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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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08/04/2009 What Does it Take to be a Farmers' Market Vendor? Find Out at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio – There's more to being a vendor at a farmers' market than just selling the products grown on the farm. Learn what it takes to become a successful vendor at Ohio State University's Farm Science Review. Candace Pollock Christie Welch
11/23/2009 Ohio Growers Face Development Risks on Late-Planted Wheat WOOSTER, Ohio – The same weather conditions that have delayed Ohio corn and soybean harvest are also keeping wheat out of the ground. As a result, intended acreage may not be fully realized, says an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
08/26/2010 Farm Science Review Field Demonstrations Introduce Farmers to Latest in Ag Technology/Production LONDON, Ohio – In September of 1963, the inaugural launch of Farm Science Review demonstrated the "revolutionary" concept of no-till corn. Forty-eight years later, farmers are still being introduced to the latest in technology and ag production methods. Candace Pollock Matt Sullivan
02/21/2002 Evolving Precision Agriculture Technology Fattening Farmers' Wallets COLUMBUS, Ohio - The biggest driving force behind adopting precision agriculture technology is how quickly a farmer can recoup the investment costs of the equipment. Candace Pollock Matt Sullivan, Reza Ehsani
11/19/2002 Varying Soil Conditions Can Impact Nutrient Levels WOOSTER, Ohio - This growing season's topsy-turvy weather may have impacted more than crop performance and subsequent yields. Candace Pollock Maurice Watson
05/05/2008 Using New Genetic Techniques to Raise Bigger Yellow Perch PIKETON, Ohio -- With the help of genetics, Ohio fish farmers will be able to raise the crème de la crème of yellow perch -- the state's No. 1 food fish -- with the potential to increase production efficiency up to 50 percent over current growth standards. Candace Pollock Han-Ping Wang
09/09/2005 Breeding Project Aims for Larger, Fast-Growing Perch PIKETON, Ohio — The aquacultural world of pond-raised fish is governed mainly by two market demands: fish size and filet quality. An absence of either one could leave individuals in the business floundering. Candace Pollock Geoff Wallat
06/05/2007 Soybean Breeding Program Growing to Meet Industry Demands COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Growing demand for food-grade and industrial-use soybean varieties has spurred an expansion of Ohio State University's soybean breeding program -- a welcome boost in a highly competitive industry. Candace Pollock Steve St. Martin
06/01/2009 OSU Extension to Offer New Crop Opportunities Workshop PIKETON, Ohio -- From jostaberries to winegrapes to pawpaws, new crop and on-farm diversification opportunities abound for southern Ohio farmers. An Ohio State University Extension workshop on these and other crop alternatives will be offered on June 18 at OSU South Centers at Piketon. Candace Pollock Julie Strawser
06/28/2010 Long-Term Ohio State Research Points to Benefits of Drainage on Field Crops COLUMBUS, Ohio – For every $1 spent on drainage technology, producers get $3 to $4 back in corn and soybean profits, according to long-term Ohio State University research. Candace Pollock Larry Brown, Randall Reeder
12/03/2001 Ohio's Wheat Struggling Under Wet Weather, Diseases WOOSTER, Ohio - Prolonged heavy rains during winter wheat planting have resulted in severe stand establishment problems throughout parts of Ohio, which may affect overall yields come next season's harvest. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps
08/02/2004 Ohio State Extension to Host Direct Marketing Tours COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two Ohio farm markets that combine agricultural produce and agritourism will be the focus of Ohio State University Extension Direct Marketing Twilight Tours in August. Candace Pollock John Ellerman
12/09/2010 Southern Ohio New and Small Farm College Explores Farm Enterprises COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farmers interested in exploring land use options, expanding an agricultural or horticultural enterprise, or diversifying their acreage have the opportunity to attend the 2011 Southern Ohio New and Small Farm College. Candace Pollock Tony Nye
02/26/2008 South Centers at Piketon to Hold Yellow Perch Workshop PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio producers interested in the techniques of raising yellow perch are invited to attend a one-day workshop being held at Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon on March 22. Candace Pollock Julie Strawser
06/20/2005 Ohio State Launches Endeavor Center PIKETON, Ohio — The future of southern Ohio is now. With just a snip of the ribbon giving way to the entrance of the new Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon Endeavor Center Business Incubator and Training Facility, seven years of planning, funding and construction have turned dreams into reality for communities throughout Appalachian Ohio. Candace Pollock Steve Shepherd
06/21/2005 Formal Hort. Training in the Works for Volunteers COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohioans who dedicate their time to volunteer at public horticulture institutions and organizations may soon receive certified educational training. Candace Pollock Jenny Pope
03/15/2007 Options Limited to Rectify Compacted Fields This Spring COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio corn growers who were unable to perform tillage operations last fall due to record-setting soggy conditions may be facing compaction issues, and depending on spring weather, have limited options to prepare for planting. Candace Pollock Randall Reeder
03/31/2009 Chadwick Arboretum to Host Free Permaculture Event, April 11 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Learn about the ecological design principles that benefit people and their environment during a free Ohio State University event on the basics of permaculture. Candace Pollock Mary Maloney
05/05/2010 Soybean Aphid Populations Predicted to be Low in Ohio WOOSTER, Ohio – Lower populations of the soybean aphid might be in store for growers this growing season, but based on last year's unusual activity, Ohio State University Extension entomologists are not ruling out any surprises. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
08/29/2001 Managing Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle Focus of OSU-Hosted Meetings WOOSTER, Ohio - Ohio State University entomologists are trying to find out what makes the multicolored Asian lady beetle tick. Candace Pollock Joe Kovach
07/01/2002 Ginseng May Be a Lucrative Specialty Crop PIKETON, Ohio - A group of tiny plants, no more than an inch in height, inconspicuously grow in a wooded area on the grounds of Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon. Candace Pollock Rafiq Islam, Shawn Wright
12/10/2007 Transgenic Hybrids More Prominent in Corn Performance Trials COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Transgenic corn hybrids are becoming more prominent in Ohio State University Corn Performance Trials. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
03/22/2005 Awards Program to Boost Sports Turf Recognition COLUMBUS, Ohio -- To help garner more appreciation for the sports turf industry, the first Ohio State University Buckeye Sports Turf Awards have been launched — assisted, in part, by contributions from an Ohio native and prominent athlete. Candace Pollock Pam Sherratt
03/17/2006 Studies to Tackle Increasing NCLB Infections WOOSTER, Ohio -- Northern corn leaf blight may occur throughout parts of Ohio's cornfields this growing season, continuing the trend of high infection observed in susceptible hybrids over the past four years. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
11/20/2006 Bringing Quality Beef to the Middle East with Ohio-Israeli Project COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A unique collaboration between Ohio State University and Israel is creating opportunities to raise quality beef cattle in this Middle East country, giving producers a more competitive edge over countries that import cattle and providing consumers with a fresher product. Candace Pollock Fernando Silveira, Gene Steiner, Sarah Horowitz
01/12/2009 Ohio Soybeans Suffer in 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio's 2008 soybean crop was one of the worst for growers in several years, with yields falling below 40 bushels per acre for the first time since 2003. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
02/24/2010 Plant Leaf Surface Impacts Effectiveness of Pesticide Applications COLUMBUS, Ohio – Whether in the green industry, turfgrass profession or agriculture, those who think that pesticide applications work the same on all target surfaces, think again. Candace Pollock Erdal Ozkan
07/11/2001 Black Raspberries Top Growers List in Survey PIKETON, Ohio - Black raspberry varieties are the number one raspberries being grown in Ohio, according to a pre-season survey by Ohio State University researchers. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
01/12/2005 Training Program a Tool for Improving Agriculture in Africa COLUMBUS, Ohio — East African universities are looking to Ohio State University to strengthen their Colleges of Agriculture to help improve agricultural productivity, food security and the economy throughout the region. Candace Pollock Mark Erbaugh
08/19/2002 Got Water? Crop Thirst Depends on Soil Type COLUMBUS, Ohio - The biggest element in the world of agricultural production that makes or breaks a crop is water. Candace Pollock Brian Slater
