01/09/2003 |
Winter Pork Producer Programs Set |
OTTAWA, Ohio â From swine health issues to reproductive management to nutritional assessments, pork producers and agricultural professionals can get the latest in research and industry-related information at the 2003 Ohio State University Extension Pork Producer Programs.
Candace Pollock |
Dale Ricker |
06/20/2001 |
Water Gardening, Rediscovering an Ancient Hobby |
WOOSTER, Ohio - Ancient Egyptians living along the Nile were lulled by the beauty and tranquility of water gardens, areas of water specifically designed to hold plants. Times may have changed, but the importance of water in the garden remains. From fountains to reflecting pools, water is used as a focus of relaxation and as a natural element to support plants and attract wildlife. |
Candace Pollock |
Dale Bradshaw |
06/16/2004 |
Waterman a Model for Water Conservation |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Agricultural run-off into surface waters is one of the leading causes of water pollution, especially in area watersheds. But there are ways to achieve zero nutrient run off and an upcoming field day is designed to show farmers just how to accomplish this.
Candace Pollock |
Dale Arnold, Larry Brown |
05/25/2006 |
OSU Extension Supporting 'Women and Money' Programs |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- While more than half of men in the workforce have jobs that offer retirement plans, only one in three working women do. And, because about half of all working women take extended periods off work to care for their families, their potential retirement income is greatly diminished.
Martha Filipic |
Cyndi Renn |
06/28/2007 |
Exotic Elm Tree Pest Found for First Time in Ohio |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- An exotic insect that can cause cosmetic damage to elm trees has been reported for the first time in Ohio.
Candace Pollock |
Curtis Young |
04/13/2012 |
BYGL: A Gardener's Best Friend |
It's April, and that means the Buckeye Yard and Garden Line is back.
Martha Filipic |
Curtis Young |
09/06/2012 |
Protecting Harvested Grains Even More Important This Year Thanks to Drought and Lower Yield Forecasts |
VAN WERT, Ohio – With drought-impacted yields expected to be poor at best for many Ohio farms this year, growers need to take extra care to ensure that every bushel they’re able to harvest is protected against mold, pests and other problems that can ruin what grains they’ve managed to harvest, said an Ohio State University Extension educator.
Tracy Turner |
Curtis E. Young |
07/03/2007 |
Late-Planted Oats an Option When Short on Feed |
LANCASTER, Ohio -- Oats, traditionally grown in the spring as a grain crop, can also be planted in the summer as a late season forage, providing a feed alternative for livestock producers short on hay or pasture.
Candace Pollock |
Curt Stivison, Stan Smith |
07/09/2009 |
OSU Extension Master Gardeners Sponsoring Free Presentation on Ash Seed Collection and Preservation |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – With fears that Emerald ash borer will decimate the nation's ash tree population, efforts are underway to save the species through seed collection and preservation. Ohio State University Extension Franklin County Master Gardeners will sponsor a free presentation on how this process works and how the public can participate. |
Candace Pollock |
Cory Skurdal |
03/16/2010 |
Family Fundamentals: Know how new credit card rules might affect you (for March 2010) |
I know there are new rules for credit cards, but I'm not sure of the details. Is there anything in particular I should pay attention to?
Martha Filipic |
Cora French-Robinson |
11/17/2009 |
Family Fundamentals: Plan now to help control holiday costs (for 11/09) |
We have promised ourselves that this year, we won't spend so much money during the holidays. But we may have a hard time keeping that pledge. Any ideas?
Martha Filipic |
Cora French-Robinson |
12/16/2008 |
Family Fundamentals: Trouble paying bills? Web site offers guidance (for December 2008) |
I could be laid off in a few months, cutting our household income by half. What should we do if we can't pay the bills?
Martha Filipic |
Cora French Robinson |
06/13/2006 |
4-H Holds Ohio's First Multiple-Handicapped Camp |
JACKSON, Ohio -- For hundreds of children across Ohio, 4-H camps are an escape from thoughts of school and household chores -- a time to enjoy the outdoors and make new friends while learning life skills in a fun-filled environment. Being a typical kid is what it's all about and it was no different for a group of special needs youths who recently participated in the first Ohio multiple-handicapped 4-H camp at Canter's Cave in Jackson County. |
Candace Pollock |
Connie Goble |
02/12/2003 |
Project Comes To The Rescue of Ohio's Agricultural Literature |
WOOSTER, Ohio â Unique and invaluable publications that convey the history of Ohioâs agriculture and rural life in their brittle pages will be saved from obliteration thanks to a preservation project led by the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC).
Mauricio Espinoza |
Connie Britton |
05/13/2009 |
How Birds Help Our Gardens: Ohio Classic Available for Preorder |
WOOSTER, Ohio Red Bird, Green Bird: How Birds Help Us Grow Healthy Gardens a retitled, completely reset edition of the 1912 classic Some Ohio Birds by Harry A. Gossard and Scott G. Harry is available for preorder from OARDC.
Kurt Knebusch |
CommTech |
07/28/2009 |
New Book Shows How Birds Help Gardens Naturally |
WOOSTER, Ohio ââ¬â OARDC has released "Red Bird, Green Bird," a book that shows gardeners how birds help their plants, and do it naturally and organically.
Kurt Knebusch |
CommTech |
10/21/2010 |
Aggressive Weed a Potential Problem for Livestock Producers |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – An aggressive perennial weed, common throughout the western United States, has found its way to Ohio overtaking pastures and hay fields and creating an undesirable feeding situation for livestock.
Candace Pollock |
Clif Little |
10/13/2009 |
OSU Extension Offering Cow/Calf School in November |
BELLE VALLEY, Ohio – Get the latest on pasture management, herd health, grain outlook and other livestock related topics at an Ohio State University Cow/Calf School being held in November. |
Candace Pollock |
Clif Little |
04/16/2010 |
Producers See Huge Value in Livestock Grazing School |
CALDWELL, Ohio – Livestock producers who have turned to an Ohio State University Extension forage management school that teaches the basics of rotational livestock grazing have increased their profits, improved production practices and extended their grazing season, according to a recent survey. |
Candace Pollock |
Clif Little |
06/07/2012 |
Southeastern Ohio Hay Day June 21 |
CALDWELL, Ohio -- Equipment dealers from around eastern Ohio will demonstrate the latest in forage harvesting and forage handling machinery at Southeastern Ohio Hay Day.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Ludwig |
Clif Little |
05/25/2011 |
Register Now for June 9 Free Pond Clinic in Southeastern Ohio |
BELLE VALLEY, Ohio -- Ohio State University and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) of Guernsey and Noble counties will hold a free pond clinic from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, at the Eastern Agricultural Research Station, 16870 Bond Ridge Rd. (Township Highway 126), in Belle Valley.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Clif Little |
02/09/2011 |
Natural Gas Drilling Could be Boon for Landowners, But Be Cautious |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Eastern Ohio landowners interested in leasing their land for natural-gas drilling into the rich resources of the Marcellus Shale need to be aware that such leases can carry some financial risk if they're not cautious. And, potential risks to the environment could be serious.
Martha Filipic |
Clif Little |
10/26/2004 |
Tax Workshops Focus on Law Issues/Changes |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tax season is fast approaching and individuals who prepare and file tax returns for individuals, small business and farmers have the opportunity to attend several Ohio State University Extension-sponsored tax preparation workshops this winter.
Candace Pollock |
Claudio Pasian, Warren Lee |
04/11/2002 |
Fall Pansies One of the First Plants to Usher in Spring |
COLUMBUS, Ohio - In several garden plots on the Ohio State University agricultural campus, a splash of vibrant colors - blue, violet, white, yellow, red - stand out among the gray of bare trees and shrubs.
Candace Pollock |
Claudio Pasian, Monica Kmetz-Gonzalez |
07/15/2005 |
Open House to Showcase Chadwick Arboretum |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — On Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) campus sits a hidden gem of color and beauty splashed across landscapes of horticulture design.
Candace Pollock |
Claudio Pasian, Kathy Burkholder, Mary Maloney |
05/18/2006 |
Collaboration Bridging Gap Between U.S.-Mexico Migration, Agriculture |
MEXICO CITY, Mexico -- With migrant agricultural labor continuing to increase in Ohio, especially in the nursery/landscape and livestock industries, the greatest challenge for growers and producers is how to effectively communicate and work with their new employees.
Candace Pollock |
Claudio Pasian, David Hansen, Don Breece, Fernando Manzo-Ramos, Jim Skeeles |
07/14/2011 |
Open House Set for Ohio State Annuals Trials Aug. 10 in Columbus |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The best of this year’s ornamental bedding and container plants will be on display on Wednesday, Aug. 10, in Columbus as Ohio State University’s Floriculture Program hosts the 2011 OSU Annuals and Mixed-Containers Trials for green industry professionals, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Claudio Pasian |
12/21/2005 |
Trials Help Poinsettias Get New Look for the Holidays |
COLUMBUS, Ohio ââ¬â Most of them are red and heart-shaped. But others are white, pink, red-orangey, peachy, lime or red with white speckles, and look more like a rose, a carnation or a holly leaf.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Claudio Pasian |
05/23/2007 |
New Course Focuses on Workplace Relations with Hispanics |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With the labor force of agricultural-based industries dominated by Hispanic migrant workers, and owners having little knowledge of the language and culture, effective communication and relations between employer and employee can be challenging. |
Candace Pollock |
Claudio Pasian |
06/28/2011 |
Annual Plants Trials Underway at Ohio State's Columbus Campus: Come and Judge by Yourself |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Next year’s favorite ornamental bedding and container plants in the U.S. may now be growing on Ohio State University’s Columbus campus -- and members of the green industry as well as homeowners are welcome to peruse the 727 varieties that are part of the 2011 annuals trials there.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Claudio Pasian |