WEST MANCHESTER, Ohio – A full day of no-till technology, products and emerging trends will be the focus of the Ohio No-Till Field Day on Sept. 8.
"Farming Green Year-Round" is the theme of the event, which will be held from 9:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Keith Kemp Farm, 959 Georgetown-Verona Road, West Manchester, Ohio. Registration is $30 due by Aug. 30, or $35 on-site.
Topics being covered include success with no-till corn, emerging trends in corn and soybean-based bio-products, insect issues, manure and drainage management, grain handling systems, and plastic poly and fiberglass tank safety. Speakers include experts from Purdue University, Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center specialists, and industry representatives.
For a detailed agenda, log on to http://fabe.osu.edu/notill.
Sponsors include OSU Extension, OARDC, Ohio No-Till Council, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Darke and Preble counties Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Oregon Ryegrass Commission, Kale Marketing, Farmer's Commission, Ohio's Country Journal, Monsanto, Pioneer, AGCO, and Ohio Corn Growers Association.
For more information, contact Randall Reeder at 614-292-6648 or reeder.1@osu.edu.