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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


News Archives

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08/09/2009 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Hawk Makes a Splash (for the Week of Aug. 9, 2009) Q. Dear Twig: I saw a big hawk in my grandmother's bird bath. Kurt Knebusch
08/29/2007 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Your Home, Where Giant Buffalo Once Roamed (for the Week of Sept. 2, 2007) Q. Dear Twig: The mammoth. The mastodon. The saber-toother tiger. Where'd they live? Where'd they go? Kurt Knebusch
12/21/2006 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick (for the Week of Jan. 7, 2007): Warmer Winters, Sooner Weevils Q.: Dear Twig: How do scientists know there's global warming — global climate change — going on? Kurt Knebusch
06/24/2011 Three-Day West Ohio Grazing School To Be Held in July in Sidney: Register by July 8 SIDNEY, Ohio -- A three-day, intensive-grazing educational program designed for livestock producers in both Ohio and Indiana is scheduled for July 14, 21 and 23 at the Shelby County office of Ohio State University Extension in Sidney, Ohio. Mauricio Espinoza
03/22/2011 Animals from Cleveland, Akron Zoos at Scarlet, Gray, Green Fair WOOSTER, Ohio – Both the Akron Zoo and the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo will bring animals to OSU’s Wooster Campus Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair. Their focus: Teaching people about conserving wildlife. Laura Chapin
12/18/2012 Ohio Maple Days Set for Jan. 24-26 WOOSTER, Ohio -- This year’s Ohio Maple Days are set for Jan. 24 in Morrow County, Jan. 25 for Wayne and Holmes counties, and Jan. 26 in Geauga County. Gary Graham
02/03/2008 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Big Stink? Smell a Winner! (for the Week of Feb. 3, 2008) Q. Dear Twig: What's the worst smell in the world? Kurt Knebusch
08/16/2009 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: All the Colors of the Tomatobow! (for the Week of Aug. 16, 2009) Q. Dear Twig: How many colors of tomatoes are there? Kurt Knebusch
03/23/2007 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Ranking Skunk Species (for the Week of April 1, 2007) Q. Dear Twig: You said there are several skunk species. How do they smell? The same? Different? Kurt Knebusch
10/14/2011 Have Questions on Exotic Tree Pests? OSU Extension Offers Free Program for Woodland Owners and Homeowners on Oct. 27 in Bryan (NW Ohio) BRYAN, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension experts will offer landowners and homeowners an update on two of the most dangerous and talked-about invasive insect pests lurking in Ohio’s forests and landscapes: emerald ash borer (EAB) and Asian longhorned beetle (ALB). Mauricio Espinoza
08/10/2011 Pumpkins Already? Field Day Features New Varieties, Disease Management Updates SOUTH CHARLESTON, Ohio -- Pumpkin season arrives early in South Charleston courtesy of Ohio State University’s annual Pumpkin Field Day, which this year will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 30, from 6-8 p.m. at the Western Agricultural Research Station. Siera Marth
05/10/2012 Taking the Registered Tax Return Preparer Test? Here Are 2 Ways to Get Ready COLUMBUS, Ohio -- OSU Extension and the OSU Income Tax School Program are offering two educational options to tax practitioners who are preparing to take the new Registered Tax Return Preparer competency test this year. David Marrison
11/16/2011 Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Nov. 16 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as of Nov. 16. Kaitlyn Riemenschneider
02/10/2008 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Dung Paper Comes Up Smelling Like Roses or At Least Not Like Partly Digested Roses (for the Week of Feb. 10, 2008) Q. Dear Twig: What's that paper made from elephant dung like? What about from buffalo chips Kurt Knebusch
01/04/2012 Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Jan. 4 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as of Jan. 4. Kaitlyn Riemenschneider
04/29/2011 VP Statement Regarding Ohio House Budget Statement from Bobby D. Moser, Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences on the Ohio House budget   Suzanne Steel
07/13/2007 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: To Be in Clover (or Not to Bee) (for the Week of July 15, 2007) Q. Dear Twig: The lawn at my house has clover in it. Is that good or bad? Kurt Knebusch
01/09/2007 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Kilimanjaro Snow No Mo'? (for the Week of Jan. 14, 2007) Q. Dear Twig: What does global warming have to do with the snows of Kilimanjaro? Kurt Knebusch
08/11/2011 Southern Ohio Summer Wine Grape Workshop is Aug. 18 in Piketon PIKETON, Ohio -- Learn from Ohio State University experts and fellow grape growers how to improve fruit quality and profitability at the Southern Ohio Summer Wine Grape Workshop, to be held Thursday, Aug. 18, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon. Mauricio Espinoza
07/23/2012 President Gee Expresses Support for Ohio Farmers Concern about the drought currently gripping Ohio was apparent at Ohio State’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center, home of the annual Farm Science Review. Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee expressed his concern and support for Ohio farmers as he visited the farm today as part of the university’s annual Roads Scholars tour for new faculty. Amy Murray
05/24/2009 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Nurdle Beach (for the Week of May 24, 2009) Q. Dear Twig: So what about nurdles? Kurt Knebusch
02/17/2008 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: E-cars Go! (for the Week of Feb. 17, 2008) Q. Dear Twig: Are electric cars really real? Kurt Knebusch
02/23/2012 April 27 in Wooster: Produce Safety Program for Farmers WOOSTER, Ohio -- A program on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms takes place April 27 at OARDC in Wooster. Ashley Kulhanek
04/18/2011 Media Advisory: OSU President Gee Unable to Attend Green Fair in Wooster Tomorrow WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio State University President Gordon Gee will not be attending tomorrow's Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair, to be held on the Wooster campus of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), as well as other activities previously scheduled in the Wooster community. The cancellation is due to funeral arrangements for Andrew Sorensen, Ohio State's senior vice president for development, who died unexpectedly on April 17. Mauricio Espinoza
02/24/2008 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: E-cars Cleaner, Cheaper? (for the Week of Feb. 24, 2008) Q. Dear Twig: What about the electricity you need to charge an electric car? Doesn't that make pollution and cost money, too? Kurt Knebusch
06/27/2012 Media Advisory: U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Visiting Campus June 28 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack will meet with Ohio State University researchers from the Center for Advanced Functional Foods Research and Entrepreneurship (CAFFRE) and Department of Food Science and Technology on Thursday, June 28. Suzanne Steel
05/19/2008 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Raven 'bout Crows (for the Week of May 18, 2008) Q. Dear Twig: What's the difference between a crow and a raven? Kurt Knebusch
10/07/2007 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Mountains Into Molehills (for the Week of Oct. 7, 2007) Q. Dear Twig: Is "mountaintop removal" what it sounds like it is? Kurt Knebusch
05/07/2010 Board of Trustees’ Ag Committee Visits OARDC Campus The Ohio State University Board of Trustees' Agricultural Affairs Committee met in Wooster late last month (4/26). Committee members had a chance to learn about a variety of research programs and activities going on at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and at the Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI). NULL
09/14/2011 MEDIA ADVISORY: OARDC to Dedicate First-in-Ohio Ag Safety Lab Sept. 16 in Wooster WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio State University's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) will unveil this Friday, Sept. 16 a unique, highly secure bio-containment building for the study of infectious diseases of plants and animals that threaten Ohio’s $90-plus billion agricultural industry. Mauricio Espinoza
