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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Date Title Intro Author(s)sort ascending Source(s)
05/15/2009 Chow Line: Try heat, drying if fresh garlic turns blue (for 5/24/09) When I crush a fresh garlic clove and spread it on a piece of fish or meat and put it in the oven to bake, the crushed garlic turns bluish-greenish. Why does this happen? Can I prevent it? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
09/14/2012 Chow Line: Lots of options with potatoes, rice (9/14/12) Which is better for you, potatoes or rice? Martha Filipic Hugo Melgar-Quinonez
02/04/2010 Chow Line: Eat for a healthy heart (for 2/14/10) My family has a history of heart disease. What should I focus on to make my diet as heart-healthy as possible? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
06/27/2008 Chow Line: Wash produce just before eating (for 7/6/08) Are there any new food safety guidelines, especially in light of the recent salmonella outbreak on tomatoes? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
03/20/2009 Chow Line: Exercise can help control blood sugar (for 3/29/09) I don't understand how exercise affects blood sugar. Isn't blood sugar controlled by what you eat? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
04/27/2012 Ohio State to Host Second Conference on Ohio Oil and Gas Law COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Continued development of Ohio’s shale energy resources has prompted Ohio State University's Agricultural and Resource Law Program to plan the second annual Ohio Oil and Gas Law Symposium. Martha Filipic Peggy Hall
12/15/2006 Chow Line: Store staples properly to keep long-term (for 12/24/06) I bought a lot of baking ingredients in anticipation of the holidays, but I ran out of time. What is the best way to store flour, sugar, butter and nuts for the long term? Martha Filipic Jaime Foster
01/19/2012 $320,000 Tractor Donated; Another on the Way Agricultural Systems Management program to benefit. Martha Filipic Scott Shearer, Dewey Mann, Tom Stannard
09/28/2011 Two 4-H Events Offer Science Fun COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Making mozzarella cheese, spinning wool after a sheep-shearing demonstration, and creating a lamp from an empty pop can are just some of the hands-on fun but educational experiences available at two upcoming Columbus events sponsored by Ohio 4-H. Martha Filipic Sally McClaskey
05/23/2008 Chow Line: Many options for storing fresh herbs (for 6/1/08) We are growing fresh basil and other herbs. What is the best way to store them for use later? Martha Filipic Sharron Coplin
02/23/2012 Chow Line: New findings shed light on diverticulosis (2/10/12) I spoke with a friend recently who said he had a bad attack of diverticulitis. First, is that the same thing as diverticulosis? Also, can a high-fiber diet help prevent either condition?   Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
04/01/2010 Chow Line: Quick breakfasts can be healthful (for 4/11/10) I know they say breakfast is "the most important meal of the day," but I usually just don't have time. Am I doing myself in by not eating breakfast? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
09/02/2011 Chow Line: Watch the toppings for a healthy salad (for 9/11/11) Over the summer, our salads have gotten more and more elaborate. With cheese, almonds and other toppings, are we being as healthy as we think? Martha Filipic Julie Kennel
05/04/2003 Chow Line: Vitamin C and iron are great partners (for 5/11/03) The last time I gave blood, I was surprised when they told me that citrus fruits were good sources of iron. Is that true? Martha Filipic Jaime Ackerman
10/19/2007 Chow Line: Caffeine OK, but can irritate stomach (for 10/28/07) A colleague just experienced a bout of stomach flu. As she recovered, she said she felt OK as long as she didn't consume caffeine. Was it the caffeine or the coffee that upset her stomach? Martha Filipic Marti Andrews
08/17/2012 Family Fundamentals: What to do when your child is bullying others (August 2012) Late last school year, I was surprised when my son’s school said he was bullying another student. He is about to start the fourth grade and I’m not sure what to say to him to make sure he doesn’t do this again. Any advice? Martha Filipic Tasha Snyder
04/17/2007 Family Fundamentals: Look for early warning signs of autism disorders (for April 2007) We know several families with children who have autism, Asperger syndrome, or a similar disorder. How common is this? Are there early signs to watch for? Martha Filipic Pam Leong
06/18/2012 Family Fundamentals: Help new parents feel more confident in selves (June 2012) My son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first baby. They seem to be focusing on preparing the nursery and stocking up on baby clothes, but I’m concerned they don’t seem to appreciate what it takes to be a good parent. How can I help them prepare for parenting? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
10/25/2011 Researchers Tackle Safety Issues with Leafy Greens COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Leafy green vegetables, power-packed with nutrients, are a growing part of the average American diet. Yet in 2009, leafy greens also made the Center for Science in the Public Interest's "Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods." Here's what Ohio State researchers are doing to help.  Martha Filipic Sudhir Sastry, Gonul Kaletunc, Ahmed Yousef
12/15/2014 'Make Tasks Easier': Arthritis Screenings, Universal Design Exhibit at Farm Science Review LONDON, Ohio -- In conjunction with the longstanding Universal Design exhibit at the Farm Science Review, arthritis screenings will again be offered for farmers on the first two days of the annual farm show. Martha Filipic Meg Teaford, Pat Holmes
02/15/2011 Family Fundamentals: Start with Extension for credible relationship guidance (February 2011) I'm recently married and became a stepmother, and sometimes I'm not sure I handle certain situations (both with my husband and the children) in the best way.  I've looked at some advice books at the library, but it's hard to judge which might be the most credible. Any ideas where I can get general (but expert) advice? Martha Filipic Kara Newby
02/12/2010 Chow Line: Vegetarian diet? Get nutrients you need (for 2/21/10) My partner used to be a vegetarian, and she wants us to try a vegetarian diet for a few months to see if it helps us feel healthier and possibly drop a few pounds. But aren't there nutrients we won't be getting if we don't eat meat? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
07/03/2008 Chow Line: Try kiwi for burst of nutrients, color (for 7/13/08) I like kiwi in fruit salads I enjoy at potlucks and other gatherings, but I've never purchased one myself. Any tips on selecting and preparing it? Martha Filipic Lydia Medeiros
12/06/2011 Food Safety is Focus of $2.3 Million in Grants WOOSTER, Ohio -- An Ohio State University scientist and colleagues have garnered two food safety grants totaling $2.3 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Martha Filipic Jeff LeJeune
03/26/2009 Chow Line: Promising research on peanut allergies (for 4/5/09) As a new mother, is there anything I can do to reduce the risk that my child will develop a peanut allergy? Should I avoid eating peanuts while breastfeeding? Martha Filipic Julie Shertzer
05/27/2011 Chow Line: Coffee: Fill to the brim for good health (for 6/5/11) I was surprised to hear coffee might help prevent prostate cancer. I always tried to limit coffee drinking, thinking it was a bad habit. Can I enjoy it now? Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
08/24/2007 Chow Line: How sweet they are: A tale of two beets (for 9/2/07) Are sugar beets the same thing as the beets that are pickled or canned? Martha Filipic Matt Kleinhenz
01/19/2012 Proper Nutrition Vital for Livestock in Late Gestation WOOSTER, Ohio -- As livestock managers anticipate the beginning of the spring calving season, it's vital that they make sure their cows and heifers are getting the proper nutrition.  Martha Filipic Rory Lewandowski
04/29/2011 Chow Line: Peppermint could ease pain in gut (for 5/8/11) I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. I heard that peppermint might help ease my symptoms, but it sounds like folklore to me. How true is it? Martha Filipic Amber Riggin
10/13/2005 Family Fundamentals: Bankruptcy Still an Option Even Under New Rules (for October 2005) I was laid off last week and have no prospects yet. I’ve heard the bankruptcy laws have changed. If I can’t get ahead soon, will I still be able to file? Martha Filipic Sharon Seiling
