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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


OARDC Honors 89 at Annual Employee Appreciation Night

October 10, 2003

WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) honored 89 faculty and staff members at its annual Employee Appreciation Night Oct. 2 in the Shisler Conference Center in Wooster. Among them: Todd Steiner and Brenda Swank, recipients of the 2003 OARDC Outstanding Staff Awards, which honor non-faculty staff members who provide exceptional service, and Randy Nemitz, who in May received an Ohio State University Distinguished Staff Award. OARDC is the research arm of Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Steiner is a research associate in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at Wooster. Swank, based in Columbus, is an office associate in the School of Natural Resources. Nemitz is a TV producer in the Section of Communications and Technology at Wooster. Also recognized were employees with 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service. - 35 years: Joy Ann Fischer, Communications and Technology; Roger N. Williams, Entomology. - 30 years: Mildred L. Casey, Entomology; John A. Lozier, Research Operations; Jerrel C. Meitzler, Food Animal Health Research Program (FAHRP); Lawrence H. Newcomb, Agricultural Administration; Charles L. Root, Animal Sciences; Michael J. Sciarini, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering; Donald A. Westfall, FAHRP; Joanne M. Wisemiller, Agricultural Administration. - 25 years: Delbert R. Baker, Facilities Services; John L. Bertsch, Facilities Services; Kenneth D. Cochran, Secrest Arboretum; J.T. Durkalski, Natural Resources; Donald J. Eckert, Natural Resources; Delilah K. Elliott, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering; Gregory K. Ferrell, OSU Police, Wooster; Richard C. Funt, Horticulture and Crop Science; Loren V. Geistfeld, Consumer and Textile Sciences; Jeffrey R. Groff, Research Operations. Michael G. Haddix, Western Branch; Randall B. Heiligmann, Natural Resources; John L. Heywood, Natural Resources; James N. Karcher, Research Operations; Martha M. Klepper, Human Resources; Monica M. Kmetz-González, Horticulture and Crop Science; Peggy A. Lewis, FAHRP; David A. McCartney, Entomology; Christine M. McCloskey, FAHRP; Patrick C. McKenry, Human Development and Family Science; Barbara J. Mekoleske, Renovations Planning; Georgia E. Miller, Research Operations. Glen R. Needham, Entomology; Walter J. Perry, Facilities Services; Margaret M. Sanik, Consumer and Textile Sciences; Lindsay A. Sprang, Animal Sciences; Judith K. Steiner, Facilities Services; James E. Tew, Entomology; Rosalee S. White, Animal Sciences; Sandy Winkler, Secrest Arboretum; Donna J. Wyatt, Animal Sciences. - 20 years: James E. Christensen, Natural Resources; T. Karl Danneberger, Horticulture and Crop Science; Hannah M. Gehman, FAHRP; Claudio González, Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics; Dennis W. Hall, Agricultural Administration; Jeffrey A. Imhoff, Facilities Services; Mary Jacobs, Natural Resources; Wayne A. Johnson, Consumer and Textile Sciences; Craig A. Jones, Northwestern Branch; Doris R. Majerczak, Plant Pathology; Joy L. Pate, Animal Sciences; Ruthi A. Patterson, Animal Sciences; Gwen H. Wolford, Agricultural Administration. - 15 years: Robert A. Agunga, Human and Community Resource Development; Troy S. Aldrich, Horticulture and Crop Science; Randall E. Berry, Plant Pathology; Philip J. Bicker, Facilities Services; Harold D. Brown, Plant Pathology; Larry C. Brown, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering; Jamie M. Cano, Human and Community Resource Development; John Cardina, Horticulture and Crop Science; Nora M. Chupp-Hitchcock, Facilities Services; Albert J. Davis, Human Development and Family Science. Earl F. Epstein, Natural Resources; James D. Franks, Facilities Services; Brian F. Heskitt, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering; Eugene V. Howell, Jr., Renovations Planning; Eileen S. Kieffaber, Human Resources; Michael Knee, Horticultural and Crop Science; David A. Kost, Natural Resources; Roger A. Maas, Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering; Mario J. Miranda, Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics; Bobby D. Moser, Agricultural Administration; John R. Phillips, Research Operations; Frederick F. Sachariat, Animal Sciences; Kenneth L. Scaife, Outlying Branches; Virginia L. Schubert, Animal Sciences; William P. Weiss, Animal Sciences. - 10 years: Donald G. Beam, Entomology; Allen B. Geyer, Horticulture and Crop Science; David G. Lohnes, Communications and Technology; Wendy M. Michel, Director’s Office; E. Ronald Miller, OSU South Centers; Douglas W. Peyton, Facilities Services; Jean L. Vacha, Plant Pathology. OARDC Director Steve Slack provided opening comments and presented the awards. A barbecue dinner, an annual tradition, preceded the program. OARDC faculty, staff and graduate students work at Wooster, Piketon and Columbus and 10 outlying branches. - 30 -

Kurt Knebusch
OARDC Director's Office