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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


News Archives

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07/11/2001 Black Raspberries Top Growers List in Survey PIKETON, Ohio - Black raspberry varieties are the number one raspberries being grown in Ohio, according to a pre-season survey by Ohio State University researchers. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
06/10/2004 Ohio Berries Tops, According to Consumer Taste Test COLUMBUS, Ohio — Sweeter, fresher, juicier — so makes the mark of a good strawberry and, according to Ohio consumers, Ohio-grown berries top the competition in fitting the bill. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
07/03/2002 Ohio Raspberries in Short Supply This Season PIKETON, Ohio - Berry lovers who've waited all year for the sweet, juicy goodness of red and black raspberries should head out to their local farmers' markets and pick-your-own operations as early in the season as possible. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
05/04/2011 Volunteers Dig in for Tornado-hit Arboretum WOOSTER, Ohio -- Fifty-some high school and college students recently planted trees in tornado-damaged Secrest Arboretum, part of the Ohio Landscape Association’s PLANET Day of Service. Kurt Knebusch Sandy Munley
08/13/2008 OARDC Scientist Earns International Poultry Group Honor WOOSTER, Ohio — Ohio State scientist Sandra G. Velleman, an international leader in the study of the extracellular matrix in poultry and in muscle development, received the 2008 Embrex Fundamental Science Award from the Poultry Science Association at the group’s annual conference June 20-23 in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Kurt Knebusch Sandy Velleman
08/17/2009 OARDC Poultry Scientist Honored for Research Achievements WOOSTER, Ohio — OARDC scientist Sandra G. Velleman, an international leader in the study of the extracellular matrix in poultry and in muscle development, has received the Poultry Science Association’s 2009 Evonik Degussa Award for Achievement in Poultry Science. Kurt Knebusch Sandy Velleman
11/12/2010 Chow Line: Have the flu? Eating citrus perfectly OK (for 11/21/10) I read on some website that people with the flu should avoid citrus fruits because they could make the illness worse. Is there any truth to that? Martha Filipic Sarah Clark
01/02/2008 Israel Rural Development Expert to Visit Ohio State University COLUMBUS, Ohio -- An Israeli rural development expert will share his views on rural development issues and agricultural training during a visit to Ohio State University Jan. 7-11. Candace Pollock Sarah Horowitz
01/02/2008 Israeli Embassy International Ag Trade Expert to Visit Ohio State University COLUMBUS, Ohio -- An Israeli expert on international agriculture trade and polices will visit Ohio State University on Jan. 8. Candace Pollock Sarah Horowitz
11/13/2007 Israeli Visits Promote Collaboration Between Ohio State University and Middle East Nation COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Two Israeli agricultural experts will be visiting Ohio State University this week as part of the Ohio-Israel Agricultural Initiative, which supports research collaboration and information exchange between The Negev Foundation and Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Candace Pollock Sarah Horowitz
02/09/2011 World Agroforestry head to speak Thursday (2/10) at OSU COLUMBUS, Ohio — Dennis Garrity, director general of the Nairobi, Kenya-based World Agroforestry Centre, will present “Creating an Evergreen Agriculture in the Tropics” at 3:30 p.m. Thursday (2/10) at Ohio State University.  Kurt Knebusch School of Environment and Natural Resources
02/22/2011 Asian Carp Focus of Talk This Thursday (2/24) COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Asian carp, already present in the Mississippi River basin and threatening to invade the Great Lakes, are the subject of the next School of Environment and Natural Resources seminar at OSU. Kurt Knebusch School of Environment and Natural Resources
07/21/2011 Shearer Joins Ohio State as Chair of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University's Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering has a new department chair.    Martha Filipic Scott Shearer
01/19/2012 $320,000 Tractor Donated; Another on the Way Agricultural Systems Management program to benefit. Martha Filipic Scott Shearer, Dewey Mann, Tom Stannard
11/19/2007 Family Fundamentals: Concerned about toy safety? Consider alternatives (for November 2007) I'm starting to shop for children's toys for my nieces and nephews. What should I look for to make sure the items are safe? Martha Filipic Sharon Mader
05/18/2010 Family Fundamentals: Lessen risks by preparing for disaster now (for May 2010) After hearing news reports of tornadoes and flooding in other parts of the country, I started thinking about our important papers, and what we should do to prepare in case something like that happens here. What are the guidelines? Martha Filipic Sharon Seiling
10/13/2005 Family Fundamentals: Bankruptcy Still an Option Even Under New Rules (for October 2005) I was laid off last week and have no prospects yet. I’ve heard the bankruptcy laws have changed. If I can’t get ahead soon, will I still be able to file? Martha Filipic Sharon Seiling
06/21/2006 Family Fundamentals: Keep your finances in mind when vacation planning (for June 2006) We’re planning a summer family vacation, but money is tighter than I anticipated and I don’t want to put too much on credit. Any ideas to save money? Martha Filipic Sharon Seiling
05/23/2002 Study Examines Rural Low-Income Families in Light of Welfare Reform COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As the government debates the details of welfare reform, a national research project sheds light on how rural low-income families fare in the world of work. Martha Filipic Sharon Seiling
05/23/2008 Chow Line: Many options for storing fresh herbs (for 6/1/08) We are growing fresh basil and other herbs. What is the best way to store them for use later? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
02/29/2008 Chow Line: Pay attention when dining out (for 3/9/08) When I go to lunch with co-workers, I push to eat at "healthier" fast food places, but my friends say they're not really any better. Is that true? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
11/22/2005 Chow Line: Use time off to fight 'Freshman 15' (for 12/4/05) I just started college this fall. I'm embarrassed to go home during the holidays because I know I've gained a lot of weight (I don't have a scale but my clothes are a lot tighter). Any advice? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
02/24/2006 Chow Line: Vitamin guidance changes with age (for 3/5/06) What vitamins should an 84-year-old man take? I am in good health and I do take vitamins, but I wonder if I should take more or less. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
08/19/2005 Chow Line: Vitamin K appears vital for bones (for 8/28/05) What does vitamin K do? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
10/10/2003 Chow Line: Watch sugar intake for calories, nutrients (for 10/19/03) I continue to be surprised at the amount of sugar my teenage daughter consumes. How bad is it for her? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
04/01/2005 Chow Line: 'Water weight' easy to lose at first (for 4/10/05) Whenever I make a concerted effort to watch my diet, I lose a lot of weight very quickly -- sometimes 5 to 7 pounds within the first week or two. But after that, it's much harder to lose weight. I've always heard that those first pounds are "water." Is that true? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
02/06/2003 Chow Line: Waxy or mealy? Choose spuds wisely (for 2/16/03) At a holiday dinner, my daughter used russets to make mashed potatoes. I always thought russets were for baking. Am I wrong? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
09/05/2002 Chow Line: Weigh all factors to determine fat (for 9/15/02) I've heard that fried chicken has only slightly more fat than roasted chicken. Can that be true? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
05/26/2004 Chow Line: Weigh fish advisories against fish benefits (for 6/6/04) We usually eat a lot of fish in summer. Some of it we catch ourselves. Should we cut back? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
09/01/2005 Make Food Plan Now for Emergencies COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With clear weather in the forecast, flood warnings from earlier this week might seem like a distant memory. But Ohio State University Extension nutritionist Sharron Coplin said that this is the perfect time to do some menu planning and pantry inventory for emergencies. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
