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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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04/16/2010 Pedal Power! Try Bike-based E-charger at Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair WOOSTER, Ohio — Try a pedal-powered battery charger — built from mostly easy-to-get parts for less than $200, not counting the bike and bike stand — at Ohio State's Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair. Kurt Knebusch Barry Romich, Jackie Buckwalter
10/21/2002 Woolly Bear Winter Prediction Not Science, But Fun COLUMBUS, Ohio - The exit of summer always ushers in Fall familiarities - apple cider, pumpkins, changing landscapes and the site of nature's most recognizable caterpillar: the woolly bear. Candace Pollock Barbara Bloetscher
10/21/2002 Woolly Bear Winter Prediction Not Science, But Fun COLUMBUS, Ohio - The exit of summer always ushers in Fall familiarities - apple cider, pumpkins, changing landscapes and the site of nature's most recognizable caterpillar: the woolly bear. Candace Pollock Barbara Bloetscher
08/14/2007 Get Insects and Plant Diseases Analyzed at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- Got an insect or a disease plaguing your landscape plants or garden crops and don't know what it is? Bring a sample to Farm Science Review to be analyzed by Ohio State University specialists of the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher, Ron Hammond
08/16/2006 Get Insect and Disease Diagnoses at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- Got an insect or a disease plaguing your landscape plants or garden crops and don't know what it is? Bring a sample to Farm Science Review to be analyzed by Ohio State University specialists of the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic (CWEPPDC). Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher, Nathan Watermeier
01/23/2008 Getting the Edge Over Insects and Diseases with Training Program ADA, Ohio -- A plant pathology and entomology training program is giving farmers, crop consultants and others in the agriculture industry a more refined eye in recognizing diseases and pests. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher, Nancy Taylor
06/24/2009 New Network to Protect Crops, Forests, Food Supply REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio -- A new partnership announced June 24 between Ohio State University and the Ohio Department of Agriculture will enhance the protection of Ohio's crops, forests and food supply. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher, Joanne Kick-Raack, Mike Boehm, Nancy Taylor
08/07/2001 Ohio Experiencing Population Explosion of Red Admiral Butterflies COLUMBUS, Ohio - State lepidopterists are seeing a population explosion of red admirals, the first time in 15 years the butterflies have been so widespread. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
08/06/2008 Pests of the Rare and the Familiar at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- Pests of both the rare and the familiar will be part of the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic activities during Ohio State University's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
04/27/2010 OSU Extension Helping Ohio Schools Better Manage Pests COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension is helping Ohio school systems better manage pest problems while meeting requirements to become Integrated Pest Management (IPM) "Star Certified." Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
06/27/2001 Learn Your Bugs: Beneficial Insects Can Help Control Garden Pests COLUMBUS, Ohio - Garden lovers looking for a more natural way to control ornamental pests other than using insecticides may have to look no farther than their own backyard. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
07/31/2008 Farm Science Review: Sharing the Garden with Bees and Their Imitators LONDON, Ohio -- The bee is revered and feared in the gardening world. Nature's pollinator can help create beauty, but dampen the spirits of those enjoying flowers who misinterpret its intended visit. But not all bees are out to sting, and sometimes insects visiting a garden are not bees at all. Barbara Bloetscher, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist, will share the love of bees and their harmless imitators at this year's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
05/28/2008 Southern Ohio to See 17-Year Periodical Cicadas COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Neighborhoods, parks, wooded areas and forests throughout southern Ohio will soon be filled with the cacophony of thousands of periodical cicadas, emerging from underground after 17 years of development. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
06/22/2012 Professor to be Named as Fellow of Institute of Food Technologists COLUMBUS, Ohio -- V.M. (Bala) Balasubramaniam, professor of food safety engineering at Ohio State University, will be named a Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists at its annual meeting in Las Vegas on Monday, June 25. Martha Filipic Bala Balasubramaniam, Rich Linton
05/27/2011 Cut Flower Growers to Meet in Wooster Aug. 8 WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers will hold its 2011 Midwest Regional Meeting at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Aug. 8. Megan Shoenfelt Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers
06/03/2011 Workshop This Saturday (6/4) on Keeping Ohio Produce Safe BOWLING GREEN, Ohio – OSU’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team reminds growers of its Produce Safety Education Program this Saturday (6/4). Reducing food-borne illness -- now in the news due to Europe’s deadly E. coli outbreak linked to raw produce -- is the focus. Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
05/12/2011 Fruits, Vegetables and Foodborne Illness: OSU Workshop on Cutting the Risk OSU's half-day, science-based, expert-led Produce Safety Education Program goes from 9 a.m.-noon, June 4, at the ABE Center in Bowling Green. Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
02/15/2011 Meeting New Fruit, Veggie Safety Standards: OSU Workshops Set WOOSTER, Ohio -- OSU’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team will offer its first-ever Produce Safety Education Program four times in three places over the next two months. Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
02/23/2011 SW Ohio Produce Safety Education Rescheduled to April 4 CLAYTON, Ohio -- OSU's Produce Safety Education Program originally scheduled for March 1 in Clayton near Dayton has been rescheduled to April 4 in the same location. Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
03/28/2011 Growers: 2 OSU Produce Safety Workshops Next Week   Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
03/07/2011 Still Room in March 21 Produce Safety Workshop WOOSTER, Ohio – There’s still space in OSU’s Produce Safety Education Program offered twice on March 21 west of Findlay. The workshop looks at science-based ways to make fresh fruits and vegetables safer. Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
08/29/2012 Fruit, Vegetable Safety Program Set for Sept. 24 in Chillicothe CHILLICOTHE, Ohio -- A program on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms will take place in Chillicothe. Good Agricultural Practices are the focus. Ashley Kulhanek
01/05/2012 Fruit, Vegetable Safety Program Set for NE Ohio March 30 BURTON, Ohio -- A program on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms takes place in northeast Ohio on March 30.  Kurt Knebusch Ashley Kulhanek
08/22/2012 Farm Science Review program to discuss animal/human disease transmission LONDON, Ohio — Hollywood likes to promote the myth that humans are always the “victims” when it comes to diseases transmitted between animals and humans, referred to as zoonotic diseases. But in reality, the illnesses can pass either direction, said Armando Hoet, director of the Veterinary Public Health Program within Ohio State University's College of Veterinary Medicine. Kyle Sharp Armando Hoet
05/09/2011 City Gardeners: Learn How to Get Big Results from Small Spaces at Free May 15 Event in Columbus COLUMBUS, Ohio -- This Sunday, May 15, the Franklin County Master Gardener Vegetable Outreach, Education and Research Project will host its first event of the year at the Waterman Agriculture and Natural Resources Laboratory, 2490 Carmack Road, on Ohio State University’s Columbus campus.  Siera Marth Annette Swanberg
08/09/2011 100 Lbs. of Potatoes From 4 Sq. Ft.? Learn How in Columbus Aug. 14 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- On Sunday, Aug. 14, the Franklin County Master Gardener Vegetable Outreach, Education and Research Project will host its last gardening program of the season from noon-1 p.m. in Columbus. Siera Marth Annette Swanberg
07/05/2011 Insects Munching On Your Garden? Learn How to Control Them July 10 in Columbus COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) are sponsoring a field day for home gardeners this Sunday, July 10, on Ohio State University’s Columbus campus. Siera Marth Annette Swanberg
01/25/2008 Chow Line: Vitamin D and heart health: jury still out Are vitamin D supplements recommended to prevent heart disease? Martha Filipic Anne Smith
03/06/2008 Chow Line: Whole grain products on the rise (for 3/16/08) I read that only 7 percent of Americans eat three servings of whole grains a day. Is that accurate? Martha Filipic Anne Smith
03/14/2008 Chow Line: Lots of reasons to eat healthy whole grains I know it's recommended that we eat more whole grains. Why are they so healthful? Martha Filipic Anne Smith
