04/21/2005 |
Soybean Aphids Now Overwinter in Ohio |
WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid, a pest known to invade Ohio soybean fields each year from the north, has now been found to overwinter in the state. |
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
06/17/2009 |
Soybean Aphids Arrive in Ohio, and in Big Numbers |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The soybean aphid has arrived in Ohio. Ohio State University Extension entomologists have found the sapsucker on early planted soybeans, and in some fields at numbers higher than expected. |
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
05/05/2010 |
Soybean Aphid Populations Predicted to be Low in Ohio |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Lower populations of the soybean aphid might be in store for growers this growing season, but based on last year's unusual activity, Ohio State University Extension entomologists are not ruling out any surprises. |
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
07/05/2005 |
Soybean Aphid Populations on the Rise |
WOOSTER, Ohio — Soybean aphid populations are on the rise in Ohio, just as entomologists and other industry specialists have predicted. |
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
07/21/2004 |
Soybean Aphid No-Show? |
WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid, an insect pest whose quirky behavior has made it more famous than the actual damage it causes, is doing something this season that Midwest entomologists may have successfully predicted: absolutely nothing. |
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
10/20/2004 |
Soybean Aphid May Be Back Next Year |
WOOSTER, Ohio — The soybean aphid, which was practically nonexistent in soybean fields this growing season, may be back with a vengeance next year.
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
06/15/2007 |
Soybean Aphid Arrival to Ohio Early |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The soybean aphid, which is predicted in large numbers throughout the Midwest this season, is showing up in Ohio earlier than anticipated. |
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond |
10/13/2004 |
Soy Biodiesel a Success on Ohio State Campus |
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Thanks to Ohio soybeans, the Ohio State University campus community is breathing a lot easier. |
Candace Pollock |
Denny Hall |
05/28/2008 |
Southern Ohio to See 17-Year Periodical Cicadas |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Neighborhoods, parks, wooded areas and forests throughout southern Ohio will soon be filled with the cacophony of thousands of periodical cicadas, emerging from underground after 17 years of development. |
Candace Pollock |
Barb Bloetscher |
08/11/2011 |
Southern Ohio Summer Wine Grape Workshop is Aug. 18 in Piketon |
PIKETON, Ohio -- Learn from Ohio State University experts and fellow grape growers how to improve fruit quality and profitability at the Southern Ohio Summer Wine Grape Workshop, to be held Thursday, Aug. 18, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon.
Mauricio Espinoza |
12/09/2010 |
Southern Ohio New and Small Farm College Explores Farm Enterprises |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farmers interested in exploring land use options, expanding an agricultural or horticultural enterprise, or diversifying their acreage have the opportunity to attend the 2011 Southern Ohio New and Small Farm College.
Candace Pollock |
Tony Nye |
06/27/2001 |
Southern Ohio Farmers Harvesting Sweet Corn Early |
MARIETTA, Ohio - Sweet corn production in southern Ohio is early this year, about 10 days ahead of schedule and two to three weeks earlier than the rest of the state. |
Candace Pollock |
Eric Barrett |
03/17/2008 |
Southern Ohio Corn May be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Southern Ohio's corn crop may face a high risk of Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight this growing season. The disease is caused by a bacterium carried and spread by adult flea beetles.
Candace Pollock |
Ron Hammond, Pierce Paul |
03/17/2006 |
Southern Ohio Corn at Risk for Stewart's Wilt |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Southern and south central Ohio's corn crop may be facing a high risk of Stewart's wilt bacterial disease this growing season. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
06/07/2012 |
Southeastern Ohio Hay Day June 21 |
CALDWELL, Ohio -- Equipment dealers from around eastern Ohio will demonstrate the latest in forage harvesting and forage handling machinery at Southeastern Ohio Hay Day.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Ludwig |
Clif Little |
02/26/2008 |
South Centers at Piketon to Hold Yellow Perch Workshop |
PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio producers interested in the techniques of raising yellow perch are invited to attend a one-day workshop being held at Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon on March 22. |
Candace Pollock |
Julie Strawser |
11/05/2002 |
Some Woodland Plants Are Made In The Shade |
COLUMBUS, Ohio - A little shade goes a long way in the growth and marketing of some woody plants. |
Candace Pollock |
Martin Quigley |
12/22/2004 |
Some Wheat Yellowing from Stress |
WOOSTER, Ohio — The wheat crop in Ohio is on its way to another growing season, but a portion of the crop is already off to a shaky start. |
Candace Pollock |
Pat Lipps |
08/14/2007 |
Some Wheat Varieties Suitable for Wide-Row Production |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Some wheat varieties grown in Ohio produce as much yield in 15-inch rows as they do in traditional 7.5-inch rows, according to Ohio State University Extension research. This option enables farmers to slim their equipment usage and cut their seeding rates in half, saving them money. |
Candace Pollock |
Jim Beuerlein |
08/07/2007 |
Some Soybean Fields Losing the Battle Against Ohio's Drought |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Like Ohio's corn crop, soybeans are reaching a stage of development where current drought conditions could impact yields. |
Candace Pollock |
Jim Beuerlein |
09/16/2002 |
Some Soil Bacteria Protect Soybeans From Root Diseases |
WOOSTER, Ohio - In the struggle to protect soybean plants against root diseases, one Ohio State University researcher is taking the fight below the soil surface. |
Candace Pollock |
Brian McSpadden Gardener |
03/19/2007 |
Some Ohio Cornfields May Be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Cornfields throughout southern Ohio might be at risk this growing season for Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight -- a corn disease caused by a bacterium carried and spread by adult flea beetles. |
Candace Pollock |
Pierce Paul |
09/09/2010 |
Some Ohio Corn Ready for Harvest |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio's corn crop may be ready for harvest sooner than anticipated. |
Candace Pollock |
Peter Thomison |
06/04/2010 |
Some Ohio Corn May Need Replanting |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio's corn planting may be nearing completion, but corn damaged from saturated soils and ponding conditions from intermittent heavy rains may need to be replanted. |
Candace Pollock |
Peter Thomison |
10/05/2010 |
Some Ohio Corn Experiencing Stalk Lodging |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Some corn throughout Ohio, already stressed from lack of adequate moisture, is experiencing stalk lodging and stalk rot. |
Candace Pollock |
Peter Thomison |
05/05/2008 |
Some Fall Cover Crops Can Reduce SCN Populations |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The benefits of cover crops continue to grow. Touted for conserving soil while filling forage needs, some plant varieties also have the potential to suppress soybean cyst nematode populations in no-till fields. |
Candace Pollock |
Kent Harrison |
05/02/2012 |
Some Corn Growers Considering Replanting: Is It Worthwhile? |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The cold temperatures experienced in Ohio in the last week of April have some corn growers concerned about adverse effects on the crop and thinking about whether to replant their fields, according to an Ohio State University Extension specialist.
Tracy Turner |
Peter Thomison |
06/17/2008 |
Some Blackberry Varieties Make Bramble Production Easier |
PIKETON, Ohio -- Blackberries are a popular, high-value fruit crop for Ohio growers looking to produce a niche agricultural product. But getting the most out of the crop requires intensive inputs and high maintenance. Ohio State University Extension horticulturists are evaluating cultivars that may make production easier. |
Candace Pollock |
Shawn Wright |
11/07/2007 |
Solutions Offered to Continuous Corn Issues at No-Till Conference |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio no-till growers practicing continuous corn production face issues normally remedied with crop rotation. Overcoming production issues with corn-after-corn management will be addressed during the Ohio No-Till Conference, Dec. 4. |
Candace Pollock |
Peter Thomison |
04/23/2008 |
Solution to Global Food Crisis is Managing Natural Resources |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The world may be on the verge of a second Green Revolution, says an Ohio State University soil scientist. But while the original pulled people from the brink of starvation using genetics, he believes the success of the current movement will be rooted in careful management of Earth's natural resources. |
Candace Pollock |
Rattan Lal |