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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Take an IPM Approach to Strawberry Production. Learn How with an OSU Extension Training Program Nov. 14

October 16, 2008

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension and Michigan State University Extension are joining forces to provide Midwest berry growers with an intensive strawberry Integrated Pest Management training program.

The strawberry IPM training program will take place Nov. 14 at the Wittmeyer Conference Room at Ohio State University's Waterman Farm in Columbus. Waterman Farm is located on the corner of Kenny Rd. and Lane Avenue. The program will run from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost of the event is $75, which includes sessions, program materials and lunch. Those who are unable to attend the training program can receive the program materials along with the Midwest Strawberry Production Guide and the Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook for the registration fee.

Research specialists from both universities will be on hand to discuss a wide variety of topics, including IPM of insects, strawberry disease management, weed management, establishing a healthy strawberry planting and good agricultural practices.

Applicator Recertification credits have been applied for.

For more information, or to register contact Julie Strawser at (740) 289-2071, or e-mail

Candace Pollock
Julie Strawser