BELLE VALLEY, Ohio – Get the latest on pasture management, herd health, grain outlook and other livestock related topics at an Ohio State University Cow/Calf School being held in November.
The school will take place on Mondays throughout November (Nov. 2, 9, 16 and 23) at the OSU Extension Belle Valley Regional Office, State Rt. 215, Belle Valley, Ohio. The school will begin at 6 p.m. each day.
Topics being covered during the Cow/Calf School include:
• Nov. 2 – Water systems, pasture and grazing, presented by Clif Little and Mark Landefeld, OSU Extension.
• Nov. 9 – Herd health, vaccinations and health-related issues, Phil Lowe, DVM.
• Nov. 16 – Mineral supplementation and cow winter supplementation, presented by Steve Boyles, OSU Extension; Grain outlook, presented by Matt Roberts, OSU ag economist.
• Nov. 23 – Feeding options for wintering calves and yearlings, presented by Francis Fluharty, OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
The cost for the event is $5 per person for all four classes. For more information, contact Steve Schumacher at (740) 695-1455, Mark Landefeld at (740) 472-0810, or Clif Little at (740) 732-5681, or the OSU Extension South Central Regional Office at
The event is sponsored by OSU Extension offices in Belmont, Guernsey, Monroe and Noble counties.