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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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10/28/2010 Variety Selection/Seed Treatments Key to Managing Soybean Pathogens WOOSTER, Ohio – With soybean harvest nearly complete, now's the time to be thinking about choosing the right soybean varieties for next season to help manage the myriad of diseases and pests that can impact the crop. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
02/17/2004 Organization Bringing Technology to Agriculture ADA, Ohio — Technology and agriculture are becoming more of a common bond and the Ohio Agricultural Technologies Association (OATA) continues to find ways of making a perfect match for technology users. Candace Pollock Nathan Watermeier
08/15/2001 Protein May Hold Key for Vaccine Development of Pathogen WOOSTER, Ohio - Ohio State University researchers are hoping that a protein in a food-borne pathogen may lead to vaccine development in its common host - chickens. Candace Pollock Qijing Zhang
03/19/2010 Use Equipment/Technology to Manage Risk COLUMBUS, Ohio – For farmers looking to manage weather-related economic risks, equipment and technology are their best friends. Candace Pollock Randall Reeder
09/19/2005 Using Optical Sensors to Improve Nitrogen Management WOOSTER, Ohio — Nitrogen management is probably the single most variable production input growers face in agriculture, and with the continued increase in fertilizer costs, application efficiency is becoming increasingly important. Candace Pollock Robert Mullen
03/03/2009 OSU Extension Workshop to Tackle Legal Issues in Agriculture CORRECTION: We have corrected the area code in the last paragraph of this news release. We're sorry for any inconvenience the error may have caused. FINDLAY, Ohio -- Legal issues in agriculture will be the focus of a one-day Ohio State University Extension conference on March 25. Candace Pollock Peggy Hall
10/25/2006 Wheat Planting Delays Raise Winter Worries WOOSTER, Ohio -- Wet conditions and a slow soybean harvest continue to delay wheat planting throughout Ohio, raising concerns that the coming winter could have an impact on a crop struggling to get established. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
05/28/2008 Southern Ohio to See 17-Year Periodical Cicadas COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Neighborhoods, parks, wooded areas and forests throughout southern Ohio will soon be filled with the cacophony of thousands of periodical cicadas, emerging from underground after 17 years of development. Candace Pollock Barb Bloetscher
07/15/2002 Increasing Stresses Could Impact Soybean Yields WOOSTER, Ohio - Ohio's soybean crop may be hard-pressed to deliver this growing season. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
05/16/2001 "Adopted" Barrels Spruce Up Communities, Fight Hunger MARYSVILLE, Ohio - Union County businesses and organizations wanting to make a difference in their communities are doing so with whiskey barrels. Over 60 barrels, planted with geraniums, swan river daisy, licorice plant and parsley, have been "adopted" for placement throughout Union County towns as part of a beautification project and a campaign to feed the hungry. Candace Pollock Laura McConnell
03/26/2002 Organic Mulches May Restore Fertility of Degraded Soils WOOSTER, Ohio - Organic mulches may offer hope in restoring fertility of degraded soils in urban areas. Candace Pollock Dan Herms
07/15/2002 Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program COLUMBUS, Ohio - Producers, livestock exhibitors and youth will be introduced to optional methods of tail docking sheep during the Ohio State Fair in August. Candace Pollock Bill Shulaw, Henry Zerby, James Kinder
05/22/2001 Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Resembles Other Caterpillar Pests WOOSTER, Ohio - As the gypsy moth caterpillar feeds and matures over the next several weeks, the invasive insect shares Mother Nature's bounty with other caterpillar pests that look similar and feed on the same host trees, potentially confusing homeowners as to what exactly may be attacking their shade trees. Candace Pollock Dan Herms
04/02/2002 Compost Helps Control Turfgrass Fungus COLUMBUS, Ohio - Incorporating compost into soils when lawns are seeded reduces the severity of leaf rust, a fungal disease that attacks perennial ryegrass. Candace Pollock Mike Boehm
01/14/2010 Farmers Can Take Steps to Decrease Manure Pathogens in Runoff WOOSTER, Ohio – By following a few simple recommendations, farmers who apply manure as a fertilizer to their no-till field can decrease the chance that pathogens end up in runoff and pose environmental and health hazards. Candace Pollock Warren Dick
09/15/2010 Increase Forage Production and Boost Profits with Livestock Grazing School SARDINIA, Ohio – Increase your profits, improve forage production practices and extend your livestock grazing season by attending the upcoming 2010 Southwest Ohio Grazing School in October. Candace Pollock Latham Farley
07/05/2005 Potential Spider Mite Outbreak on Soybeans WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid is not the only insect pest Ohio growers have to keep a close eye on this growing season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
12/10/2008 Biodiesel Byproduct May Be Used As Value-Added Ag Commodity COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A byproduct of biodiesel may be used to support the production of an animal feed additive to enhance the performance and growth of dairy cattle. Candace Pollock Zhongtang Yu, Maurice Eastridge
09/21/2009 Geographical Society Recognizes Soil Scientist for Work on Climate Change, Food Security COLUMBUS, Ohio – An Ohio State University soil scientist has been recognized by a geographical organization for his role in land restoration as it relates to climate change and food security. Candace Pollock Rattan Lal
07/25/2006 FSR Drainage Field Day Combines Conservation with Profit LONDON, Ohio -- Ohio State University's Farm Science Review will be the site of a three-day event showcasing the latest in cutting edge field drainage technology, combining improved production practices with conservation water management. Candace Pollock Matt Sullivan
07/19/2007 Inconsistent Weather Doesn't Hamper Wheat WOOSTER, Ohio -- Despite this year's roller-coaster season -- from a mild early winter to a colder-than-usual early spring to a dry summer -- Ohio's wheat growers have turned out a crop that is better than originally anticipated. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
03/19/2008 Field Trials Help Expand Knowledge of Organic Corn Hybrids COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The demand for organic products, including grains, is growing, but inadequate information on variety performance may be one factor slowing growers from making the leap into organic corn production. A new study, led by Ohio State University, Iowa State University, and the University of Wisconsin, may help pick up the pace. Candace Pollock Deborah Stinner, Peter Thomison
09/23/2002 Field Crop Irrigation May Work For Some Ohio Growers COLUMBUS, Ohio - When it comes to production practices, irrigating field crops usually does not make an Ohio grower's list of necessary agricultural investments. Candace Pollock Larry Brown
01/15/2002 Raspberry Production Increasing in Ohio PIKETON, Ohio - Raspberry production is on the rise in Ohio, according to a series of surveys conducted by Ohio State University and Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service researchers. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
07/29/2010 Learn How to Start a Commercial Vineyard at Free Workshop PIKETON, Ohio – Commercial grape growers, or those interested in starting a commercial vineyard, are invited to attend a free viticulture workshop at Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon on Aug. 13. Candace Pollock Maurus Brown
04/12/2005 Ornamental Weed Control Involves Application Strategy COLUMBUS, Ohio — Effective weed control in the garden or landscape involves more than simply laying down mulch, applying herbicides, or using a combination of both methods. An Ohio State University Department of Horticulture and Crop Science field mulch study found that the types of mulches or herbicides used, along with an application strategy are just as important. Candace Pollock Hannah Mathers
04/05/2006 Pre-Emergent Herbicides Effective for Weed Control COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With resistance to glyphosate increasing in weed species throughout Ohio, the importance of using pre-emergence products as part of an integrated herbicide program is becoming more evident. Candace Pollock Jeff Stachler
09/08/2008 New Irrigation Technology Can Conserve Water/Save Money PIKETON, Ohio -- Irrigation may be a crucial investment for specialty crop production in Ohio, but it can break the bank if managed inefficiently. Ohio State University Extension horticulturists are evaluating new irrigation systems that target the right amount of water where the plants need it. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
07/23/2009 Unusually Cool Summer Temps Slowing Corn Development COLUMBUS, Ohio – Cooler-than-normal summer temperatures are slowing corn development across Ohio, and harvest could be delayed if the weather trend continues throughout the growing season. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
05/18/2007 Glyphosate-Resistant Corn Hybrids Create Planting Challenges COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The increased planting of Round-Up Ready corn and other transgenics that are glyphosate-resistant is creating challenges for growers who need to kill a failed corn stand before replanting. Candace Pollock Mark Loux
