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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


"4-H iMove… A Health Revolution" on Dayton's WHIO-TV

July 25, 2011

DAYTON, Ohio -- A half-hour program on how 4-H is helping improve the physical, emotional and social health of young people will air on Dayton's CBS affiliate WHIO-TV (Channel 7) on Thursday, July 28, at 7 p.m.

"4-H iMove… A Health Revolution" is the result of a continued partnership between 4-H's parent organization, Ohio State University Extension, the Clark County 4-H program, and the Clark County Fair. It is sponsored by Farm Credit Services, Meijer, Clark State Community College, OSU Extension and the Clark County Fair.

Viewers will learn about 4-H's CARTEENS program, 4-H youth gardening and local foods, camping, intergenerational relationships, and 4-H projects targeted to get youth up and moving.    

"This is the third year we've done a show like this with WHIO, and it's brought a heightened awareness of what 4-H is doing to prepare kids to be successful in life," said Patty House, 4-H educator for OSU Extension. "We have a lot more people in the Miami Valley viewing area saying, 'I didn't know you could do that in 4-H.'"

The program focuses on how 4-H is working to help kids become healthy adults, House said.

"We're focusing on the fourth 'H' in 4-H -- health -- because it was added in 1911 -- 100 years ago this year." The other H's stand for Head (for clearer thinking); Heart (to greater loyalty); and Hands (to larger service).

In 2010, 317,286 children and teens in Ohio ages 5 through 19 were involved in 4-H activities in urban, suburban and rural communities statewide. Whether they participate in clubs, camps, or in-school or after-school programs, 4-H members take part in hands-on, experiential learning that emphasizes "learning by doing." Along the way, they learn leadership, citizenship and life skills that stay with them for a lifetime.

To learn more about the program, see To learn more about Ohio 4-H, see


Martha Filipic
Patty House