Ohio and Indiana is scheduled for July 14, 21 and 23 at the Shelby County office of Ohio State University Extension in Sidney, Ohio.

This year’s West Ohio Grazing School will include two evening sessions (6-8 p.m. on July 14 and 21) and one morning-afternoon session (10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.) on July 23. The last session will take place at a local intensively managed pasture site.

Early registration (which costs $50 per person and includes lunch on July 23) is due by July 8. Late registration (July 9-12) costs $60. To register, download the form at, fax it to 937-547-6491, or mail it to OSU Extension Darke County, 603 Wagner Ave., Greenville, OH 45331.

The July 14 program includes sessions on “What is MiG (management-intensive grazing)?”, “How Soils Affect Grazing,” and “Environmental Considerations.”

July 21 topics include “Meeting Animal Nutritional Requirements,” “Mineral Supplementation,” “Forage Species Selection,” and “Pasture Weed Control.”

Finally, the July 23 session will go over “Pasture Plant Growth,” “Economics of Grazing,” “Designing a Grazing System,” “Fencing Systems,” “Livestock Watering Systems,” and “Paddock Layout and Design.”

Instructors are Bob Hendershot, state grassland conservationist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), and Jeff McCutcheon, educator with OSU Extension in Morrow County and certified grassland professional.

Two certified professional agronomists, a certified professional soil scientist and three certified crop advisors will also be available during the program to answer questions not related to grazing.

The Shelby County office of OSU Extension is located at 810 Fair Road, Sidney, conveniently located near I-75 via Exit 90. Directions to the farm where the July 23 program is to take place will be provided on July 21.

For more information, contact Justin Petrosino at 937-548-5215 or


Mauricio Espinoza