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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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05/09/2008 Successful Indoor Spawning May Lead to Ohio Baitfish Industry PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio fishing enthusiasts, who bait their lines with imported shiners, may soon be catching that Lake Erie smallmouth bass, walleye or crappie with a native baitfish, spawned and raised for the first time in an indoor environment. Candace Pollock Geoff Wallat
10/30/2001 Herbicide Varieties Effectively Control Winter Annual Weeds COLUMBUS, Ohio - The struggle to effectively manage winter annual weeds may get easier for corn and soybean farmers. Candace Pollock Mark Loux
06/13/2007 Test Fish Farms to Control Deadly Virus PIKETON, Ohio -- A newly emerging fish virus spreading among wild species is causing concerns in Ohio's farmed aquaculture industry. But testing fish farms for the disease can help contain it. Candace Pollock Geoff Wallat
06/04/2009 Plant-Associated Bacteria Can Improve Crop Health in Acidic Soils WOOSTER, Ohio -- Common plant-associated bacteria, best known to suppress soil-borne root diseases, now have been found to boost corn yields in low-pH soils. The discovery made by Ohio State University plant pathologists is the first-known documentation of a root-colonizing bacterium improving plant health in acidic soil conditions. Candace Pollock Brian McSpadden Gardener
07/26/2002 Media Advisory: Ohio State Cancer Researcher to Speak at Berry Tour URBANA, Ohio - An Ohio State University cancer researcher, who is receiving national attention for his work on cancer prevention through berry consumption, will be on hand at an Ohio State-sponsored berry tour to discuss his research and the important role agricultural production plays in human health. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
02/08/2005 Soybean Rust Next to Impossible to Predict WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now confirmed in eight southern states, the question on most minds is will the disease strike Ohio, and if so, when? Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
04/26/2010 Avoiding Fatigue Can Prevent Injuries on the Farm COLUMBUS, Ohio – There are a number of factors that determine the length of farm workday -- weather, soil conditions, livestock, equipment – and the farmer may be working against any or all of them when timely planting is on the line. So it's not surprising that farmers will brush fatigue aside to get the job done. Candace Pollock Kent McGuire
01/31/2006 Size Matters with Slug Feeding WOOSTER, Ohio -- The first signs of slug activity and feeding in crop fields is correlated with the size of the juveniles, according to Ohio State University entomology research. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
03/04/2008 Academic Program Strengthens Ties with African Agriculture COLUMBUS, Ohio -- East African universities are looking to Ohio State University to strengthen their colleges of agriculture to help improve agricultural productivity, food security and the economy throughout the region. Candace Pollock Mark Erbaugh
08/29/2001 Farm Equipment Lighting Law to be Discussed at OSU Field Day THORNVILLE, Ohio - New farm equipment lighting requirements will take effect in Ohio Oct. 1. Candace Pollock Jeff McCutcheon
03/19/2007 Some Ohio Cornfields May Be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt WOOSTER, Ohio -- Cornfields throughout southern Ohio might be at risk this growing season for Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight -- a corn disease caused by a bacterium carried and spread by adult flea beetles. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
03/31/2009 Market Expectations Overshoot Projected Crop Plantings COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Corn acreage in the United States is down and soybean acreage is up for 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Prospective Plantings Report. But the shift is not as great as the markets expected. Candace Pollock Matt Roberts
10/22/2002 Fall Sampling Helps Assess Spring Slug Populations WOOSTER, Ohio - For no-till growers with a history of slug problems, fall is the time to sample fields to help determine spring populations. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
02/05/2010 Alternative Method to Protect Rootstock Available to Grape Growers WOOSTER, Ohio – An alternative method for protecting rootstock while controlling weeds and promoting environmental sustainability may be available to grape producers, specifically those who grow the crop in cold climates. Candace Pollock Doug Doohan
11/04/2005 Ways to Cut Winter Heating Costs Plentiful COLUMBUS, Ohio —With mountains of debt already weighing heavy on the wallet, potentially high heating bills this winter could put an even tighter chokehold on a consumer's strapped budget. Candace Pollock Susan Shockey
12/19/2007 Several Nursery Short Course Sessions Offered in Spanish COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension will be offering numerous green industry sessions in Spanish during the 79th OSU Extension Nursery Short Course to cater to businesses with an Hispanic labor force. Candace Pollock Cheryl Cuthbert
06/06/2001 New Nutrition, Food Safety Institute to be Developed at OSU COLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio State University researchers are joining forces to create a one-of-a-kind research institute addressing nutrition and food safety from the farm to the plate. Candace Pollock Ahmed Yousef, Tammy Bray
11/12/2004 Don't Panic. Soybean Rust is Manageable WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now officially confirmed in the United States, the more educated Ohio growers are about the fungus, the better prepared they will be to manage it if it is ever diagnosed closer to home. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
05/09/2002 The Chances for Timely Planting Diminish COLUMBUS, Ohio - With soggy fields from persistent wet weather plaguing Ohio corn and soybean growers and more rain forecasted, timely planting appears to be getting further out of reach. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
11/27/2006 To Escape a Wet Harvest Plant Early Season Soybeans COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Planting early maturing soybean varieties may help guard against a late, wet harvest that Ohio growers have experienced this season. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
01/15/2009 Putnam County Extension Educator Honored for His Work COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The unique connection that a county Extension educator has with the farm family is the backbone of any state Extension organization and the driving concept behind the Ohio State University Extension Steve D. Ruhl Agriculture and Natural Resources County Extension Award. Candace Pollock Don Breece, Glen Arnold
08/30/2004 International Relations Bringing Agribusiness Skills to Africa PIKETON, Ohio — Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon, in conjunction with Ohio State's International Programs in Agriculture, is teaming up with a university in east Africa to bring agribusiness skills to its country's residents. Candace Pollock Tom Worley, Mark Erbaugh
10/30/2009 Long, Painful Recovery for U.S. Dairy Farmers COLUMBUS, Ohio – The U.S. dairy industry needs to shed an additional 200,000 head of cattle to return to what an Ohio State University Extension dairy economist refers to as a "state of normalcy" where production is more in balance with domestic demand. Candace Pollock Cameron Thraen
08/08/2005 School of Natural Resources Joins University Scholars Program COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University's School of Natural Resources will be launching — through a university-wide program — an opportunity to enhance academic, co-curricular and residential experiences for undergraduate students. Candace Pollock Linda Harlow, Susan Burks
08/17/2010 Energy Efficiency a Focus of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives Efforts at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio – The Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives (OREC), long-time sponsors of the Farm Science Review, are bringing the Touchstone Energy hot air balloon back to the Review this year. The 18-story balloon will make morning and evening flights (weather permitting) over the grounds each day of the event. Candace Pollock Keith Crabtree
10/17/2007 Are Deer Eating Your Profits? Reduce the Losses with OSU Extension Workshop PIKETON, Ohio -- Deer may be quiet, elusive creatures, but the pronounced damage they leave behind eats away millions of dollars a year in profits. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
07/22/2008 Learn More about Managing Livestock Facilities at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- Ohio pork producers attending Ohio State University's Farm Science Review can learn more about managing the environment in their livestock facilities, while improving production efficiency and saving money. Candace Pollock Glen Arnold
01/23/2002 SARE Grant Applications Available Beginning in February COLUMBUS, Ohio - Farmers seeking to produce new crops, market agricultural projects or develop environmentally friendly, viable production systems are invited to apply for a grant that will afford them the opportunity to tackle such endeavors. Candace Pollock Mike Hogan
10/26/2010 OSU Soil Scientist Gets Glimpse of Soviet Ag System; Receives Honorary Degree COLUMBUS, Ohio – It's not everyday one gets the chance to view agricultural life of a former Soviet nation. Candace Pollock Rattan Lal
08/25/2006 Ohio's Corn Heading for Record-Breaking Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio -- If the state of Ohio's corn crop stays on track with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's predictions, then farmers could be looking at a record yield. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
