PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio producers interested in the techniques of raising yellow perch are invited to attend a one-day workshop being held at Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon on March 22.
The university's Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development is hosting the workshop, which will focus on such topics as perch spawning, egg incubation, fry stocking, fertilization techniques and fry pond management. The event is $30 per person or $50 per couple by March 7, and includes course materials, refreshments and lunch. After March 7, registration is $50. The workshop will run from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.
The morning classroom sessions will focus on OSU South Centers at Piketon perch research results, general perch anatomy and sex determination, spawning techniques, pond fertilization for fry production, and feed training of yellow perch fry.
The afternoon hands-on sessions will focus on sex determination, hormone calculation and injection, strip spawning, indoor egg incubation, pond fertilization, zooplankton identification, fry count estimations and feed training of perch fry.
For more information or to register, contact Julie Strawser at OSU South Centers at Piketon at (740) 289-2071, ext. 223, or e-mail strawser.35@cfaes.osu.edu.