Editor: This advisory was also distributed earlier today by Ohio State University's office of Media Relations.
Concern about the drought currently gripping Ohio was apparent at Ohio State’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center, home of the annual Farm Science Review. Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee expressed his concern and support for Ohio farmers as he visited the farm today as part of the university’s annual Roads Scholars tour for new faculty.
“From apples and soybeans to corn and livestock, it is discouraging to see the effects of the weather on our state’s agriculture this year,” said Gee. “Agriculture is Ohio’s number one industry, and our 75,000 farmers are all shouldering the brunt of the drought to some extent. As their businesses are affected, the economic impact will be multiplied across the state’s ag-related industries and Ohio’s economy.
“Ohio State researchers have and will continue to work on innovations to improve and safeguard the agricultural industry – with plants that can better resist stress and better livestock grazing techniques – so that Ohio’s farmers will not only survive but thrive.”