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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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09/02/2009 Growing Produce Using Hydroponics Showcased at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio – Ohio lettuce growers looking for new, innovative ways of growing produce year-round have hydroponics as a viable alternative. The technology will be demonstrated during Farm Science Review, Sept. 22-24 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. Candace Pollock Robert Hansen
01/21/2010 Receive Certified Livestock Manager Training at CTC ADA, Ohio – Livestock producers interested in obtaining a manure management license or who want to learn more about best manure management practices have the opportunity to gain the training they need at Ohio State University's Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. Candace Pollock Amanda Meddles
03/04/2008 Academic Program Strengthens Ties with African Agriculture COLUMBUS, Ohio -- East African universities are looking to Ohio State University to strengthen their colleges of agriculture to help improve agricultural productivity, food security and the economy throughout the region. Candace Pollock Mark Erbaugh
09/17/2010 Piketon Endeavor Center Celebrates Successes of First Five Years PIKETON, Ohio – A facility on the campus of Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon, designed to serve new and existing businesses throughout Appalachian Ohio and boost the region's economy through job training and development, celebrated its five-year anniversary on Thursday, Sept. 16. Candace Pollock Jerry Driggs
05/09/2002 Keep in Mind Insect Pests When Planting Soybeans WOOSTER, Ohio - Soybean growers may be looking to get their crop in the ground, but they especially need to keep in mind two insect pests this growing season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
02/27/2002 Keep Stand Quality in Mind When Preparing for Planting Season COLUMBUS, Ohio - As corn growers ready for this year's growing season, establishing quality stands will no doubt be a key focus of their preparations. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
06/07/2006 Ohio State, Iceland Team Up on Environmental Issues COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Iceland, a country treasured for its geological beauty, strong ties to ancient Vikings, and sophisticated cultural cities, suffers from a serious environmental problem that Ohio State University researchers, in collaboration with Icelandic institutions, are striving to address. Candace Pollock Dave Hansen, Rattan Lal
06/11/2004 Diseases Pressuring Soybeans COLUMBUS, Ohio — Some soybean plants in Ohio are succumbing to disease pressures from excessive moisture, but over 65 percent of the crop remains in good to excellent condition, according to the Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
05/27/2004 Rains May Hold Up Corn Crop COLUMBUS, Ohio — Despite recent scattered thunderstorms with heavy downpours and hail, nearly three-quarters of the state’s corn crop remains in good-to-excellent condition, according to the Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service. But it’s the saturated soils and ponding of some fields that raise questions as to what condition the crop is headed. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
06/26/2007 Stressed Crops Tapping Hidden Soil Moisture, But Rain Still Needed COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Despite some recent showers, drought-like conditions continue across Ohio and field crops are beginning to exhibit signs of stress. At the moment, however, enough soil moisture is still available for the crops to get by. Candace Pollock Harold Watters, Peter Thomison
06/23/2005 Soybean Varieties Targeted for Soybean Rust Resistance WOOSTER, Ohio — Over 500 soybean lines planted in nearly 4,000 plots will be evaluated in Ohio this season for potential resistance to soybean rust. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance, Steve St. Martin
08/29/2008 Low-Energy Grain Drying System to be Demonstrated at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- A decades-old grain-drying technique is getting a renewed push in the face of today's higher energy costs. Candace Pollock Robert Hansen
07/09/2009 OSU Extension Workshop Demonstrates Drip Irrigation Management PIKETON, Ohio – Specialty fruit and vegetable crop producers looking to gain a better understanding of how drip irrigation can boost on-farm profits have the opportunity to attend an Ohio State University Extension drip irrigation workshop on July 23. Candace Pollock Julie Strawser
10/01/2009 Freshwater Prawn Finding Niche in Ohio Aquaculture PIKETON, Ohio – On a recent cloudy morning at Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon, a large group of visitors watched curiously as researchers and volunteers netted an aquaculture species many would consider out of place in Ohio: the freshwater prawn. Candace Pollock Laura Tiu
12/11/2007 Pre-Show Workshops Part of Nursery Short Course/CENTS Agenda COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ornamental weed control, insect and mite pest diagnostics and new production technologies are just some of the topics being covered in pre-show workshops at the 79th Ohio State University Nursery Short Course and Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show (CENTS). Candace Pollock Cheryl Cuthbert
08/02/2010 View Wildlife and Increase Species Diversity on Your Property. Learn How at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio – Wildlife viewing around the homestead is becoming a popular hobby and visitors to Ohio State University's Farm Science Review can learn how to attract and monitor various species on their property. Candace Pollock Marne Titchenell
12/10/2001 Soybeans Shine Amid A Questionable Season COLUMBUS, Ohio - Despite variable growing conditions across the state, this season's soybean crop produced better-than-expected yields. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
04/18/2007 Cold Snap May Slow Crop Pests, But Scouting Still Essential WOOSTER, Ohio -- Farmers shouldn't count on the recent spring cold snap to stop the development of field crop insects, only to slightly slow them down. Several of these pests could potentially pose problems this growing season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
07/10/2002 A Clean Greenhouse Means Healthier Plants COLUMBUS, Ohio - The cleaner the greenhouse, the fewer the problems with insects and plant diseases. Candace Pollock Steve Nameth
03/22/2005 Hort Program Helps Boost Awarness of Plants COLUMBUS, Ohio — A horticulture program, first developed to simply spark interest in perennials, has now become a highly recognized resource for touting plant species in the green industry. Candace Pollock Steven Still
03/21/2006 Workshop Targets Perch Production and Management PIKETON, Ohio -- When it comes to food fish production in Ohio, yellow perch is the bread and butter of the state's aquaculture industry. To help aquaculturists remain competitive in management and marketing, Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon will hold a one-day Perch School training course on April 8. Candace Pollock Geoff Wallatt
04/23/2009 Tap into the Local Foods Movement with a Farmers' Market PIKETON, Ohio -- With the current economy driving increased interest in local foods, more communities are looking to either start a farmers' market or expand an existing one as a way of fulfilling consumer demands. Candace Pollock Christie Welch
10/16/2007 Wheat/Soybean Futures Prices Soar to Stimulate More Acres COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Historically high futures prices are enticing crop producers to plant more wheat and soybeans next season in order to boost the current shortage of both commodities. Candace Pollock Matt Roberts
05/26/2010 Technology Offers Green Method to Tackle Top Disease of Cereal Crops COLUMBUS, Ohio – Technology developed by researchers at The Ohio State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) that will help manage the spread of one of the worst diseases affecting crops such as wheat and barley, has been licensed to Sci Protek, Inc., based in Vista, Calif. Candace Pollock Mike Boehm
07/17/2008 Millin', Chillin', and Grillin' Returns to Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- Music, food, and a little rest and relaxation will be the order of each day at Utzinger during at Ohio State University's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Pam Bennett
08/29/2001 Seed Vigor Assessment Quicker, More Accurate with New System COLUMBUS, Ohio - A new system that assesses seed vigor may improve the way seed companies evaluate overall seed quality and growth performance. Candace Pollock Mark Bennett, Miller McDonald
12/11/2006 Secrets of Success Offered in Direct Marketing Workshops COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Successful businesses don't rely on customers. Such is the notion consultant John Stanley of John Stanley Associates is presenting during a one-day workshop at the Ohio Direct Agricultural Marketing Association Conference, being held in conjunction with the Ohio Fruit and Vegetable Growers Congress. Candace Pollock Julie Fox
09/11/2002 Corn Diseases Not Helping Drought-Stressed Plants WOOSTER, Ohio - The presence of corn leaf diseases throughout Ohio is adding additional stresses to drought-stressed plants and may predispose the crop to stalk quality problems. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps
12/09/2005 New Youth Beef Cattle Show Targets Market Performance COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio youth enrolled in 4-H or FFA market beef projects will have the opportunity to participate in a program rewarding cattle for traits which determine their value beyond the feedlot and into the marketplace. Candace Pollock Amy Radunz
02/24/2009 Crop Production Information Means Big Savings for Ohio Farmers COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio farmers and agribusiness who turn to Ohio State University Extension's Crop Observation and Recommendation Network newsletter have used the information to boost their profits -- to the tune of nearly $10 million, according to a recent OSU Extension survey. Candace Pollock Steve Prochaska
