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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Coming June 2 in Canton: Food Safety Practices for Fruit, Vegetable Growers

May 8, 2012

CANTON, Ohio -- Stark Parks will host a program on food safety practices for fruit and vegetable growers from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on June 2 at the Exploration Gateway at Sippo Lake Park. Good Agricultural Practices, or GAPs, for fruit and vegetable production are the focus. The park is at 5712 12th St. NW in Canton.

“The Food and Drug Administration will be releasing draft standards for safe production of fruits and vegetables sometime this year,” said Ashley Kulhanek of Ohio State University’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team, which is presenting the program. “So it’s a good time to learn about GAPs.”

Those draft standards are reportedly complete but have been delayed by the federal Office of Management and Budget, Kulhanek said.

Participants in the program will receive a resource workbook, handouts and a certificate of participation.

But Kulhanek said attendees won’t actually become “certified in GAPs” by attending just this program. That certification comes only through the successful completion of a farm audit by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or an alternative third-party auditing company. 

“The program is designed to help growers prepare for an audit or write a food safety plan, but growers need to find out if their customers are asking for education in GAPs only, if they want the full audit, or both,” Kulhanek said.

The program will also double as the required yearly attendance in a comprehensive GAPs class for anyone participating in the Ohio Produce Marketing Agreement.

Registration costs only $10 per person thanks to a grant from the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Program. 

Pre-registration is encouraged, but registration is also available at the door. 

To pre-register, mail a check payable to “OSP” (Office of Sponsored Programs) to Eric Barrett, Mahoning County Office, OSU Extension, 490 S. Broad St., Canfield, OH 44406.

For more information, call Barrett, who is an agriculture and natural resources educator in that office, at 330-533-5538.

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Ashley Kulhanek