09/25/2009 |
Chow Line: Eat healthfully to fight the flu bug (for 10/4/09) |
Is there anything we can do nutritionally that would help me and my family stay healthy during the flu season? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
08/14/2009 |
Chow Line: Eat lots of produce, raw and cooked (for 8/23/09) |
I have long heard about the benefits of eating raw produce, and I have experimented with a semi-raw diet in the last few weeks. Besides eating raw produce, I'm making smoothies with fruits and vegetables for breakfast. But I just heard a news report saying some vegetables are more nutritious if cooked. So what's better, cooked or raw? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
09/10/2010 |
Chow Line: Eat right to lower blood cholesterol (for 9/19/10) |
At my last check-up, my blood cholesterol level was higher than usual. What foods could I eat to lower my LDLs and increase my HDLs? |
Martha Filipic |
Martha Belury |
04/24/2009 |
Chow Line: Eating 'on automatic' hard to overcome (for 5/3/09) |
I know all about healthful eating and cutting calories to lose weight. But I just can't seem to sustain that kind of effort for long. What's wrong with me? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
07/21/2008 |
Chow Line: Eggs make frozen custard smoother (for 7/27/08) |
What's the difference between frozen custard and soft-serve ice cream? |
Martha Filipic |
Jim Harper |
04/19/2012 |
Chow Line: Encourage, support overweight child (4/6/12) |
My son is much too heavy for his age (he's 13) and my mother is hinting we should try putting him on a low-carb diet. I'm not sure that's a good idea, but I do think we need to do something. Any ideas?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
12/01/2006 |
Chow Line: Enjoy cashews, but avoid their shells (for 12/10/06) |
Why can't you buy cashews in the shell, like you can with walnuts, peanuts and other types of nuts? |
Martha Filipic |
Gail Kaye, Michelle Tansy |
04/15/2011 |
Chow Line: Enjoy dried fruit, but watch portions (for 4/24/11) |
My husband likes to snack on dried fruit, but he also needs to watch his blood sugar. Should he cut back or even eliminate dried fruit from his diet?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
03/30/2012 |
Chow Line: Enjoy eggs, but keep safety in mind (3/30/12) |
I know that eggs can be contaminated with Salmonella if the hen that laid the egg is infected. But how common is this?
Martha Filipic |
Linnette Goard |
06/04/2010 |
Chow Line: Enjoy fried treats occasionally (for 6/13/10) |
My wife has type 2 diabetes and has to control her intake of carbs. But she loves fried green tomatoes and could eat them six times a week. Is there a substitute for regular flour she can use?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
10/23/2009 |
Chow Line: Enjoy peanut butter but watch calories (for 11/1/09) |
Is peanut butter healthy for you, or is it so high in fat and calories that you should avoid it? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
09/11/2009 |
Chow Line: Enjoy produce, but keep it safe (for 9/20/09) |
I am enjoying all the fresh produce I can get my hands on this summer, but I wonder if I should be doing anything special to make sure it's safe. Are there standard guidelines?
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
11/23/2010 |
Chow Line: Enjoy, but keep control over holidays (for 12/5/10) |
There's so much good food around during the holidays, I have a hard time controlling my eating. And, it's getting harder and harder to lose the extra pounds after the first of the year. Any tips? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
06/29/2012 |
Chow Line: Estimate portion sizes with ‘handy’ tool (6/29/12) |
I want to make sure I’m eating the proper portion sizes, but I don’t want to weigh and measure everything I eat. Is there an easy way to estimate servings of different foods?
Martha Filipic |
Dan Remley |
02/16/2007 |
Chow Line: Even LDLs aren't all bad (for 2/25/07) |
I know there is "good" and "bad" cholesterol, but how do they actually work? |
Martha Filipic |
Josh Bomser |
09/04/2009 |
Chow Line: Examine ingredients for added sugars (for 9/13/09) |
Why are recent guidelines on reducing sugar intake focusing so much on 'added sugar'? Isn't all sugar the same? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
03/20/2009 |
Chow Line: Exercise can help control blood sugar (for 3/29/09) |
I don't understand how exercise affects blood sugar. Isn't blood sugar controlled by what you eat? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
08/10/2007 |
Chow Line: Exercise can help curb diabetes (for 8/19/07) |
Why is physical activity so important for people with diabetes? |
Martha Filipic |
Carla Miller, Jackie Buell |
08/08/2008 |
Chow Line: Expose children to more vegetables (for 8/17/08) |
With school starting soon, I want to pack some fresh vegetables in my children's lunches, but I'm afraid they'll just throw them away. Any ideas? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
07/23/2010 |
Chow Line: Farmed, wild catfish: know nutrition, safety (for Aug. 1, 2010) |
Our family really enjoys eating catfish. Is there much of a difference nutrition-wise between farm-raised catfish that we find at the store and wild catfish we catch on fishing trips? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
01/15/2010 |
Chow Line: Feed the brain by eating smart (for 1/24/10) |
What sorts of foods should I eat to keep my mental activity at its peak function? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
04/27/2007 |
Chow Line: Feel good with omega-3 fatty acids (for 5/6/07) |
Why are omega-3 fatty acids so important? |
Martha Filipic |
Martha Belury |
11/02/2007 |
Chow Line: Fiber goal linked with calorie intake |
The back of my cereal box says that 25 to 38 grams of fiber are recommended each day. Why is there such a disparity? How do I know if I need 25 grams or 38 grams? |
Martha Filipic |
Jaime Foster |
12/19/2006 |
Chow Line: Fight colds, flu with balanced diet (for 12/31/06) |
Every winter, I seem to have one bad bout of cold or flu. Are there any foods I can eat that would help boost my immune system? |
Martha Filipic |
Marti Andrews |
05/04/2012 |
Chow Line: First, focus on health, not weight (5/4/12) |
I’ve tried every diet under the sun, but I always gain back everything I’ve lost and more. Before I completely give up, what can I try next?
Martha Filipic |
Dan Remley |
07/16/2010 |
Chow Line: Fish from open Gulf areas safe, for now (for 7/25/10) |
Should I be concerned about buying fish or seafood? I'm worried it might be from the Gulf of Mexico and tainted from the oil spill.
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
03/28/2008 |
Chow Line: Fit in fiber even on a gluten-free diet |
What about people who are on gluten-free diets -- how can we get enough fiber? |
Martha Filipic |
Lydia Medeiros |
01/17/2008 |
Chow Line: Focus on folate for health, not the blues (for 1/27/08) |
I've heard that taking folate can help combat depression. Is that true? |
Martha Filipic |
Robert Disilvestro |
06/12/2009 |
Chow Line: Focus on health to help kids lose weight (for 6/21/09) |
My daughter never lost her "baby fat" and is now a pre-teen with a weight problem that she is defensive about. How can I help? |
Martha Filipic |
Julie Shertzer |
02/25/2011 |
Chow Line: Focus on healthy eating patterns (for March 6, 2011) |
I looked up my personal recommended dietary intake on “MyPyramid.gov,” but I’m finding it difficult to put into practice. Are there some easier general guidelines I can follow to improve my diet?
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |