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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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12/26/2011 Ohio State Helps Cabbage Industry Dish Out the Perfect Kraut FREMONT, Ohio -- For good luck in the New Year, Americans eat sauerkraut. For cost savings and a higher-quality product, Ohio cabbage growers and processors turn to the experts at Ohio State University. Mauricio Espinoza Mark Koenig, Bruce Hanzel
12/21/2011 Webinars Focus on Technologies to Help Increase Business STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- A series of webinars on using social media, mobile apps and other technologies to help increase business is being offered by Penn State Extension in collaboration with Ohio State University Extension and University of Minnesota Extension. Julie Fox
12/21/2011 Ohio State Receives $1.4 M Grant for Development of Resistant Ash Tree WOOSTER, Ohio -- The native North American ash tree's future rests in the ability of researchers to create a new variety with the right genetic traits to withstand its greatest nemesis: the emerald ash borer (EAB). Mauricio Espinoza Dan Herms, Jennifer Koch
12/19/2011 Ohio State Economists: Shale Gas May Bring Fewer Jobs Than Thought COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A recent industry-funded study estimating that development of shale natural gas and oil could create or support 200,000 jobs in Ohio greatly overestimates the economic impact of the industry, according to a new Ohio State University analysis. Martha Filipic Mark Partridge, Amanda Weinstein
12/18/2011 End of Year Brings Significant Tax Implications for Farmers JEFFERSON, Ohio – As 2011 draws to a close, so do opportunities for farmers to take advantage of certain provisions of the federal tax code, according to Ohio State University Extension educator David Marrison. Andy Vance David Marrison
12/18/2011 Don’t Overdo Tillage Following Wet Spring, Harvest COLUMBUS, Ohio – Warning farmers against “recreational tillage” between now and planting the 2012 crop, recently retired Ohio State University Extension engineer Randall Reeder said the unusually wet conditions surrounding planting and harvest in 2011 made quite an impact on soil conditions. Andy Vance Randall Reeder
12/18/2011 Biotechnology Only One Factor Behind Reduced Variation in US Crop Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio – In the second of a series of papers discussing the impact of biotechnology on U.S. average crop yields, Ohio State University agricultural economist Carl Zulauf said that while “this study certainly doesn’t preclude biotechnology as an explanation for the decline in the variability of average yields for corn, cotton and soybeans, it does suggest more universal factors are likely occurring.” Andy Vance Carl Zulauf
12/18/2011 Biotechnology One Factor In Field Crop Yield Trends COLUMBUS, Ohio – While not a definitive study, one Ohio State University agricultural economist said statistical evidence on linear yield trends suggests that biotechnology could play a role in explaining increased yield trends for corn and soybeans over the past 15 years, even though the increase in yield trend is not large for these two crops. Andy Vance Carl Zulauf
12/18/2011 Ohio Corn and Soybean Performance Trial Results Now Available COLUMBUS, Ohio – Researchers with Ohio State University’s Department of Horticulture and Crop Science and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) have released results of the 2011 Corn Performance Test and 2011 Soybean Performance Trials. Andy Vance
12/16/2011 Chow Line: Lower temp OK for pork, but let it rest (for 12/25/11) My family is coming over on New Year’s Day, and we always serve pork roast for luck. My daughter suggested that I cook the roast only until it gets to 145 degrees (internal temperature) so it stays moist, but all my life I’ve cooked pork to 160 degrees, and that’s what my cookbooks say. Is my daughter’s suggestion safe? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
12/16/2011 Ohio 4-H Alum Makes His Mark Internationally COLUMBUS, Ohio -- David O'Brock grew up at the edge of North Benton, a small town in northeast Ohio near the Mahoning/Portage county line. His mother was an advisor for a 4-H club, and he tagged along to 4-H meetings with his older siblings even before he was old enough to join. Martha Filipic David O'Brock, Mary Lynn Thalheimer
12/15/2011 Ohio State Scientists Work to Bring Back the Bobwhite COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio used to have more partridges in its pear trees. Today, researchers at Ohio State University are working to help the birds come back. Kurt Knebusch Bob Gates
12/15/2011 Ohio State Research Shows Dollar Value of Urban Trees, Benefits NE Ohio City WOOSTER, Ohio -- Urban trees provide vital environmental services that can be measured in terms of dollars, helping communities know their real value and make informed decisions. For the northeast Ohio city of Wooster, that value is $270,153 per year. Mauricio Espinoza Alejandro Chiriboga, Daryl Decker
12/12/2011 Materials Aim to Help Pregnant Women Prevent Foodborne Illness COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Pregnant women can learn how to protect themselves and their babies from the risks of foodborne illness -- such as the recent melon-related listeria outbreak -- thanks to a joint effort between Ohio State University and Colorado State University. Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros, Pat Kendall
12/09/2011 Chow Line: Lower your stroke risk with antioxidants (for 12/18/11) I heard recently that eating more fruits and vegetables can help prevent stroke. Having a stroke is something I have always worried about. Can you tell me more details? Martha Filipic Hugo Melgar-Quinonez
12/09/2011 Healthy Baby, Healthy Me
12/07/2011 Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Dec. 7 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as of Dec. 7. Kaitlyn Riemenschneider
12/06/2011 Food Safety is Focus of $2.3 Million in Grants WOOSTER, Ohio -- An Ohio State University scientist and colleagues have garnered two food safety grants totaling $2.3 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Martha Filipic Jeff LeJeune
12/02/2011 Chow Line: Leftovers deserve cautious care (for 12/10/11) My husband and I do a lot of cooking on the weekend so we just have to reheat leftovers for dinner later in the week. But we have a question: When we make a big pot of chili or soup, should we let it cool on the counter before refrigerating it, or not?  Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
12/01/2011 Genetic Improvement Propels Corn Yield Past Weather Woes COLUMBUS, Ohio – Weather conditions at planting and harvest worked to stymie farmers in 2011. Despite frustrating meteorological developments, Ohio State University experts say continuous improvements in corn genetics and traits allowed producers to record impressive yields this year. Andy Vance Peter Thomison, Matt Sullivan
12/01/2011 Corn Harvest Winding Down, Yields Better Than Expected COLUMBUS, Ohio – As farmers near completion of the 2011 harvest, Ohio State University corn extension specialist Peter Thomison said that despite major weather challenges at planting and harvest, yields were largely better than expected across much of Ohio. Andy Vance Peter Thomison
12/01/2011 Nutrient Management Key Theme of Ohio No-Till Conference CELINA, Ohio – Experts from Ohio State University Extension, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Ohio No-Till Council will discuss the critical importance of managing phosphorous and other nutrients through conservation tillage practices at the annual Ohio No-Till Conference, Dec. 6, 2011 in Plain City. Andy Vance Jim Hoorman
11/30/2011 OARDC's Yebo Li Receives University Innovator Award WOOSTER, Ohio -- Yebo Li, a biosystems engineer with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster, has received Ohio State University's 2011 Early Career Innovator of the Year Award for his work on the development and commercialization of bio-based energy and industrial products. Mauricio Espinoza
11/22/2011 Chow Line: Host healthful holiday gatherings (for 12/4/11) We’re entertaining quite a bit over the holidays. We’ve been trying to eat more healthfully, and so have a lot of our friends and family. Any ideas to help us encourage healthy eating at parties, without being a complete wet blanket? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
11/18/2011 Chow Line: Close, but broccoli beats cauliflower (for 11/27/11) Do broccoli and cauliflower offer similar nutrients? My husband says they do, but I think he just doesn’t like broccoli. (I prefer broccoli over cauliflower, so I might be biased, too.)  Martha Filipic Hugo Melgar-Quinonez
11/17/2011 Kudzu Presents Problems, Not Yet Running Rampant in the North WOOSTER, Ohio – An invasive species synonymous with the South has taken root in the Eastern Corn Belt, but according to Ohio State University Extension field crop pathologist Anne Dorrance, it doesn’t yet present quite the headaches for farmers above the Mason-Dixon Line as it has below. Andy Vance Anne Dorrance
11/17/2011 Following Harvest, Farmers Have Plenty of Work Ahead URBANA, Ohio – As farmers wrap up harvesting corn and soybeans across the Eastern Corn Belt, the work is just getting started on many farms, with fertilizer, herbicide and tillage applications planned in the waning weeks of productivity for 2011. Andy Vance Harold Watters
11/17/2011 Post-USDA Reports, Market Focus Likely Shifts to 2012 COLUMBUS, Ohio – After a November U.S. Department of Agriculture crop report described as “pretty boring,” Ohio State University Extension economist Matt Roberts said the grain markets are largely watching other markets and awaiting thoughts of buying acres for 2012 production. Andy Vance Matt Roberts
11/17/2011 Ohio State’s Hall to Lead American Agricultural Law Association COLUMBUS, Ohio – Members of the American Agricultural Law Association (AALA) elected Peggy Kirk Hall of The Ohio State University as its next president during the organization’s annual conference in late October. Hall is the director of Ohio State’s Agricultural and Resource Law Program. Andy Vance Peggy Kirk Hall
11/16/2011 Family Fundamentals: It's never too early to teach kids about money (for Nov. 2011) Our children are still young (ages 4 and 6) but we want to teach them good money management practices that will last a lifetime. What can we do now and over the next few years to give them a good, solid base?  Martha Filipic Nancy Stehulak
