05/25/2010 |
As Wheat Flowers, Risk for Head Scab Spreads Across Ohio |
WOOSTER, Ohio – With wheat flowering throughout Ohio, now is the time for the potential for head scab – a disease that affects the crop during wet, warm conditions. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
05/09/2006 |
Tips Help Corn Growers Diagnose Emergence Problems |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Corn growers are being encouraged to scout their newly planted corn fields for any emergence problems as a way of quickly identifying solutions and developing successful replant plans, if warranted. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
11/01/2007 |
Test Flood-Damaged Corn for Mold Before Feeding to Livestock |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- As growers wrap up corn harvest this season, they should give special attention to fields inundated by floodwaters earlier this year in parts of northwest and north central Ohio. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
08/02/2010 |
More Wheat Varieties Resistant to Head Scab Now Available |
WOOSTER, Ohio – As wheat growers prepare to plant their crop this fall, they are encouraged to choose varieties that are resistant to head scab. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
08/24/2006 |
Wheat Crop Exceeds 2005 Production |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Despite a rocky season of localized drought problems, nutrient deficiencies and disease development, Ohio's wheat crop yielded a pleasing average of 68 bushels per acre, just three bushels shy of last year's production. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
03/19/2007 |
Some Ohio Cornfields May Be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Cornfields throughout southern Ohio might be at risk this growing season for Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight -- a corn disease caused by a bacterium carried and spread by adult flea beetles. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
04/02/2010 |
Ohio Wheat Greening Up and It Looks Promising |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Wheat is beginning to "green up" across Ohio, and the crop – despite a late planting in some areas – looks promising. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
08/19/2008 |
A Good Year for Ohio Wheat |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Perfect timing of rain and cool temperatures kept disease levels low and crop performance at its peak for Ohio's wheat. The result: a good year for yields. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
01/25/2010 |
Moldy Grain, Vomitoxin Contamination Putting a Damper on Record Ohio Corn Yields |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Ohio corn growers may have relished record corn yields in 2009 – with a state average of 174 bushels per acre – but grain quality is turning out to be a different story. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
10/06/2011 |
Northern Corn Leaf Blight Becoming ‘Concerning’ Disease Issue |
WOOSTER, Ohio – The continued incidence of northern corn leaf blight in Ohio fields is increasingly concerning to plant pathologists at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
Andy Vance |
Pierce Paul |
11/13/2012 |
Drought: Late-harvested Corn Has Increased Concern for Ear Molds |
WOOSTER, Ohio – While ear mold is always a concern in late-harvested corn, growers who find blackish mold in their fields on corn husks may not have ears that are infested with grain-damaging and toxin-contaminated mold. Rather, the mold could be a variety that may only impact the husks, according to an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist.
Tracy Turner |
Pierce Paul |
09/05/2006 |
When Planting Wheat, Don't Put Eggs in One Basket |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Growers making wheat planting preparations for next season should spread their choices over varieties that provide good yields, disease resistance, stalk quality and winter hardiness rather than relying only on achieving maximum yields through the use of extra inputs. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
02/01/2010 |
Don't Rely on Chemical Treatments to Reduce Vomitoxin Contamination of Corn |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Ohio growers may be concerned about moldy grain and vomitoxin development in storage, but they shouldn't rely on chemical treatments to prevent any further contamination, says an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist.
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
05/26/2006 |
Ohio's Wheat Facing Low Head Scab Risk |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Ohio's wheat is so far facing a low risk of head scab, a serious disease that can impact yields and potentially produce contaminants that are harmful to humans and animals. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
06/18/2007 |
Ohio Wheat Speeding to Early Harvest, But Potentially Low Yields |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Due to dry conditions and high temperatures throughout Ohio this season, growers may not be harvesting a bumper wheat crop. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
10/04/2011 |
Optimal Window for Planting Wheat Tightening |
WOOSTER, Ohio – As corn and soybean harvest extends into the later weeks of harvest, the optimal window for planting winter wheat in the Eastern Corn Belt is rapidly closing according to Ohio State University Extension wheat researcher Pierce Paul.
Andy Vance |
Pierce Paul |
09/06/2006 |
Planting Wheat on Wheat Increases Disease Pressure |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio growers should avoid planting a new wheat crop into the previous season's wheat residue, despite the possibility of later-than-normal planting due to lagging development of the soybean crop in some locations. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
10/04/2011 |
Late, Wet Harvest Conditions Cause Concerns Over Ear Molds |
WOOSTER, Ohio – The combination of a late harvest and wet weather could mean optimal conditions for development of corn ear molds, according to Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist Pierce Paul.
Andy Vance |
Pierce Paul |
04/22/2008 |
Time to Assess Rapidly Developing Wheat |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Spring is here and that means it's time for Ohio wheat growers to head to the fields to assess their crop in order to make timely management decisions. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
02/04/2010 |
Vomitoxin on the Mind of Growers as They Choose Corn Hybrids for This Growing Season |
WOOSTER, Ohio – As Ohio corn growers struggle with moldy grain in storage and costly vomitoxin problems, they are faced with the challenges of selecting hybrids for the 2010 growing season they hope will help them avoid a repeat of poor grain quality. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
10/07/2010 |
Prevent Head Scab: Avoid Planting Wheat After Corn |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Ohio growers following wheat planting after corn harvest should be mindful of the potential for head scab development in their crop. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
10/16/2009 |
Know Your Ear Rots Before Feeding Grain to Livestock |
WOOSTER, Ohio – With several types of ear rot diseases appearing on Ohio's corn crop, properly identifying them is important for producers to make decisions about feeding grain to livestock. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
06/16/2010 |
Head scab hits Ohio's wheat |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Hot, humid weather coupled with rain during a critical development stage of Ohio's wheat has caused an outbreak of head scab in some areas of the state – the first major outbreak of the disease in the state in about a decade.
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
04/18/2007 |
Ohio's Wheat May Have Escaped Frost Damage |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The recent bout of cold weather may have slowed the development of Ohio's wheat crop, but frost damage is anticipated to be less severe in Ohio than in more southern wheat-growing states. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
05/13/2011 |
Wheat Disease Management Reaches Critical Stage; Spray Timing Key |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Cool, wet weather in the past few weeks and warmer weather expected in the next few days may spell trouble for wheat growers in some parts of Ohio, as conditions become favorable for head scab and vomitoxin as well as a host of foliar diseases such as powdery mildew, Ohio State agronomic crops experts reported today.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Pierce Paul |
04/23/2012 |
Wheat Growers Need to Prepare For Foliar Fungicide Application As Wheat Growth in Ohio Is Ahead Two Weeks |
WOOSTER, Ohio – While cool weather conditions over the last few weeks have worked to slow wheat down considerably, the development of the crop is still at least a week or two ahead of what is considered to be normal in Ohio at this time of year, according to an Ohio State University Extension wheat researcher.
Pierce Paul |
05/11/2012 |
Wheat Growers Watching Weather in Ohio as Crops Are Ahead Two Weeks and Could Result in Strong Yields or Diseased Fields |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Wheat is already heading in some fields in northern and central Ohio and is flowering in some fields in the southern third of the state, some two weeks earlier than expected, according to an Ohio State University Extension wheat researcher.
Tracy Turner |
Pierce Paul |
03/06/2009 |
Low Risk of Stewart's Disease on Corn Predicted |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The risk of Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight is predicted to be low throughout much of Ohio's corn crop this year. The disease is caused by a bacterium carried and spread by adult flea beetles.
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul, Ron Hammond |
02/11/2008 |
Take an IPM Approach to Preventing Wheat Disease |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- As spring approaches, along with the subsequent "green-up" of Ohio's wheat crop, growers are looking to prevent the development and spread of barley yellow dwarf virus.
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul, Ron Hammond |
04/07/2011 |
Agriculture and Plastics Sectors Join to Develop Ohio Bio-composites Industry |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center is helping a Columbus, Ohio, company use plant-derived fibers to create a new generation of composite materials for cars, homes and other uses -- generating new jobs in the state.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Prabhat Krishnaswamy |