WOOSTER, Ohio — The following experts with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and Ohio State University Extension are available to speak with the media about emerald ash borer (EAB) — an invasive pest that is threatening to wipe out native ash trees and cause significant losses to the state's wood manufacturing, landscaping and nursery industries. —Dan Herms, OARDC entomologist, (330) 202-3506 or herms.2@osu.edu: Member of the Ohio Emerald Ash Borer Task Force. Conducts research on resistance of different species of ash to EAB and insecticides. —David Shetlar, OSU Extension entomologist, (614) 292-3762 or shetlar.1@osu.edu: Member of the Ohio Emerald Ash Borer Task Force. —Enrico Bonello, OARDC plant pathologist, (614) 688-5401 or bonello.2@osu.edu: Conducts research on resistance of different species of ash to EAB. —Amy Stone, OSU Extension educator, Lucas County, (419) 578-6783 or stone.91@osu.edu: Coordinator of the Ohio State University EAB Outreach Team. —Kathy Smith, OSU Extension forestry specialist, (614) 688-3136 or smith.81@osu.edu: Woodland management of EAB and wood utilization.