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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


No Soybean Rust? Tuck Fungicides Away for Winter

August 18, 2005

Editor's note: This is part of a periodic series on information regarding soybean rust. The goal is to provide media with the latest updates on the disease and Ohio State's role in research and education. These updates are expected to continue throughout 2005.

WOOSTER, Ohio — With the need to treat soybean rust now highly unlikely this growing season, the next step for Ohio farmers is to just tuck their fungicides away this winter.

"If growers bought fungicides to treat soybean rust this year, they need to sit on them. Don't be tempted to try them out. Section 18 fungicides are only to be used to treat soybean rust, nothing else," said Anne Dorrance, an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "If growers haven't bought fungicides, then don't get talked into buying any."

Like other chemicals, Section 18 fungicides need to be properly stored to avoid spoilage, leakage or contamination. The following tips should prove helpful in storing fungicides for the winter:

• New to the Ohio Pesticide Law, chemicals cannot be stored in areas that have a drain. "The thrust of that is to protect water sources. Just in case there is a leak, no water is contaminated," said Joanne Kick-Raack, state pesticide coordinator for OSU Extension's pesticide education program.

• Storage temperatures should not go below freezing or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Section 18 chemicals, especially, cannot go through numerous freeze/thaw cycles, said Dorrance. Ventilation is important for storage. Keep the chemicals dry and out of direct sunlight.

• Store insecticides away from herbicides to prevent cross volitalization, contamination and possible plant damage.

• Read the label. Certain formulations or products have special storage requirements. Those restrictions or directions will be printed on the label.

• Write down the purchase or delivery date on the label. Use older or opened products first. Products several years old may not be effective. Section 18 fungicides are good for three years.

• Keep an up-to-date inventory of pesticides to assist in purchase decisions and in case of emergency.

• Pesticide storage areas should be placarded and locked away from children, irresponsible adults and animals.

• Never store pesticides with feed and seed, and keep chemicals away from other sensitive items such as food or toys.

Additional information on pesticide user's guides can be found on OSU Extension's Ohioline at and searching for "pesticide storage."

Candace Pollock
Anne Dorrance