07/24/2000 |
Eating 'Green' Could be Beneficial |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Chlorophyll has long been touted as a holistic healing aid, with claims that it does everything from healing wounds to curing bad breath. But when people consume foods that contain chlorophyll, is it -- or its digestive products -- absorbed like beta carotene or other plant pigments with health-promoting effects? Researchers at Ohio State University decided to find out.
Martha Filipic |
Mark Failla, Steven Schwartz, Mario Ferruzzi |
11/10/2008 |
Top of the Class: Faculty Member Gains National Recognition for Excellence in Teaching |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A faculty member in Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has been recognized nationally for her teaching.
Martha Filipic |
M. Susie Whittington |
08/24/2012 |
Chow Line: Behavior changes key in weight loss (8/24/12) |
What are some of the things people do (besides eating less) to help them lose weight successfully?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
05/30/2008 |
Chow Line: Choose healthful fast-food options (for the week of 6/8/08) |
As I chauffeur the kids to and from summer activities, I tend to eat more fast food than usual. Any tips to make my choices more healthful? |
Martha Filipic |
Melissa Kalb |
06/20/2011 |
Ohio State Scientists Net 'Spectacular' Results in Yellow Perch Production |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Aquaculture sales in Ohio more than tripled from $1.8 million to $6.6 million in recent years, and nationally, Ohio ranks first in sales of yellow perch for food. But currently, most fish farmers get fingerlings from traditional, low-intensity pond cultures where farmers are at the mercy of good weather and a lot of luck. That makes the supply of yellow perch juveniles limited and costly.
Martha Filipic |
Konrad Dabrowski |
08/20/2008 |
Food Scientist Honored with Designated Professorship |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A substantial gift to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has created a designated professorship to honor a faculty member for his extensive research in food safety.
Martha Filipic |
Ahmed Yousef |
09/20/2012 |
'Research Powerhouses' Join Forces in New Multistate Venture |
FORT WAYNE, Ind. - Faculty from Michigan State University, Ohio State University and Purdue University gathered earlier this month in a new effort to strengthen both research and Extension outreach in food safety issues.
Martha Filipic |
John Baker, Jeff LeJeune, Karen Plaut |
04/27/2007 |
Chow Line: Feel good with omega-3 fatty acids (for 5/6/07) |
Why are omega-3 fatty acids so important? |
Martha Filipic |
Martha Belury |
07/12/2011 |
OSU Extension Assists Homeowners Facing Foreclosure |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Homeowners facing foreclosure often need help, and fast. The goal of the "Ohio Hardest Hit Fund, Restoring Stability: A Save the Dream Ohio Initiative," is to provide that kind of help. Twelve Ohio State University Extension educators and program coordinators are taking part in the program to help ensure that assistance reaches rural Ohio.
Martha Filipic |
Cäzilia Loibl |
01/16/2009 |
Chow Line: Tracing foodborne illness often not easy (for 1/25/09) |
Why does it take so long to identify what is causing an outbreak of foodborne illness?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
10/19/2012 |
Chow Line: Whole grains turn up in surprising places (10/19/12) |
A group of us were watching a football game last week, and someone claimed that the tortilla chips we were eating counted as a “whole-grain” food. I find that hard to believe. Is that right?
Martha Filipic |
Carolyn Gunther |
12/19/2011 |
Ohio State Economists: Shale Gas May Bring Fewer Jobs Than Thought |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A recent industry-funded study estimating that development of shale natural gas and oil could create or support 200,000 jobs in Ohio greatly overestimates the economic impact of the industry, according to a new Ohio State University analysis.
Martha Filipic |
Mark Partridge, Amanda Weinstein |
02/19/2010 |
Family Fundamentals: Parents: Take action if child is being bullied (for February 2010) |
We recently moved to the U.S. from Ireland. We live in a large city, and my 14-year-old daughter is being bullied at school. Where can we find resources to help her? She wants very badly to fit in.
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
04/14/2011 |
Ohio Programs Support 'Joining Forces' for Military Families |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As First Lady Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, toured the country this week to kick off a new initiative, "Joining Forces," they said their goal was to mobilize support for "the extraordinary military families who sacrifice so much every day."
Martha Filipic |
Theresa Ferrari, Brett zumFelde, Kirk Bloir |
02/19/2008 |
Family Fundamentals: Talking about money can be difficult for couples (for 2/2008) |
My wife and I have to deal with some financial issues, but we always end up in a fight when we try to talk. What are some good resources that can help?
Martha Filipic |
Chris Olinsky |
05/11/2007 |
Chow Line: Latino food pyramid good guide to health (for 5/20/07) |
I've heard about a new diet pyramid specifically for Latinos. Is it very different from the official diet pyramid?
Martha Filipic |
Hugo Melgar-Quinonez |
08/02/2012 |
Register Now for New Environmental Leaders Institute |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A series of workshops from September to January is geared to help environmental professionals address complex issues and work collaboratively with fellow professionals across private, nonprofit and government sectors.
Martha Filipic |
Anne Baird, Joe Bonnell |
01/27/2012 |
Chow Line: Canned salmon good for omega-3s (1/27/12) |
We love making baked salmon, especially because it’s so good for you. But it is expensive. Recently I’ve been tempted to try canned salmon. Does it have the same health benefits from omega-3 fatty acids?
Martha Filipic |
Alma Simmons |
04/10/2009 |
Chow Line: Team up water with healthy diet, activity (for 4/19/09) |
I heard something about how school water fountains can help kids lose weight. Can you tell me more?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
10/16/2000 |
Chow Line: Phytochemicals help plants, humans (for 11/4/01) |
I keep hearing good things about "phytochemicals." What are they, exactly?
Martha Filipic |
Joshua Bomser |
10/10/2011 |
Niblack Takes Helm of Plant Pathology |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Terry Niblack is proud to be sitting at the helm of "what's arguably the best plant pathology department in the country."
Martha Filipic |
Terry Niblack |
05/25/2012 |
Summer Science Fun for Kids Planned at Columbus 4-H Camps |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A weeklong "Paws, Claws, Feathers and Friends" 4-H day camp and a three-day overnight 4-H "Camp Tech" are planned at Ohio State University's Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center this summer.
Martha Filipic |
Sally McClaskey |
09/18/2009 |
Chow Line: Detailed food safety information online (for 9/27/09) |
My daughter recently learned she is pregnant, and I know food safety is an important issue during pregnancy. Where can we find good resources to make sure she doesn't eat anything that inadvertently would put her or her baby at risk? |
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
10/26/2009 |
Food Scientist Uses High Pressure to Keep Food Safe -- for a Long, Long Time |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University food science researcher V.M. "Bala" Balasubramaniam isn't feeling pressure to perform. He's using pressure.
Martha Filipic |
V.M. "Bala" Balasubramaniam |
11/08/2011 |
OSU Extension Helping Landowners, Communities Handle Shale Gas Issues |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Shale gas development in Ohio could mean thousands of Ohio jobs, windfalls for landowners leasing away their mineral rights, and economic development for struggling communities.
Martha Filipic |
Steve Schumacher, Peggy Hall, Mike Hogan, Fred Schwarz |
03/12/2012 |
Classes for Divorcing Parents Designed With Kids in Mind |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- When parents divorce, it's often the children who pay the highest price. But many parents in Ohio learn how to soften the blow with "Successful Co-Parenting: A Family Stability Program," a two- to three-hour class offered in 12 counties by Ohio State University Extension.
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
07/10/2012 |
Biotechnology Brings Summer Science Fun to Adventure Central |
DAYTON, Ohio -- In the lazy, hazy days of summer, the last thing on most urban teens' minds is science and biotechnology. But that's not the case for the teenagers who are teaching biotechnology to 100 day-camp participants at Adventure Central in Dayton.
Martha Filipic |
Nate Arnett |
01/13/2011 |
Study: Inexpensive Cleaners Can Effectively Sanitize Kitchen Surfaces |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- New estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that 1 in 6 Americans gets sick from food-borne illness each year. Consumers can take steps to protect themselves and their families by cleaning and sanitizing kitchen surfaces regularly.
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
02/26/2010 |
Chow Line: Most seniors need healthier diets (for 3/7/10) |
When my mother got older, I recall being very concerned about the weight loss she began experiencing. Unfortunately, now that I am approaching 60, I find myself gaining weight. Which is worse for older people, weight gain or weight loss?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
08/30/2011 |
Ohio State Scientist: EPA's Alert on Imprelis is Warranted |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is taking appropriate action in alerting homeowners and landscape professionals not to use grass clippings that have been treated with Imprelis, as well as trees that may have been injured from Imprelis, for compost or mulch, says an Ohio State University turfgrass science professor.
Martha Filipic |
Dave Gardner |