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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Southern Ohio Summer Wine Grape Workshop is Aug. 18 in Piketon

August 11, 2011

PIKETON, Ohio -- Learn from Ohio State University experts and fellow grape growers how to improve fruit quality and profitability at the Southern Ohio Summer Wine Grape Workshop, to be held Thursday, Aug. 18, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon.

Registration -- due by Aug. 17 -- costs $15 per person and includes the program, handouts, lunch and refreshments. To register, fill out the form available at and mail it with a check (payable to OSU) to OSU South Centers, Attn: Julie Strawser-Moose, 1864 Shyville Road, Piketon, OH 45661.

Late or on-site registration is subject to a $5 late fee.

Presentations include updates on grape diseases, fungicides and insects; vineyard management for improved grape and wine quality; and an overview of Ohio’s grape industries. There will also be a wagon tour of the OSU South Centers’ research vineyard.

The OSU South Centers at Piketon are located at the southwest corner of SR 32 and Shyville Road, one mile east of U.S. Route 23, just south of Piketon, Ohio. Attendees should meet in Room 160 of the Endeavor Center.


Mauricio Espinoza