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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Ohio State Faculty Member Honored as Fellow of Food Systems Leadership Institute

February 20, 2009

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- An Ohio State University professor was one of 20 fellows of the Food Systems Leadership Institute honored at the annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) in Chicago.

Robert J. Birkenholz, professor of agricultural education and chair of the Ohio State's Department of Human and Community Resource Development and the other fellows were recognized for completing the FSLI leadership development program and for contributions they have made to their individual organizations and the broader higher education and food systems.

The FSLI is a two-year program designed for experienced leaders in academia, government, and industry. Through a demanding curriculum that includes in-person learning, executive coaching, mentoring, and personal and group projects, the FSLI enhances personal leadership ability, develops skills and knowledge for organizational change, and broadens perspectives on integrated food systems.

The FSLI is a program of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. It was created with financial support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and is operated in a partnership between North Carolina State University, The Ohio State University, and The University of Vermont. More information on the FSLI is available at


Martha Filipic
Robert Birkenholz