TOLEDO, Ohio -- The arrival of spring also marks the arrival of insects and plant diseases, and Ohio State University Extension is helping horticulture professionals prepare with a diagnostic workshop.
The OSU Extension Plant Diagnostic Workshop will be held May 24, beginning at 9:45 a.m., at the Toledo Botanical Garden Conference Center in Toledo, Ohio. The workshop is sponsored by OSU Extension's Green Industry Center in Bowling Green, Ohio.
The daylong event will feature the expertise of OSU Extension Nursery Landscape and Turf (ENLT) team specialists on such topics as emerald ash borer, insects and diseases, digital diagnostics, sampling and diagnostic walks. The workshop marks the first of the ENLT team's activities for this growing season.
Certification credits will be provided for Master Gardeners and Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association members attending the event. Registration is $30, payable by check or cash to OSU Extension, ABE Center, 639 S. Dunbridge Rd., Suite 4, Bowling Green, OH, 43402. The fee covers lunch, refreshments and program materials.
For more information, contact OSU Extension's Green Industry Center at (419) 354-6916 or log on to