WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio State University’s Secrest Arboretum will hold an Arbor Day celebration, featuring tree planting, skits and other activities, this Saturday (4/23) from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Admission is free. All are welcome.
The arboretum is part of the university’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Meet at the Seaman Orientation Plaza about 1.7 miles from the main OARDC entrance.
Contact 330-464-2148 or cochran.7@osu.edu for more information.
A tornado last fall destroyed more than 1,000 large trees in the arboretum and on the OARDC campus proper, making tree planting there especially meaningful this year. About 30 of the arboretum’s 120 acres were affected.
Replanting efforts by arboretum workers and by volunteers have continued since then, supported in part by donations to the arboretum’s tornado renewal fund. Details on the fund are at http://secrest.osu.edu/.
National Arbor Day, according to the Arbor Day Foundation, is a nationally celebrated observance encouraging tree planting and care. Officially it's the last Friday in April but may be observed on different dates based on tree planting times and other factors.