BUCYRUS, Ohio -- Farmers and producers interested in learning more about beef feedlot nutrition and maximizing profits can participate in a discussion of the issues by experts from Ohio State University Extension during a Beef Feedlot School Jan. 30 and Feb. 13, 20 and 27, 2013, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Crawford County Fairgrounds youth building, 610 Whetstone St. in Bucyrus.
The school will focus on beef feedlot nutrition, maximizing profits by increasing feed efficiency and using byproducts to reduce feed costs, said Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension coordinator in agriculture and natural resources, and organizer of the event.
“With the rising costs of inputs and grain prices being at record levels it will be important for feedlot producers to reduce expenses to increase profits to be competitive in the year to come,” he said.
The beef feedlot school will feature a presentation by Francis Fluharty, a professor of ruminant nutrition at Ohio State. Fluharty specializes in feedlot nutrition and animal growth.
The sponsor is OSU Extension, which is the statewide outreach arm of Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Topics to be covered include:
- Jan. 30: Ruminant Digestive Physiology, Rumen Function, Carbohydrates. Note: This program will start at 6:30 with light sandwiches and time to meet the event sponsors.
- Feb. 13: Protein Digestion and Metabolism, Protein Sources, DDGS.
- Feb. 20: Receiving and Growing Strategies.
- Feb. 27: Methodologies to Enhance Marbling and Feed Efficiency.
Registration is $40 by Jan. 23 or $50 after that date. Participants can register online at http://www.cawford.osu.edu or by contacting the Crawford County OSU Extension office at 419-562-8731.
“The registration fee includes access to all four classes,” Hartschuh said. “To get the most of the school, producers need to come to all four nights to get information that builds each night.”
The sessions will also be recorded and broadcast live at Extension offices statewide. Producers who want to attend the school but aren’t able to travel to Bucyrus can contact their local extension office to participate in the office’s web broadcast.
Other sponsors include: Sunrise Cooperative, Purina, Quality Liquid Feeds; Cargill Animal Nutrition, Nutrena Feeds; West Side Feed; and North Central Veterinary Services.