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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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02/20/2003 Be Prepared For High Slug Populations This Season WOOSTER, Ohio — Ohio no-till growers may be wrestling with high slug populations again this growing season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
12/01/2009 Business as Usual With the Soybean Aphid? Not This Year WOOSTER, Ohio – Just when entomologists think they have the soybean aphid figured out, the minute sapsucker throws a monkey in the wrench. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
06/17/2009 Soybean Aphids Arrive in Ohio, and in Big Numbers WOOSTER, Ohio -- The soybean aphid has arrived in Ohio. Ohio State University Extension entomologists have found the sapsucker on early planted soybeans, and in some fields at numbers higher than expected. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
07/21/2004 Soybean Aphid No-Show? WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid, an insect pest whose quirky behavior has made it more famous than the actual damage it causes, is doing something this season that Midwest entomologists may have successfully predicted: absolutely nothing. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
10/19/2007 Corn Rootworm Populations Spreading WOOSTER, Ohio -- Populations of Western corn rootworm and its variant counterpart continue to increase in fields throughout western and northwestern Ohio, and are even beginning to spread east, according to Ohio State University Extension sampling. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
10/10/2006 Expect High Soybean Aphid Populations Next Year WOOSTER, Ohio -- The soybean aphid may be back in full force throughout Ohio soybean fields in 2007. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
09/04/2012 Growing Numbers of Insects in Ohio Could Cause a Stink for Soybean Growers WOOSTER, Ohio – Soybean-damaging bugs known for their “sweaty feet” smell when squashed or irritated have made their way into Ohio soybean fields in numbers not previously experienced in the Buckeye State, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said.  Tracy Turner Ron Hammond
08/30/2005 Soybean Defoliators Make Way for Pod Feeders WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid may be on the downturn from high summer populations, but its diminishment doesn't necessarily mean an end to scouting fields. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
05/29/2008 Weather Slowing Corn, Increasing Chances for Pest Problems WOOSTER, Ohio -- Planting delays and cool weather have slowed corn development, paving the way for a potential issue with slugs in no-till fields. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
02/27/2004 Getting an Early Jump on the Soybean Aphid WOOSTER, Ohio — Crop growers may still be waiting for their fields to thaw, but Ohio State University research entomologists are already putting the bug in their ear regarding the soybean aphid — the soybean plant’s new and most mysterious pest. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
03/16/2004 Early Sampling Key to Better Slug Management WOOSTER, Ohio — As the saying goes, “To defeat the enemy, one must know the enemy.” For Ohio no-till growers, the first step towards slug control is knowing what they may be up against during the growing season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
06/18/2012 Early Appearance of Twospotted Spider Mites Could Damage Ohio Soybean Crops WOOSTER, Ohio – The early and prolonged period of dry, hot days Ohio has experienced so far this spring is causing an early appearance of the twospotted spider mite, a dangerous pest that can cause severe damage to soybean crops, including the death of the entire plant, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said.  Tracy Turner Ron Hammond
04/08/2009 High Soybean Aphid Populations Predicted in Ohio WOOSTER, Ohio -- High soybean aphid populations are predicted for this growing season in Ohio, continuing the trend of low populations one year and high populations the next, according to Ohio State University Extension entomologists. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
11/23/2010 Put Soybean Aphid Scouting on 2011 To-Do List WOOSTER, Ohio – Results of fall scouting of soybean aphid indicate that soybean growers may face some level of soybean aphid populations next summer. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
11/04/2011 Unusual Growing Season Could Lead to Unusual Aphid Cycle WOOSTER, Ohio – While farmers across the Eastern Corn Belt persist in harvesting a late soybean crop, Ohio State University Extension experts are working to determine how the soybean aphid might affect the 2012 crop. Andy Vance Ron Hammond
07/12/2007 Assess Corn for Rootworm Injury WOOSTER, Ohio -- Like other insects and plant pests, Western corn rootworm is making an early appearance in Ohio due to hot, dry conditions -- prompting field scouting for feeding injury. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
07/17/2001 New Insect Attacking Soybean Fields WOOSTER, Ohio - A new insect that attacks soybean plants is keeping both researchers and growers throughout the Midwest on guard this season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
05/19/2010 Cereal Leaf Beetle Outbreak on Ohio Wheat WOOSTER, Ohio – Economic populations of cereal leaf beetle are being found on Ohio wheat. This could be the year the pest, making a comeback in Ohio, causes widespread problems, says Ohio State University Extension entomologist Ron Hammond. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
05/31/2012 Asiatic Garden Beetle Causing Damage to Ohio Corn WOOSTER, Ohio – A relatively new pest to Ohio field crops is causing concern for some northern Ohio farmers, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said.  Tracy Turner Ron Hammond
06/04/2008 Cereal Leaf Beetle is Back in Ohio WOOSTER, Ohio -- The cereal leaf beetle, a wheat pest of bygone days, is becoming more numerous again in Ohio, and some cereal grain growers are seeing feeding damage to their crop this season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
07/05/2005 Soybean Aphid Populations on the Rise WOOSTER, Ohio — Soybean aphid populations are on the rise in Ohio, just as entomologists and other industry specialists have predicted. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
01/29/2007 Prepare for Slugs/Aphids; Learn How at Conservation Tillage Event ADA, Ohio -- Growers participating in Ohio State University Extension's Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference will get the latest information on two recurring field crop pests: slugs and soybean aphids. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
10/13/2006 Ohio Farmers Making the Switch to Transgenic Corn WOOSTER, Ohio -- The use of transgenic corn hybrids could increase significantly in Ohio next year, due to rising corn rootworm problems and lower product costs compared to traditional hybrid packages. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond, Peter Thomison
03/17/2008 Southern Ohio Corn May be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt WOOSTER, Ohio -- Southern Ohio's corn crop may face a high risk of Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight this growing season. The disease is caused by a bacterium carried and spread by adult flea beetles. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond, Pierce Paul
11/18/2008 Plant Resistance to Soybean Aphid Found in Ohio WOOSTER, Ohio -- A soybean plant introduction (PI) has been found to show resistance to soybean aphid in Ohio, paving the way to control the insect through new resistant cultivars. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond, Rouf Mian
11/07/2012 Renovations at Ohio State Wetland Aim to Ramp Up Its Programs and Impact COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State’s renowned Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, which opened its doors 20 years ago, is now in the process of opening them wider. Kurt Knebusch Ron Hendrick, Lynn McCready
02/12/2002 New Agricultural Organization Strives to Improve Working Relationships FINDLAY, Ohio - Agricultural employers seeking to improve their human resource management skills have assistance from a new organization. Candace Pollock Ron Overmyer
02/14/2012 Kensinger Joins Ohio State as Chair of Animal Sciences COLUMBUS, Ohio – As part of his new role as chair of Ohio State University’s Department of Animal Sciences, Ronald S. Kensinger plans to create new partnerships, boost the department’s fundraising efforts and increase the amount of access to hands-on research opportunities for students.  Tracy Turner Ronald S. Kensinger
04/09/2008 Tips to Put Damaged Pastures Back into Production ATHENS, Ohio -- Like many Ohio farmers, livestock producers looking to re-seed or renovate their pasture paddocks after last year's drought are facing high input and seed costs. Ohio State University Extension educator Rory Lewandowski offers a variety of management strategies to help producers ease back into productive forages this spring. Candace Pollock Rory Lewandowski
01/19/2012 Proper Nutrition Vital for Livestock in Late Gestation WOOSTER, Ohio -- As livestock managers anticipate the beginning of the spring calving season, it's vital that they make sure their cows and heifers are getting the proper nutrition.  Martha Filipic Rory Lewandowski
