04/07/2011 |
Ohio Farmers Planting More Corn Per Acre |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Today's generation of corn hybrids can withstand more stress -- and therefore more crowding -- than farmers have ever seen. And that means farmers often can plant more seeds per acre and have a good expectation of high yields, at least up to a point, says an Ohio State University Extension agronomist.
Martha Filipic |
Peter Thomison |
04/07/2011 |
Agriculture and Plastics Sectors Join to Develop Ohio Bio-composites Industry |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center is helping a Columbus, Ohio, company use plant-derived fibers to create a new generation of composite materials for cars, homes and other uses -- generating new jobs in the state.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Prabhat Krishnaswamy |
04/08/2011 |
Nine New AgrAbility Fact Sheets Online |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The Ohio AgrAbility Program has produced nine new fact sheets designed to assist farmers after experiencing a disabling condition.
Martha Filipic |
Kent McGuire |
04/11/2011 |
Chow Line: Menopause weight gain not inevitable (for 4/17/11) |
My mother is in her mid-60s and is about 70 pounds too heavy. She says she has been unable to lose weight since menopause. How can I encourage her?
Martha Filipic |
Jennifer Even |
04/14/2011 |
Ohio Programs Support 'Joining Forces' for Military Families |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As First Lady Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, toured the country this week to kick off a new initiative, "Joining Forces," they said their goal was to mobilize support for "the extraordinary military families who sacrifice so much every day."
Martha Filipic |
Theresa Ferrari, Brett zumFelde, Kirk Bloir |
04/14/2011 |
Ohio Fish Farms Rising Fast: $50M Impact, New Jobs |
WOOSTER, Ohio — Two years ago, Dave Lemke lost his job so netted a new one. Fish farmer. Today the Wayne County man works, will even expand soon, in a small but fast-growing industry in Ohio whose jobs have doubled in the past 10 years and whose economic impact has tripled in that time.
Kurt Knebusch |
Laura Tiu, Dave Lemke, Dave Smith, Bob Calala |
04/14/2011 |
Livestock Industry: May 2 Workshop in Columbus Tackles Ammonia, Nitrogen |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- This year’s Ohio State University agricultural air quality workshop will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing livestock and poultry producers when it comes to ammonia emissions and their connection with nitrogen fertilizer. It will take place Monday, May 2, at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus.
Mauricio Espinoza |
04/15/2011 |
Chow Line: Enjoy dried fruit, but watch portions (for 4/24/11) |
My husband likes to snack on dried fruit, but he also needs to watch his blood sugar. Should he cut back or even eliminate dried fruit from his diet?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
04/18/2011 |
Family Fundamentals: Daughters may not always open up to parents (for April 2011) |
My pre-teen daughter and I have a good relationship, but she refuses to talk with me when she's having problems with friends or boys. What can I do to encourage her
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
04/18/2011 |
Media Advisory: OSU President Gee Unable to Attend Green Fair in Wooster Tomorrow |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio State University President Gordon Gee will not be attending tomorrow's Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair, to be held on the Wooster campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), as well as other activities previously scheduled in the Wooster community. The cancellation is due to funeral arrangements for Andrew Sorensen, Ohio State's senior vice president for development, who died unexpectedly on April 17.
Mauricio Espinoza |
04/19/2011 |
Marestail Control Essential to Protect Soybean Yields |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- No-till practices save soil and offer many other benefits, but soybean producers know there's at least one big disadvantage: Not tilling gives weeds, particularly problematic marestail, a chance to thrive.
Martha Filipic |
Mark Loux |
04/20/2011 |
Arbor Day Celebration This Saturday in Secrest Arboretum |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio State University’s Secrest Arboretum will hold an Arbor Day celebration, featuring tree planting, skits and other activities, this Saturday (4/23) from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Admission is free. All are welcome.
Kurt Knebusch |
Ken Cochran |
04/20/2011 |
Secrest Arboretum Plant, Art Sale is May 7 |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Secrest Arboretum’s 18th annual Plant Discovery Day takes place May 7 at OARDC.
04/20/2011 |
Start Your List, Check It Twice: Arboretum Sale Plants Online |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Lists of the annuals and perennials to be sold at Secrest Arboretum’s May 7 Plant Discovery Day are now posted on the arboretum’s website.
Kurt Knebusch |
Ken Cochran |
04/21/2011 |
Tree Sale Saturday (4/23) in Secrest Arboretum |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- A tree sale has been added to Saturday’s Arbor Day celebration in Secrest Arboretum. Featured will be select cultivars of crabapples, Franklin trees, magnolias, serviceberries and cornelian cherry dogwoods.
Kurt Knebusch |
Ken Cochran |
04/21/2011 |
Spring Walk This Tuesday (4/26) in Secrest Arboretum |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Secrest Arboretum will hold a free public Spring Walk this Tuesday. “It’s an update on the changing of the seasons and what’s happening outside,” said Arboretum Program Director Ken Cochran, who will lead it.
Kurt Knebusch |
Ken Cochran |
04/21/2011 |
'Just What I Needed': Extension Nurtures Entrepreneurs in University District |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- On the west side of Ohio State University is Upper Arlington. Median household income: $87,557. Median home value: $316,768. Residents living below poverty: 4.8 percent. It's what you might expect in a neighborhood adjacent to a world-class research and teaching institution.
Martha Filipic |
Susan Colbert, Jean Brookbank |
04/21/2011 |
Media Advisory: PLANET Day of Service in Secrest Arboretum Tomorrow (4/22) |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- More than 50 area high school and college students will participate tomorrow in the Ohio Landscape Association’s PLANET Day of Service at OSU’s Secrest Arboretum in Wooster.
Kurt Knebusch |
Ken Cochran, Sandy Munley |
04/21/2011 |
Chainsaw Safety Course at Hocking College May 13 |
NELSONVILLE, Ohio -- OSU Extension’s Ohio Woodland Stewards Program is offering a chainsaw safety course at Hocking College May 13.
Kurt Knebusch |
Dave Apsley, Rory Lewandowski |
04/22/2011 |
Chow Line: Asparagus: Get it fresh, don't overcook (for 5/1/11) |
When I was growing up, I hated asparagus, and I've avoided it ever since. But I was recently at a conference where they served grilled asparagus. It was delicious. Could my taste buds have changed that much?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
04/22/2011 |
Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair Student Winners Announced |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair has announced the winners of its creative arts, informational poster and environmental essay student competitions.
Kurt Knebusch |
Allen Zimmerman |
04/22/2011 |
Bat Disease Could Cost Ohio Farmers Up to $1.7B a Year |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio farmers could suffer more than $740 million a year in agricultural losses, and possibly as much as $1.7 billion, if the new deadly disease called white-nose syndrome wipes out the state’s bats, according to a recent study in the journal Science.
Kurt Knebusch |
Marne Titchenell |
04/22/2011 |
Media Advisory: Arbor Day Celebration on Oval April 29 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Three newly planted yellow buckeye trees will be dedicated on Ohio State University's Oval outside of Mendenhall Lab on Arbor Day, April 29.
Martha Filipic |
04/22/2011 |
Soil Scientist Lal Named University Distinguished Professor, Ohio State’s Highest Honor |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Rattan Lal, a preeminent soil scientist in Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), has been designated as a Distinguished University Professor -- the highest faculty honor bestowed by the university upon individuals who have truly exceptional records in teaching, research and service.
Mauricio Espinoza |
04/24/2011 |
Correction: How to Spot, Stop Invasive Species: May 13 Workshop |
DAYTON, Ohio -- You may have invasive species on your land and not even know it. Learn how to fight them in Dayton May 13.
Kurt Knebusch |
Kathy Smith |
04/25/2011 |
Black River Team Wins OSU Green Fair Solar Boat Contest |
The Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair has announced the winners of its solar-powered boat races.
Kurt Knebusch |
Allen Zimmerman |
04/26/2011 |
Tree, Shrub, Herb Lists Posted for May 7 Secrest Plant Sale |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Complete lists of the trees, shrubs and herbs to be sold at Secrest Arboretum’s 18th annual Plant Discovery Day have been posted on the arboretum’s website.
Kurt Knebusch |
Ken Cochran |
04/26/2011 |
Researcher Targets Widespread Respiratory Virus |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Thanks to $2.6 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a researcher is helping crack the code that could lead to new vaccines against paramyxoviruses, responsible for most acute viral respiratory infections in humans and animals.
Martha Filipic |
Jianrong Li |
04/27/2011 |
Media Advisory: Chancellor Petro to Speak at OARDC Annual Conference Tomorrow (4/28) in Columbus |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Jim Petro will speak tomorrow (4/28) at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s (OARDC) annual conference, to be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Dr., on Ohio State University’s Columbus campus.
Mauricio Espinoza |
04/28/2011 |
Saturated Soils Could Pose Risk to Well Water |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Heavy rains mean more than an increased risk of flooding. They also can pose a threat to drinking water, said Ohio State University Extension's water quality specialist.
Martha Filipic |
Karen Mancl |