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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Record Crowd Attends Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

March 1, 2010

ADA, Ohio – Snowy conditions didn't stop a record crowd from attending the Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference in Ada, Ohio, to get the latest in conservation tillage production management, research and technological advances.

Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center are primary sponsors, along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Soil & Water Conservation districts.

Randall Reeder, an OSU Extension agricultural engineer and one of the show's organizers, said that attendance was 966 over the two-day event, up from 894 last year. It is the largest crowd on record to date.

"A few people said that it was too crowded, but that is not a bad problem to have," said Reeder, who also holds an OARDC appointment. "That means we had a lot to offer attendees that they were interested in learning more about. And next year we'll make a couple of adjustments to give folks more elbow room."

The event is one of the most comprehensive conservation tillage conferences in the Midwest. This year's schedule boasted over 65 speakers from academia and industry, covering a wide range of topics including soil, water, biofuels, nutrient management, scouting, cover crops, manure management and precision agriculture.

Two of the most popular programs were Corn University and Soybean School – in-depth sessions on corn and soybean production management. Reeder said that the tracks on nutrient management and cover crops also drew large crowds.

"I'm happy to see interest growing in cover crops because they can add nutrients, reduce runoff and build soil quality," said Reeder.

Other highlights during the conference included a comprehensive track on precision agriculture technology, Certified Livestock Manager training and crop scouting.

The next Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference will be held Feb. 24-25, 2011 at the McIntosh Center of Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio. Reeder said one event attendees can expect is a daylong comprehensive session on cover crops on Feb. 24 to complement a Midwest Cover Crops Council meeting being held at Ohio Northern University on Feb. 23.

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Candace Pollock
Randall Reeder