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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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03/21/2011 OSU, Columbus Zoo Team Up for Class: 'I Hope They See That Passion' COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Students in OSU’s recent Zoo Science and Management class never met Lulu the gorilla. Never worked with her. But cared when she got sick. And felt people’s hurt when she died. Kurt Knebusch Stan Gehrt, Danielle Ross
01/14/2011 OSU-Wooster Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair Set for April 19 WOOSTER, Ohio — OSU’s fourth annual Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair is set for April 19 at OARDC. It’s a free public program centered on the environment and how people can improve it.  Kurt Knebusch Allen Zimmerman
06/04/2012 Over-the-counter Foggers Ineffective Against Bedbugs: Ohio State Study COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University entomologists have found that over-the-counter foggers commonly used by consumers are not effective at killing bedbugs -- providing the first scientific evidence that such products should not be recommended for control of this increasingly worrisome pest. Mauricio Espinoza Susan Jones
03/08/2012 Overholt Drainage School Offers Soil and Water Conservation Education COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Farmers, land improvement contractors, soil and water conservation technicians and engineers can learn about the construction and management of soil and water conservation systems during the Overholt Drainage School led by Ohio State University and other industry experts. Tracy Turner Larry C. Brown
05/05/2011 Parenting Classes for 'Captive' Audience Have Multiple Benefits CADIZ, Ohio -- Since 1999, Joseph Maiorano has talked about parenting with more than 600 fathers. They're not quite a captive audience -- but they're close. Maiorano's "Fit 2B Fathers" classes are held exclusively at the Eastern Ohio Correction Facility.  Martha Filipic Joseph Maiorano
05/31/2001 Participants to Learn About Plant Health at Workshop WOOSTER, Ohio - Nursery, landscape and arboretum professionals seeking management tips to keeping plants healthy and happy may find a plant diagnostic workshop helpful. Candace Pollock Jim Chatfield
04/16/2010 Pedal Power! Try Bike-based E-charger at Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair WOOSTER, Ohio — Try a pedal-powered battery charger — built from mostly easy-to-get parts for less than $200, not counting the bike and bike stand — at Ohio State's Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair. Kurt Knebusch Barry Romich, Jackie Buckwalter
01/10/2007 Pencil Out Budget Before Jumping into Continuous Corn COLUMBUS, Ohio -- There's more to the economics of continuous corn production than simply cashing in on potentially higher corn prices generated by growing ethanol demand. Growers should take the time to weigh those factors before making any decision to switch production practices. Candace Pollock Barry Ward
05/07/2002 Performance Trials Help Industry Choose Best Cabbage Varieties WOOSTER, Ohio - Knowing what varieties of cabbage make for good sauerkraut, coleslaw or other dishes is the first step in growing a product that meets production criteria and satisfies consumer preferences. Candace Pollock Matt Kleinhenz
10/03/2006 Perplexing Worm Behavior May Play Role in Weed Survival COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Common nightcrawlers, earthworms used for fish bait or seen squirming along sidewalks after a heavy rain, have been found to play a role in weed survival by seeking out and "collecting" seed, according to Ohio State University research. Candace Pollock Emilie Regnier
09/16/2010 Pests of the Rare and Familiar Part of Diagnostic Clinic at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- Pests of both the rare and the familiar will be part of the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic activities during Ohio State University's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Bridget Meiring
08/06/2008 Pests of the Rare and the Familiar at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- Pests of both the rare and the familiar will be part of the C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic activities during Ohio State University's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
10/09/2009 Phomopsis Seed Rot Showing Up in Ohio Soybeans WOOSTER, Ohio – Phomopsis seed decay is now showing up in some soybean fields in Ohio. The disease, which causes cracked, shriveled, moldy seed, impacts yield and reduces seed quality and grade. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
01/25/2011 Phosphorus Risk to Water? Seminar Thursday (1/27) on How to Gauge It COLUMBUS, Ohio — OSU scientist Libby Dayton will present “The Utility of a Phosphorus Risk Index Framework in Ohio” at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in the School of Environment and Natural Resources' seminar series Kurt Knebusch Jeff S. Sharp
07/12/2012 Picnic Safety: Ohio Foodborne Illness Outbreak Prompts Advice WOOSTER, Ohio -- Picnics are a staple of summertime, but they provide many opportunities for pathogens to undermine the fun. That's apparent after 10 people were hospitalized and dozens more became ill after a July 3 company picnic in southwest Ohio.  Martha Filipic Jeff LeJeune, Linnete Goard
08/11/2004 Piketon Business Incubator Receives Additional Funds PIKETON, Ohio — Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon has received a grant to aid in the continuation of the development of the Endeavor Center Business Incubator and Training Facility — a business tool designed to increase jobs and enhance the economic development of southern Ohio. Candace Pollock Steve Shepherd
09/17/2010 Piketon Endeavor Center Celebrates Successes of First Five Years PIKETON, Ohio – A facility on the campus of Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon, designed to serve new and existing businesses throughout Appalachian Ohio and boost the region's economy through job training and development, celebrated its five-year anniversary on Thursday, Sept. 16. Candace Pollock Jerry Driggs
05/02/2005 Piketon Endeavor Center Now Open PIKETON, Ohio — Construction of a new Ohio State University business facility, designed to increase jobs and boost economic development throughout southern Ohio, is now complete and open for business. Candace Pollock Steve Shepherd
08/05/2011 Piketon Field Night Aug. 11 Includes Pumpkin Pollination, Drip Irrigation, Small Fruit, Tomatoes PIKETON, Ohio – The Annual Horticulture Field Night will be held Thursday, Aug. 11, at Ohio State University's South Centers in Piketon. Registration begins at 5 p.m. with the program starting at 6 p.m. The cost to attend is $10 per person, which includes dinner. Julie Strawser-Moose
10/23/2012 Pilot Plant, Research Advancements Help Drive Domestic Natural Rubber Project Forward WOOSTER, Ohio -- The 6,000-square-foot pilot plant in Wooster makes gloves and a variety of other latex and rubber products. But the natural rubber used in this plant doesn't come from where you would expect it. Mauricio Espinoza Katrina Cornish, Matt Kleinhenz, John Cardina
04/29/2011 Plant Disease Grad Student Wins OARDC Krauss Award COLUMBUS, Ohio — Alissa Kriss, a doctoral student in OSU’s Department of Plant Pathology, yesterday received OARDC’s William E. Krauss Director’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Research.  Kurt Knebusch Steve Slack
10/14/2002 Plant Germplasm Center Steadily Building Collection COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Ohio State University Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center has come a long way since its grand opening a little more than a year ago. Candace Pollock David Tay, Susan Stieve
02/24/2010 Plant Leaf Surface Impacts Effectiveness of Pesticide Applications COLUMBUS, Ohio – Whether in the green industry, turfgrass profession or agriculture, those who think that pesticide applications work the same on all target surfaces, think again. Candace Pollock Erdal Ozkan
10/23/2006 Plant Pathologist Honored Nationally for Soybean Rust Work WOOSTER, Ohio -- An Ohio State University plant pathologist, who is leading Ohio's research and Extension efforts on Asian soybean rust, has been recognized nationally for her contributions. Candace Pollock Larry Madden
08/26/2003 Plant Pathology Society Honors OARDC's Madden WOOSTER, Ohio -- Larry Madden, an international authority on plant epidemiology with Ohio State University's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), has received the American Phytopathological Society's (APS) 2003 Ruth Allen Award, the organization's top research award. Caitlin McHugh Larry Madden
11/18/2008 Plant Resistance to Soybean Aphid Found in Ohio WOOSTER, Ohio -- A soybean plant introduction (PI) has been found to show resistance to soybean aphid in Ohio, paving the way to control the insect through new resistant cultivars. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond, Rouf Mian
06/04/2009 Plant-Associated Bacteria Can Improve Crop Health in Acidic Soils WOOSTER, Ohio -- Common plant-associated bacteria, best known to suppress soil-borne root diseases, now have been found to boost corn yields in low-pH soils. The discovery made by Ohio State University plant pathologists is the first-known documentation of a root-colonizing bacterium improving plant health in acidic soil conditions. Candace Pollock Brian McSpadden Gardener
11/13/2001 Plant-Based Meal Paves Way for \"Organically-Grown\" Fish COLUMBUS, Ohio - Cottonseed meal has been found to be a viable alternative food source for farm-raised trout, giving the aquaculture industry the opportunity to provide "organically grown" fish to consumers. Candace Pollock Konrad Dabrowski
05/25/2011 Planting Delays? Read Special Edition of CORN Newsletter Now COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio farmers may want to take some time this weekend to review information and recommendations regarding the severe delays in planting this spring. Martha Filipic Glen Arnold
09/06/2006 Planting Wheat on Wheat Increases Disease Pressure WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio growers should avoid planting a new wheat crop into the previous season's wheat residue, despite the possibility of later-than-normal planting due to lagging development of the soybean crop in some locations. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
