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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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04/03/2012 Day Camps to Teach Farm Safety Techniques for Kids COLUMBUS, Ohio – A series of day camps will be offered across Ohio to teach school-age children awareness of farm hazards and how to stay safe on the farm. The camps, which are sponsored by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, are designed to offer real-world experience to show youth the importance of farm safety. Tracy Turner Kathy Mann
04/13/2012 Can 'Naked Oats' Cut Organic Chicken Production Costs? WOOSTER, Ohio -- Scientists with Ohio State have received a four-year, $896,000 USDA grant to study the feasibility of incorporating so-called "naked oats" into organic farming rotations as a way to cut the cost of producing organic chicken. Kurt Knebusch Mike Lilburn
04/13/2012 She Leads Ohio's Master Gardeners: 'I Love Their Enthusiasm and Dedication' COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Pam Bennett loves her job. As coordinator of OSU Extension's Master Gardener Volunteer Program, she works with what's she keen on -- people and plants. She loves, she says, to see them both grow. Kurt Knebusch Pam Bennett
04/13/2012 Join OSU Extension's 'Live Healthy, Live Well' Email Challenge COLUMBUS, Ohio -- If you want to get fit this spring and are interested in living a healthier lifestyle -- and you have an email address -- Ohio State University Extension has a free educational program just for you. Cindy Shuster
04/13/2012 Ohio State experts work with state agriculture professionals to devise water quality recommendations COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio crop growers can find ways to continue to help reduce excess agricultural nutrients from affecting or entering the western basin of Lake Erie using best management practices recommended by Ohio State University Extension experts. Tracy Turner Greg LaBarge
04/13/2012 High Beef Prices Have Producers Enthusiastic, But Rising Production Costs and Consumer Confidence Are Concerns PIKETON, Ohio – Interest in beef production is high right now in part because of record high prices farmers have been fetching recently, but some producers still have concerns about rising feed and gas prices, which could hit consumers’ wallets and make them less likely to buy pricey cuts, an Ohio State University Extension expert said. Tracy Turner John Grimes
04/13/2012 Near-record Warm Winter Increases Insect and Pest Threat for Crop Growers This Spring WOOSTER, Ohio – Crop growers should take extra precaution to scout their fields this spring for black cutworm, slugs, bean leaf beetles, rootworms and other invasive insects as the near-record warm winter Ohio has experienced this year is expected to cause a significant increase in the potential for crop-damaging pests, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said. Tracy Turner Ron Hammond
04/13/2012 Micki Zartman Scarlet and Gray Ag Day to Recognize, Inspire Superheroes in Our Fields COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The 2012 Micki Zartman Scarlet and Gray Ag Day, Superheroes in Our Fields, will showcase the impact that agricultural professionals have on the world.    Stephanie Verhoff
04/13/2012 BYGL: A Gardener's Best Friend It's April, and that means the Buckeye Yard and Garden Line is back. Martha Filipic Curtis Young
04/13/2012 Chow Line: Folic acid supplements still key (4/13/12) Since so many foods are fortified with folic acid, are supplements still necessary for women who are trying to get pregnant? Martha Filipic Dan Remley
04/16/2012 Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Speak on Bees and Pesticides WOOSTER, Ohio -- Two Ohio State University experts are available to speak to reporters about honey bees, native pollinators and the potential effects of pesticides on them. Kurt Knebusch Reed Johnson, Denise Ellsworth
04/16/2012 Mind the GAPs: Learn Fruit, Vegetable Safety Practices in Mt. Vernon April 17 MT. VERNON, Ohio -- Ohio State's Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team will hold a program on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms on April 17 at the Knox County office of OSU Extension,  Ashley Kulhanek
04/16/2012 Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of April 5 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as of April 5: Kaitlyn Riemenschneider
04/16/2012 OARDC Crabapple Trees Blooming Early: Should Be at Their Peak This Weekend WOOSTER, Ohio -- The crabapple blossoms at OARDC in Wooster should be at their peak bloom this weekend, April 6-8, nearly two weeks sooner than their earliest peak on record. Kurt Knebusch Ken Cochran
04/17/2012 OSU Expert: Fruit and Vegetable Growers Have Options to Protect Crops From Frost and Freeze PIKETON, Ohio – An extended period of unseasonably warm weather in March that led to vegetation across Ohio reaching growing stages more than a month earlier than normal has left many fruit and vegetable growers statewide considering contingency plans to protect their crops in the event of a frost or freeze, an Ohio State University Extension expert said. Tracy Turne Brad Bergefurd
04/17/2012 MarketReady Workshop Teaches Producers How To Sell Through Different Marketing Channels CANFIELD, Ohio – Ohio food producers looking to sell through different marketing channels are invited to attend a MarketReady training program on April 24 at the Mill Creek MetroParks Farm, 7574 Columbiana-Canfield Road, Canfield. The daylong workshop teaches what is required to sell to grocers, restaurants and other wholesale buyers, as well as to consumers.   Julie Moose Julie Moose
04/17/2012 Ohio State University experts research new, innovative, sustainable ways to manage pests WOOSTER, Ohio -- Scientists at Ohio State University are in the midst of a multi-year research project looking to find ways to help growers, producers, consumers, and just about any Ohioan who has a problem with pests, find sustainable and ecological ways to manage them. Tracy Turner Joe Kovach
04/17/2012 FDA’s Call to Lessen Use of Antibiotics in Livestock Could Increase Consumer Confidence but Could Also Hurt Producers PIKETON, Ohio – The new rules proposed last week by the Food and Drug Administration to limit the use of antibiotics in livestock to reduce the risk of meat contaminated with drug-resistant bacteria will likely increase consumer confidence in the foods they eat, but will also likely cause additional strain to producers in the form of more work and potentially lower profits, an Ohio State University Extension expert said. Tracy Turner John Grimes
04/18/2012 Ohio State Expert: Tips Growers Can Use to Get Corn Crop off to a Good Start This Year COLUMBUS, Ohio – Corn growers looking to ensure a healthy crop with strong yields this year need to plan ahead including knowing when to plant, when and if to till and how to make the right seed depth adjustments based on soil conditions, says an Ohio State University Extension expert. Tracy Turner Peter Thomison
04/18/2012 2012 Ohio Field Crop Enterprise Budgets Can Help Farmers Streamline Farming Decisions COLUMBUS, Ohio – Plant crops or raise livestock? If planting, should you go with corn, soybeans, wheat or maybe hay? Tracy Turner Barry Ward, Dianne Shoemaker
04/18/2012 Seminar (Friday, April 20) to Discuss Environmental Regulations and Agriculture COLUMBUS, Ohio -- New Zealand's regulations on the environmental impacts of agriculture, including a unique “nutrient trading” program between sources of nonpoint pollution -- essentially, between farmers within a watershed -- is the topic of free presentation this Friday, April 20. Jill Jentes Banicki Brent Sohngen
04/19/2012 Family Fundamentals: It may be hard to tell if child is being bullied (April 2012) How can you tell if your child is being bullied at school? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
04/19/2012 Ohio 4-H Alumnus to Lead World Bank in Afghanistan, Bhutan WASHINGTON -- With a start in 4-H, you never know where you might go. Ohio 4-H alumnus Bob Saum reflected on that as he gets organized to head to Kabul on May 1, when he becomes the country director of the World Bank for Afghanistan and Bhutan. Martha Filipic Bob Saum
04/19/2012 Chow Line: Encourage, support overweight child (4/6/12) My son is much too heavy for his age (he's 13) and my mother is hinting we should try putting him on a low-carb diet. I'm not sure that's a good idea, but I do think we need to do something. Any ideas? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
04/20/2012 Scarlet and Gray Ag Day Partners with Mid-Ohio Foodbank to Inspire Hunger Heroes COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Micki Zartman Scarlet and Gray Ag Day, an educational awareness day for central Ohio elementary students hosted by Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, is teaming up with the Mid-Ohio Foodbank to help hungry families and inspire future hunger heroes. During the April 27 event, nearly 650 visiting fourth- and fifth-grade students will be packaging food to make “Kid-Packs,” which will be donated to Mid-Ohio Foodbank for distribution. Caroline Weihl
04/23/2012 Wheat Growers Need to Prepare For Foliar Fungicide Application As Wheat Growth in Ohio Is Ahead Two Weeks WOOSTER, Ohio – While cool weather conditions over the last few weeks have worked to slow wheat down considerably, the development of the crop is still at least a week or two ahead of what is considered to be normal in Ohio at this time of year, according to an Ohio State University Extension wheat researcher. Pierce Paul
04/24/2012 May 5 Plant Sale to Benefit Secrest Arboretum WOOSTER, Ohio -- Secrest Arboretum’s 19th annual Plant Discovery Day, featuring sales and auctions of plants and art, is May 5 at OARDC. Kurt Knebusch Ken Cochran
04/24/2012 Have Questions? Ask an Extension Expert with New Online Tool COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohioans who have questions -- on everything from personal finance to agricultural enterprise budgets, from gardening to crop production, from nutrition to producing fruits and vegetables safely -- have a new way to find answers.
04/24/2012 EcoErek to the Rescue: Denim Collection at the 2012 Scarlet and Gray Ag Day COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As part of his recycling initiative, 11-year-old "Eco" Erek Hansen will be collecting used denim at the 2012 Micki Zartman Scarlet and Gray Ag Day on Friday, April 27, on Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences campus. Stephanie Verhoff
04/24/2012 USDA Confirms Case of Mad Cow Disease in California: OSU Experts Available to Discuss WOOSTER, Ohio – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today said a dairy cow at a rendering facility in central California was found to be infected with mad cow disease.  Tracy Turner Jeffrey T. LeJeune, Mo Saif
