ADA, Ohio -- Mark your calendars Feb. 26-27, 2009 for Ohio State University's Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference.
The event will be held at the McIntosh Center of Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio, and will feature the latest in crop technology, innovative farmer panel discussions, and an ag industry trade show.
New to the event will be a pre-conference program offered on Feb. 25 on cover crops and their benefits for soil quality. Additionally a half-day program on corn will be offered, along with National Plant Diagnostic Network First Detector Training, Certified Crop Advisor credits, and a daylong seminar on Global Positioning Systems, precision farming and auto steer.
Specific topics being covered during the conference include soil health, planter adjustment, ethanol, soil fertility research, setting land rent values, Farm Bill implications, continuous no-till corn, soil density improvement with cover crops, farm drainage research and results, managing manure and compost, and management of fertility, weeds, diseases and insects.
Speakers confirmed so far to present at the conference include Elwynn Taylor, Iowa State University agricultural meteorologist; Bob Nielson, Purdue University corn specialist; Peter Thomison, Ohio State University corn specialist; Steve Groff, no-till farmer from Lancaster, Pa.; Matt Darr, Iowa State University ag engineer; Scott Shearer, University of Kentucky ag engineer; Nancy Taylor, Ohio State University plant pathologist; Robert Mullen, Ohio State University soil fertility specialist; Pierce Paul, Ohio State University wheat and corn pathologist; Anne Dorrance, Ohio State University soybean pathologist; Ron Hammond, Ohio State University entomologist; and Bill Lehmkuhl, Planting Technology consultant.
Full conference information, agenda and registration information will be available after January 1. Log on to or call the OSU Extension office in Hancock County at (419) 422-3851 for more information.