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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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03/30/2010 Ten Approaches to Achieve High Corn Yields and Improve Profits COLUMBUS, Ohio – With record corn yields in Ohio last year and some fields averaging upwards of 240 bushels per acre, growers will be looking to squeeze every bushel out of their fields this growing season. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
07/24/2007 Ohio Drought Impacting Potential Corn Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio's moderate drought is taking a toll on the state's corn crop, and some fields are already taking a major yield hit. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
02/19/2007 Know the Production Risks with Continuous Corn COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Crop rotation is the key to maximizing yields while reducing potential problems with insect and diseases. However, some Ohio growers are willing to accept the risks of continuous corn production in the hopes of capturing more profit from higher corn prices. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
05/19/2011 Late Corn Planting Won't Necessarily Mean Lower Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Rainy weather is resulting in major delays in corn planting throughout Ohio. But farmers can still hold a sliver of hope that late planting won't put a big dent in yields at harvest time. Martha Filipic Peter Thomison
07/10/2012 Corn Farmers 'Keeping Their Fingers Crossed' COLUMBUS, Ohio –Recent rains in some parts of Ohio may not be enough to stem the damage from high temperatures and drought conditions during corn pollination, according to an Ohio State University Extension specialist.  Tracy Turner Peter Thomison
06/24/2005 Ohio's Corn Crop Parched COLUMBUS, Ohio — With seedling blight diseases and replanting issues out of the way, Ohio corn growers are now faced with a new challenge: inadequate rainfall. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
12/16/2005 Corn Surprises, Despite Rough Growing Season COLUMBUS, Ohio — One couldn't tell from Ohio's average corn yield that 2005 was a rough season for growers. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
10/09/2009 Killing Frost, Cooler Fall Temperatures Impacting Corn Harvest OLUMBUS, Ohio – A recent killing frost in some parts of Ohio may have impacted the corn crop, causing development to shut down prematurely, potentially reducing yields. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
04/22/2004 Follow Good Practices When Planting Corn COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio corn growers may be itching to get their crop in the ground, but they should keep a few guidelines in mind before rushing to plant to ensure maximum yields. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
05/07/2003 More GMO Corn Increasing Risk of Crop Contamination COLUMBUS, Ohio — With the production of genetically modified corn gradually increasing in Ohio, the risk of contaminating non-GMO corn through pollination is becoming more of a concern. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
10/01/2002 Rains Arrive Too Late To Help Corn Crop COLUMBUS, Ohio - Recent scattered rainfall and saturated conditions generated from the remnants of Tropical Storm Isidore have arrived too late to pull Ohio's corn out its drought-stressed state, and may even prove detrimental for farmers trying to harvest their crop. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
09/16/2005 Ohio's Corn Benefited Little from Hurricane Katrina COLUMBUS, Ohio — Rain from the remnants of Hurricane Katrina arrived too late to benefit most of Ohio's drought-stressed corn crop. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
11/13/2006 Continued Harvest Delays May Mean More Lodging Corn COLUMBUS, Ohio -- With over 30 percent of Ohio's corn crop still not yet harvested, some growers across the state may be facing significant lodging problems. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
05/22/2009 No Worries. Late Planted Corn May Not Be So Late COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio weather conditions can turn on a dime. One minute, rains are preventing a timely corn planting, and the next minute sunny skies are paving the way to play catch-up. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
12/21/2005 New Tests Added to Corn Performance Trials COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The scope of this year's Ohio State University Ohio Corn Performance Trials has been broadened to accommodate increasing interest in other production practices. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
05/31/2007 Dry Weather Curse and Blessing for Ohio's Corn COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Prolonged dry weather may turn out to be both a curse and a blessing for Ohio's developing corn crop. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
03/30/2009 Get Ready to Plant Corn COLUMBUS, Ohio -- To put corn on the right track this growing season, focus on proven production practices such as timely planting, high-yielding hybrids and appropriate seeding rates, says an Ohio State University Extension agronomist. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
10/05/2010 Some Ohio Corn Experiencing Stalk Lodging COLUMBUS, Ohio – Some corn throughout Ohio, already stressed from lack of adequate moisture, is experiencing stalk lodging and stalk rot. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
08/11/2011 Favorable midseason weather conditions mean near-trendline yield still possible COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Late planting conditions coupled with high heat and below-average rainfall throughout June and early July could have spelled disaster for Ohio’s corn crop this year. A reversal of meteorological fortunes during critical phases of the growing season, however, means a near-trendline yield is still possible, according to Ohio State University experts. Andy Vance Peter Thomison, Harold Watters
08/02/2012 Continued Extreme Heat Could Damage Corn, Soybeans COLUMBUS, Ohio – As days with extreme heat coupled with drought conditions have dominated the weather statewide in recent weeks, growers have begun to ask themselves just how hot is too hot for corn and soybeans? Tracy Turner Peter Thomison, Laura Elizabeth Lindsey
12/01/2011 Genetic Improvement Propels Corn Yield Past Weather Woes COLUMBUS, Ohio – Weather conditions at planting and harvest worked to stymie farmers in 2011. Despite frustrating meteorological developments, Ohio State University experts say continuous improvements in corn genetics and traits allowed producers to record impressive yields this year. Andy Vance Peter Thomison, Matt Sullivan
08/29/2008 Dry Weather May Lead to Stalk Lodging in Corn WOOSTER, Ohio -- Despite recent rain from the remnants of Fay, parts of Ohio remain abnormally dry, and the drought-like conditions may cause stalk rot and lodging problems in corn. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison, Pierce Paul
10/28/2005 Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio — Low grain prices, unfavorable weather and hurricane-related transportation issues have some Ohio growers dragging their feet with corn harvest. But any further delay could cause severe stalk lodging and subsequent yield losses. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison, Pierce Paul
12/19/2006 Don't Forget Disease Resistance When Choosing Corn Hybrids COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Disease resistance shouldn't be overlooked when choosing corn hybrids for next season, especially if growers plan to make the switch to continuous corn. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison, Pierce Paul
04/20/2009 Look to Research-Based Data for Usefulness of Ag Products or Practices COLUMBUS, Ohio -- From using fungicides simply to boost crop yields to using soil inoculants to stimulate plant growth, Ohio State University Extension specialists are seeing an increase in the interest and use of nontraditional agricultural products and production practices. But stepping away from the fundamentals in favor of more unorthodox practices could do more harm than good. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison, Pierce Paul, Robert Mullen
02/18/2009 300-Bushel Corn? Learn More at the Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference ADA, Ohio -- What does it take to produce 300-bushel corn? Cooperative Extension corn specialists throughout the Midwest will offer insight into the production and genetics of creating high corn yields during the Ohio State University Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison, Randall Reeder
02/21/2008 Transgenics Could Pose Planting Challenges This Season COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The percentage of transgenic corn hybrids increasing in Ohio may prove to make this season's planting more of a challenge. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison, Ron Hammond
05/31/2012 Hot, Dry Weather Among Factors Contributing to Uneven Corn Emergence COLUMBUS, Ohio – Growers who are finding fair to poor stands in their corn fields may be experiencing the effects of record rainfall in 2011, a mild winter in 2012, and continued hot, dry weather that may be contributing to a host of issues that are negatively impacting corn emergence, a pair of Ohio State University Extension experts said. Tracy Turner Peter Thomison, Steve Prochaska
11/01/2007 Test Flood-Damaged Corn for Mold Before Feeding to Livestock WOOSTER, Ohio -- As growers wrap up corn harvest this season, they should give special attention to fields inundated by floodwaters earlier this year in parts of northwest and north central Ohio. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
02/04/2010 Vomitoxin on the Mind of Growers as They Choose Corn Hybrids for This Growing Season WOOSTER, Ohio – As Ohio corn growers struggle with moldy grain in storage and costly vomitoxin problems, they are faced with the challenges of selecting hybrids for the 2010 growing season they hope will help them avoid a repeat of poor grain quality. Candace Pollock Pierce Paul
