ADA, Ohio -- What does it take to produce 300-bushel corn? Cooperative Extension corn specialists throughout the Midwest will offer insight into the production and genetics of creating high corn yields during the Ohio State University Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference.
The conference will be held Feb. 26-27 at the McIntosh Center of Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio. Part of the conference agenda includes a new five-hour in-depth session on corn production. "Corn University" will feature topics on achieving high corn yields, transgenics, continuous corn with no-till and strip-till, and managing risk.
"We'll be looking at some of the tools, cultural practices, and advances in genetics farmers have available to them for clues as to where we will be headed with corn production and where we can achieve high corn yields," said Peter Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension agronomist and one of the program presenters.
Thomison will be joined by Emerson Nafzinger, with the University of Illinois; Greg Roth, with Penn State University; and Chad Lee, with the University of Kentucky.
The agronomists will present the following sessions:
• Top 10 Tips for High Corn Yields, which includes information on fertility, weed control, fungicides, geography, soil types and water availability.
• Managing Continuous Corn with No-Till and Strip-Till, which includes information on silage, continuous corn, rotations, cover crops, manure and fertility.
• What Agronomics Will it Take to Grow 300-Bushel Corn, which includes information on fertility, pests, plant population, row spacing, rotations, soil conditions and planter performance.
• Will Genetics Get Us to 300 Bushels?
• Pulling it All Together, which includes information on yield versus profit and managing risk.
"The purpose of the corn program is to help good corn producers become excellent corn producers," said Randall Reeder, an OSU Extension agricultural engineer.
Corn University will run from 1:15 p.m. until 6:35 p.m. on Feb. 26. Complete conference agenda and registration information can be found at or by calling (419) 422-3851.
Registration is $50 per day or $70 for both days. Participants can also attend a special pre-conference event (Wednesday) on The Science of Cover Crop Benefits for an additional $40.
Conference sponsors include Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA Farm Service Agency, and the Ohio No-Till Council.
Over 100 sessions from nearly 60 presenters (farmers, industry professionals and university specialists) from around the country will focus on cost-saving, production management topics including cover crops, soil fertility, nutrient management, crop management, soil and water, scouting, and precision agriculture.
Crop Certified Advisor credits be will offered during the Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. In 2008, 425 attendees received CCA credits.
Nearly 770 farmers, crop consultants and industry representatives attended the 2008 Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. Farmers valued the education they received at $16 per acre, roughly a $4 million value. Crop consultants place a value on their educational experiences at $15 per acre for the land they influence, a total economic impact of about $250 million.