06/23/2011 |
Chow Line: Tips for whole grains, lean protein, dairy (for 7/3/11) |
I'm one of those people who have no problem eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. But I need some ideas for incorporating more whole grains, lean protein and dairy into my daily routine. Tips?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
07/11/2008 |
Chow Line: Use marinades for flavor, tenderizing (for 7/20/08) |
How long should beef and poultry be marinated?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
06/07/2012 |
Couple Honored for Research, Teaching in Food Science and Technology |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- In April, Monica Giusti was recognized at the annual conference of Ohio State's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center for receiving the 2011 TechColumbus Outstanding Woman in Technology. In May, Luis Rodriguez-Saona received the Rodney F. Plimpton Outstanding Young Teacher Award from Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Martha Filipic |
Rich Linton, Monica Giusti, Luis Rodriguez-Saona |
02/27/2012 |
MEDIA ADVISORY: Norovirus Experts Available to Discuss Recent Outbreaks |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Two recent outbreaks of norovirus in Granville in central Ohio -- on top of other outbreaks across the country -- have Ohio State University food safety experts warning people to take precautions to prevent the spread of the foodborne illness.
Martha Filipic |
Qiuhong Wang, Linda Saif |
06/23/2006 |
Chow Line: Your nose knows ripe cantaloupe (for 7/2/06) |
How can you tell cantaloupe if is ripe? I love it but rarely buy it because I'm never sure if it's good or not.
Martha Filipic |
Sharron Coplin |
12/19/2006 |
Chow Line: Fight colds, flu with balanced diet (for 12/31/06) |
Every winter, I seem to have one bad bout of cold or flu. Are there any foods I can eat that would help boost my immune system? |
Martha Filipic |
Marti Andrews |
10/13/2011 |
4-H CARTEENS Programs Get Driving Simulators |
HAMILTON, Ohio -- Distracted driving can be deadly, particularly to teens. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the No. 1 cause of death for U.S. teens, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and drivers ages 16 to 19 are four times more likely than older drivers to crash.
Martha Filipic |
James L. Jordan |
05/25/2007 |
Chow Line: Use crispers to store, separate produce |
I'm never really sure how to use the humidity controls on my refrigerator's fruit and vegetable crispers. Any advice?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
10/15/2010 |
Chow Line: Pumpkin seeds pack a lot of punch (for 10/24/10) |
My family loves snacking on pumpkin seeds. I've heard they're quite nutritious -- are they?
Martha Filipic |
Becky Vaschak |
04/09/2010 |
Chow Line: Calorie counts on menus helpful (for 4/18/10) |
I've heard that the new health care law will require restaurants to provide calorie information to consumers. Will that really improve people's health? |
Martha Filipic |
Gail Kaye |
07/24/2009 |
Chow Line: Tomatoes loaded with health benefits (for 8/2/09) |
We love eating tomatoes during the summer. What are their best qualities, nutrition-wise?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
05/24/2011 |
Columbus 4-H Camps Focus on Pets, Robots |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Students entering grades 6, 7 or 8 this fall have two camping opportunities at Ohio State University Extension's Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center this summer.
Martha Filipic |
Sally McClaskey |
05/20/2009 |
Family Fundamentals: Don't fall for scams when facing foreclosure (for May 2009) |
A friend is falling behind on her mortgage payments, and is starting to get offers that I believe are scams. Is there a way to check these out?
Martha Filipic |
Nancy Stehulak |
12/20/2012 |
Family Fundamentals: For health, limit kids' TV, other 'screen time' (for 12/2011) |
Last year when our children were home from school during Christmas break, they spent a lot of time watching TV, playing video games or on the computer. We know this isn’t ideal, but how much of a problem is it?
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
11/06/2001 |
Following 'Rules' Helps People Save |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- At a time when personal savings has plummeted, Ohio State University researchers have found that people who set specific "saving rules" for themselves are 161 percent more likely to save money than those who don't.
Martha Filipic |
Jong-Youn Rha |
10/24/2008 |
Chow Line: Corn or flour tortilla? Choose best of either (for 11/2/08) |
I love Mexican food, but I've often wondered which is the better choice, nutrition-wise: flour or corn tortillas? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
09/21/2012 |
Chow Line: Keep physically fit at any weight (9/21/12) |
I’ve seen conflicting information about whether or not being obese is actually harmful to your health. Can you clarify?
Martha Filipic |
Carolyn Gunther |
06/23/2011 |
Chow Line: Help kids follow the Dietary Guidelines (for 7/10/11) |
I want to help my kids eat healthier and I'm trying to follow the MyPlate guidelines. Is there anything in particular I can do to help them establish healthy eating patterns that will last for life?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
06/23/2011 |
Chow Line: MyPlate.gov offers ideas for vegan diets (for 7/17/11) |
I'm a vegan and think I eat pretty healthfully, but I feel like I'm in a rut with my day-to-day diet. Any suggestions?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
07/11/2008 |
Family Fundamentals: Don't be afraid to talk with children about war (for July 2008) |
My young children sometimes watch the TV news with us. How should we handle their questions about war and similar issues? Should we keep them from being exposed to this kind of news?
Martha Filipic |
Kara Newby |
02/23/2012 |
Chow Line: High sodium hidden in all sorts of foods (Feb. 24, 2012) |
I recently read something about bread having a lot of sodium in it. Really, bread? I find that hard to believe.
Martha Filipic |
Hugo Melgar-Quinonez |
10/19/2012 |
Chow Line: Whole grains turn up in surprising places (10/19/12) |
A group of us were watching a football game last week, and someone claimed that the tortilla chips we were eating counted as a “whole-grain” food. I find that hard to believe. Is that right?
Martha Filipic |
Carolyn Gunther |
06/08/2007 |
Chow Line: Keep moving to burn more calories (for 6/17/07) |
I'm always much more physically active in the summer, but this year I'm also watching what I eat. How can I tell how many calories I'm burning?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
05/25/2006 |
OSU Extension Supporting 'Women and Money' Programs |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- While more than half of men in the workforce have jobs that offer retirement plans, only one in three working women do. And, because about half of all working women take extended periods off work to care for their families, their potential retirement income is greatly diminished.
Martha Filipic |
Cyndi Renn |
10/22/2010 |
Chow Line: Diabetes must be taken seriously (for 10/31/10) |
My wife was just diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. How serious of a condition is it? |
Martha Filipic |
Shelby Sutphen |
08/22/2008 |
Chow Line: Try home remedies for morning sickness (for 8/31/08) |
I'm pregnant for the first time and I'm surprised at the severity of my morning sickness. I usually have a strong stomach. I've gotten lots of advice, but what really works?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
04/16/2010 |
Chow Line: More say: 'Yogurt, it's Greek to me' (for 4/25/10) |
What can you tell me about Greek yogurt?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
11/10/2008 |
Top of the Class: Faculty Member Gains National Recognition for Excellence in Teaching |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A faculty member in Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has been recognized nationally for her teaching.
Martha Filipic |
M. Susie Whittington |
07/31/2009 |
Chow Line: Keep sugary drinks to a minimum (for 8/9/09) |
Recently, I've let myself indulge in having a can of regular pop with my lunch instead of diet soda. I know it has a lot more sugar and calories, but it tastes so good. Is one can a day so bad? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
08/24/2012 |
Chow Line: Behavior changes key in weight loss (8/24/12) |
What are some of the things people do (besides eating less) to help them lose weight successfully?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |