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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Online Flood Resources Available to Ohioans

February 28, 2011

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With many areas of Ohio experiencing or expecting flooding due to melting snow and rain, the following resources may be helpful.

• Flood Map: The Ohio River Forecast Center out of the National Weather Service -- -- features a flood map depicting current and forecasted flood conditions. 

• Flash Flood Map: The flash flooding information used to issues watches and warnings is available at this link -- You select the state and the time criteria you wish to view. 
• Weather Radio: This link -- -- provides information on the NOAA Weather Radio -- and this link -- -- provide information about purchasing the receiver which is needed to hear the weather information.
• Flood FactSheets/Education: The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)  Flood Resources page -- -- provides links to factsheets and other resources that can be helpful for people experiencing floods.
• Mold Resources: Mold resources from EDEN are located at this link --
• Power Outages: The Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness has information pertaining to power outages at
• Before, During, After Flooding: The Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness also provides information for what to do before, during, and after a flood. Find the information at
• Flood Insurance: The Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness also provides information pertaining to flood insurance at
• County Emergency Management Agency Offices: Each county has an Emergency Management Agency Office. The link provides the contact information for each county EMA Office throughout the state. Please contact your local EMA Office for up-to-the minute information pertaining to your county.


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