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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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06/07/2012 Couple Honored for Research, Teaching in Food Science and Technology COLUMBUS, Ohio -- In April, Monica Giusti was recognized at the annual conference of Ohio State's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center for receiving the 2011 TechColumbus Outstanding Woman in Technology. In May, Luis Rodriguez-Saona received the Rodney F. Plimpton Outstanding Young Teacher Award from Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Martha Filipic Rich Linton, Monica Giusti, Luis Rodriguez-Saona
02/27/2012 MEDIA ADVISORY: Norovirus Experts Available to Discuss Recent Outbreaks WOOSTER, Ohio -- Two recent outbreaks of norovirus in Granville in central Ohio -- on top of other outbreaks across the country -- have Ohio State University food safety experts warning people to take precautions to prevent the spread of the foodborne illness. Martha Filipic Qiuhong Wang, Linda Saif
03/13/2007 Family Fundamentals: Examine options to choose primary credit card (for March 2007) We have several credit cards, but we want to simplify our bill-paying and cut back to just one. How should we decide which one? Martha Filipic Chris Olinsky
04/22/2009 Family Fundamentals: Talk with teens about impact of pregnancy (for April 2009) Some of my daughter's classmates actually say they do not need to worry if they have a baby because they would be eligible for government programs. I want to give my daughter information to counter this notion. Where can I find it? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
02/24/2006 Chow Line: Vitamin guidance changes with age (for 3/5/06) What vitamins should an 84-year-old man take? I am in good health and I do take vitamins, but I wonder if I should take more or less. Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
08/09/2012 Online Challenge Can Help 'Kick Off the Pounds' COLUMBUS, Ohio -- One healthy habit a week for six weeks -- that's the cornerstone of a "Kick Off the Pounds" online email challenge sponsored by Ohio State University Extension Aug. 27 through Oct. 9. Martha Filipic Michelle Treber
07/12/2011 Webinars Help Consumers Put Dietary Guidelines into Practice COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Nutrition experts with Ohio State University Extension are dishing up their expertise to help consumers put the Dietary Guidelines for Americans into practice by offering a series of free webinars. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
03/04/2011 $5 Million Bioenergy, Bioproducts Project Offers Opportunities for Ohio Teachers COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The potential of tomorrow's bioenergy and bioproducts rests in today's classrooms. And Ohio State University is taking part in a multi-state project offering teachers with training and toolkits to prepare students for careers in this growing field. Martha Filipic Denny Hall
12/10/2009 Chow Line: Know your numbers when taking calcium (for 12/20/09) How can I be sure I'm getting enough calcium? If I need a supplement, what should I look for? Martha Filipic Carolyn Gunther
03/21/2008 Chow Line: Peanuts nutritious but pack in the calories What are the nutrition pros and cons for peanuts? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
12/20/2012 Family Fundamentals: For health, limit kids' TV, other 'screen time' (for 12/2011) Last year when our children were home from school during Christmas break, they spent a lot of time watching TV, playing video games or on the computer. We know this isn’t ideal, but how much of a problem is it?  Martha Filipic Kara Newby
04/11/2011 Chow Line: Menopause weight gain not inevitable (for 4/17/11) My mother is in her mid-60s and is about 70 pounds too heavy. She says she has been unable to lose weight since menopause. How can I encourage her? Martha Filipic Jennifer Even
01/14/2011 Chow Line: Build diet around nutrient-rich foods (for 1/23/11) I keep hearing about "nutrient-rich" foods. Do you have any ideas on how I could incorporate more into my diet?   Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
11/09/2006 Family Fundamentals: Protect yourself from identity fraud (for November 2006) How can I protect myself from identity theft? Martha Filipic Nancy Hudson
05/13/2011 Chow Line: It's OK for spinach to see the light (for 5/22/11) I always heard that light can destroy nutrients in food. My husband disagrees, saying he has heard just the opposite is true. What is correct? Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
11/13/2009 Chow Line: Most of us need to eat more produce (for 11/22/09) I think I eat a lot of produce, but my sister, a dietitian, says I should eat more. I usually have a piece of fruit as a mid-morning snack, and I always have a salad and a side dish of vegetables at dinner. Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
09/15/2006 Family Fundamentals: Don't bust the budget: Occasional expenses can add up (for September 2006) My wife and I have a budget. On paper, we should be saving $200-400 a month, but usually unexpected bills prevent us from saving anything. Any advice? Martha Filipic Jean Clements
01/07/2015 Chow Line: Suffering from gout? Pay attention to diet (for 1/16/11) My 86-year-old father-in-law is visiting. He's in good health, but has periodic problems with gout. Are there certain foods he should avoid to prevent a recurrence? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
06/20/2011 Ohio State Scientists Net 'Spectacular' Results in Yellow Perch Production COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Aquaculture sales in Ohio more than tripled from $1.8 million to $6.6 million in recent years, and nationally, Ohio ranks first in sales of yellow perch for food. But currently, most fish farmers get fingerlings from traditional, low-intensity pond cultures where farmers are at the mercy of good weather and a lot of luck. That makes the supply of yellow perch juveniles limited and costly.   Martha Filipic Konrad Dabrowski
02/23/2012 Chow Line: High sodium hidden in all sorts of foods (Feb. 24, 2012) I recently read something about bread having a lot of sodium in it. Really, bread? I find that hard to believe.  Martha Filipic Hugo Melgar-Quinonez
03/16/2007 Chow Line: Baby carrots big on nutrition Are baby carrots really young carrots? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
04/24/2009 Chow Line: Eating 'on automatic' hard to overcome (for 5/3/09) I know all about healthful eating and cutting calories to lose weight. But I just can't seem to sustain that kind of effort for long. What's wrong with me? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
08/19/2005 Chow Line: Vitamin K appears vital for bones (for 8/28/05) What does vitamin K do? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
08/09/2012 Chow Line: Be safe: Keep cream pies cool (8/10/12) I made a chocolate cream pie for guests this weekend. We left it out on the counter for most of the afternoon, and one of my guests told me that I should have kept it refrigerated, and since I didn’t, we should throw it away. Was she right? Martha Filipic Linnette Goard
07/12/2011 OSU Extension Assists Homeowners Facing Foreclosure COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Homeowners facing foreclosure often need help, and fast. The goal of the "Ohio Hardest Hit Fund, Restoring Stability: A Save the Dream Ohio Initiative," is to provide that kind of help. Twelve Ohio State University Extension educators and program coordinators are taking part in the program to help ensure that assistance reaches rural Ohio. Martha Filipic Cäzilia Loibl
12/15/2009 Family Fundamentals: Retiring? Expect to go through different phases (for December 2009) My husband is planning to retire next year. We'll be OK financially, but what other aspects of retirement should we be preparing for? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
03/28/2008 Chow Line: Fit in fiber even on a gluten-free diet What about people who are on gluten-free diets -- how can we get enough fiber? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
12/19/2011 Ohio State Economists: Shale Gas May Bring Fewer Jobs Than Thought COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A recent industry-funded study estimating that development of shale natural gas and oil could create or support 200,000 jobs in Ohio greatly overestimates the economic impact of the industry, according to a new Ohio State University analysis. Martha Filipic Mark Partridge, Amanda Weinstein
04/14/2011 Ohio Programs Support 'Joining Forces' for Military Families COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As First Lady Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, toured the country this week to kick off a new initiative, "Joining Forces," they said their goal was to mobilize support for "the extraordinary military families who sacrifice so much every day." Martha Filipic Theresa Ferrari, Brett zumFelde, Kirk Bloir
02/20/2009 Chow Line: Just how much vitamin D is enough? (for 3/1/09) Has the recommended amount of vitamin D for adults been increased recently? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
