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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Learn How to Keep Deer From Eating Your Profits at OSU Extension Workshop

October 23, 2008

PIKETON, Ohio -- A new deer exclusion fence surrounding the field crop plots and fruit and vegetable research trials at OSU South Centers at Piketon will be at the center of a workshop to educate producers and landowners about the best solutions for protecting their land and crops from deer damage.

"Are Deer Eating Your Profits?" will be held Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at OSU South Centers at Piketon, 1864 Shyville Rd., Piketon. Registration is $30 and includes handouts and lunch. Deadline to register is Nov. 4.

Specialists in deer biology and control will provide insight on how to exclude deer from land, crop fields, commercial fruit and vegetable fields, and gardens. Visitors will also learn about options available for deer deterrents on both a large and small scale. Deer fence displays and a tour of the new fence will also be included in the workshop.

For more information, or to register, contact Julie Strawser at (740) 289-2071, or 800-297-2072 (Ohio only) ext. 223, or e-mail

Candace Pollock
Julie Strawser