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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Niemczyk Receives TPI Honorary Membership Award

March 10, 2008

EAST DUNDEE, Ill. -- Harry Niemczyk, Emeritus Professor of Turfgrass Entomology at Ohio State University's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, Ohio, was the proud recipient of the Turfgrass Producers International (TPI) Honorary Member Award presented to him at TPI’s Midwinter Conference in Orlando, Florida in February.

TPI Past President Louis Brooking, Jr. presented the award to Niemczyk, saying that TPI's Honorary Membership Award was established in 1973 to recognize an individual who has contributed to the research, planting, growing and marketing of turfgrass sod.

"In TPI's 40 year history, only 24 individuals have been designated honorary members," Brooking said. "The TPI Board is deeply honored and especially proud to present our most prestigious award - - Honorary TPI Membership -- to Dr. Harry Niemczyk."

Niemczyk has been a member of the OARDC faculty since 1964. His research on behavior and mobility of pesticides in turf and the biology, ecology, and control of insects and other arthropods in turfgrass has been published in scientific journals and frequently in trade publications. Niemczyk's book, "Destructive Turf Insects" which he collaborated with colleague David Shetler, continues to be a practical guide serving turfgrass producers, sports field managers, lawn service operators, golf course superintendents and students. Niemczyk also is a private consultant to the turfgrass management industry and has developed training and insect control programs for lawn care firms, turfgrass sod farms and golf courses.

In the past, Niemczyk has also received the Professional Excellence, Man-of-the-Year, and Lifetime Membership awards from the Ohio Turfgrass Foundation; he is involved in numerous associations in addition to TPI; and he is an active participant on The Lawn Institute Research Committee.


Jim Novak
Harry Niemczyk