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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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01/04/2011 OSU Nursery Short Course/CENTS Set for Jan. 23-26 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension educators and horticulture industry organizers are gearing up for the 2011 OSU Nursery Short Course and the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show (CENTS). Denise Johnson
03/15/2012 MacArthur Foundation Awards Ohio State $427,000 Grant to Analyze the Use of Reverse Mortgages and Its Impact on Older Adults COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A research team led by Stephanie Moulton, an assistant professor at the John Glenn School of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University, was awarded one of five competitive grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for research to explore the relationships between housing and social and economic outcomes for families and communities.
01/05/2011 OSU Extension/OSIA to Hold Sheep and Goat Programs This Winter COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association will offer nine district sheep and goat programs throughout Ohio this winter, as well as a Sheep and Goat Production School in Athens. Roger High
03/16/2011 Artisan Cheese Making Workshop in Ashtabula County in April JEFFERSON, Ohio -- Enhance your dairy operation with a farmstead cheese business with the aid of an Ohio State University Extension workshop, "Hands-On Basic Cheese Making -- Enhancing Dairy Profitability with Cheese."  This workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 27-29, 2011, at the Grindstone Creek Lodge at 4-H Camp Whitewood in Windsor, Ohio. David L. Marrison
04/13/2012 Join OSU Extension's 'Live Healthy, Live Well' Email Challenge COLUMBUS, Ohio -- If you want to get fit this spring and are interested in living a healthier lifestyle -- and you have an email address -- Ohio State University Extension has a free educational program just for you. Cindy Shuster
02/23/2012 Free 'Growing Our Own' Gardening Workshops in Columbus COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension and Local Matters are collaborating on a series of free gardening workshops through mid-June.  Mike Hogan
04/06/2011 Grewal Receives University Distinction WOOSTER, Ohio -- Parwinder Grewal, professor of entomology, was honored April 5 with The Ohio S Parwinder Grewal
02/23/2012 Workshops Help Growers Make Products 'MarketReady' PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio food producers looking to sell through different marketing channels are invited to attend one of three MarketReady training programs. The day-long workshop teaches what is required to sell to grocers, restaurants and other wholesale buyers. Julie Moose
04/07/2011 Ag Opportunities Conference April 16 in Marietta; Register by April 13 Farmers will learn to grow new crops, new ideas for the farm Eric Barrett
08/14/2012 Farmer Views on Nutrient Loss, Water Quality to Be Discussed at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio — The majority of farmers in the Maumee watershed that drains into Lake Erie are engaged in best management practices and generally concerned about nutrient loss, said Robyn Wilson, assistant professor of risk analysis and decision science in Ohio State University’s School of Environment and Natural Resources. Robyn Suzanne Wilson
08/24/2011 In the Firewood Business? Join Ohio State Firewood Directory, Connect with Customers COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension is inviting all firewood dealers in the state to submit their contact information for inclusion in a comprehensive industry directory aimed at better connecting potential consumers with producers.
02/23/2012 Economy, Environment, and Shale Energy Webinar To Discuss Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts COLUMBUS -– Ohio State University's Climate Change Outreach Team will present “Balancing the Economic Benefits with the Environmental Impacts of Shale Energy Development” this Wednesday, Feb. 15. Tim Considine of the University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources will discuss the nature of shale energy production and its broader implications for the world energy complex, the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing and directional drilling, and estimates of the economic benefits and environmental costs of shale energy development. Jill Jentes Banicki
12/21/2011 Webinars Focus on Technologies to Help Increase Business STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- A series of webinars on using social media, mobile apps and other technologies to help increase business is being offered by Penn State Extension in collaboration with Ohio State University Extension and University of Minnesota Extension. Julie Fox
02/15/2011 Singh to Present Harris Award Seminar COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A University of California, Davis, professor, known for his research to improve food processing, will accept Ohio State University's 2010 Harris Award for Excellence in Food Science and Technology on Tuesday, Feb. 22. Kelly Elisar
08/02/2011 Ohio State Trials Reveal Consumer Preference of New Ornamental Plants COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A rudbeckia as bright as the desert sun, a gerbera the color of tropical fruit and a begonia with striking reddish undertones are this year's favorite ornamental plants following consumer evaluations undertaken as part of Ohio State University's extensive annuals trials in Columbus.
04/29/2011 OARDC Recognizes Composting, Bioproducts, Bioenergy Leader COLUMBUS, Ohio — OSU scientist Harold Keener, an expert on the engineering of composting systems, biomass energy systems and plant-based bioproducts, yesterday was named winner of OARDC's 2011 Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award.
05/21/2012 OARDC Rose Garden to Hold Open House June 9 WOOSTER, Ohio -- Last year’s mild winter should mean “a grand display of blooms” this spring, said Kelly King, caretaker of Wooster’s Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance, which will hold its free annual open house on June 9. Kelly King
