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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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07/23/2010 Ag Secretary Vilsack: OARDC, Industry Partners Key to 'New Rural America' WOOSTER, Ohio — U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack toured a new facility that turns waste into green energy and learned about efforts to develop a new domestic crop that yields natural rubber during his first visit to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s (OARDC) Wooster campus last Monday (7/19). Mauricio Espinoza Bill Ravlin
05/25/2011 OARDC, Ford Partner to Test Russian Dandelion Rubber for Car Parts WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ford Motor Co. is joining forces with Ohio State University to find new uses for an alternative source of rubber being developed by scientists at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster. Mauricio Espinoza Bill Ravlin, Katrina Cornish
07/24/2001 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Alpacas (for the week of Aug. 12, 2001) Dear Twig: There’s a farm near my home that must have a hundred alpacas. What can you tell me about them? Kurt Knebusch Bill Shulaw
12/18/2001 OSU Extension to Hold Scrapie Eradication Programs COLUMBUS, Ohio - Producers who have questions or concerns regarding the United States Department of Agriculture's new regulations for sheep and goat identification will have the opportunity to attend one of seven Ohio State University Extension/USDA-sponsored programs in January and February. Candace Pollock Bill Shulaw
09/27/2007 Report Cattle Illnesses to Keep Diseases Under Control COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio producers who suspect their beef or dairy cattle are showing signs of epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) should report those symptoms to their local veterinarian. Candace Pollock Bill Shulaw
06/22/2001 Biosecurity Fact Sheets Available on OSU Internet Site Foot-and-mouth disease may be shrinking from the media spotlight, but Ohio State University animal health specialists stress the importance of maintaining biosecurity measures that not only keep the disease in check, but also help control other animal ailments. Candace Pollock Bill Shulaw, Gary Bowman
07/15/2002 Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program COLUMBUS, Ohio - Producers, livestock exhibitors and youth will be introduced to optional methods of tail docking sheep during the Ohio State Fair in August. Candace Pollock Bill Shulaw, Henry Zerby, James Kinder
07/24/2001 ODA Eases Import Restrictions on Bovine TB COLUMBUS, Ohio - The Ohio Department of Agriculture is easing the restrictions on bovine tuberculosis requirements for imported cattle herds. Candace Pollock Bill Shulaw, Lee McPhail
07/07/2010 Feeding Wheat Grain to Livestock? Get it Tested for Vomitoxin First COLUMBUS, Ohio – In a year when overly wet conditions and a head scab outbreak are significantly impacting Ohio's wheat crop, there is no room for assumptions that grain is toxin-free and safe to feed to livestock. Candace Pollock Bill Shulaw, Pierce Paul, Stan Smith
08/20/2001 Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Large round bales (for the week of Sept. 9, 2001) Dear Twig: What are those big, round things I see in farmers’ fields? They look like bales of hay. Kurt Knebusch Bill Weiss
08/09/2007 Drought Stressed Crops Can Be Chopped For Silage WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio farmers giving up on their drought-stressed corn and soybeans for grain may find value in chopping the plants for silage, especially in situations of low forage inventory. Candace Pollock Bill Weiss
05/21/2007 Distillers Grains Focus of Dairy Study to Improve Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Distillers grains -- a byproduct of ethanol production -- may serve as supplemental dairy cattle feed to boost milk and milk fat yields, while reducing feed costs. But the challenge is to determine what type of distillers grains are most effective and how much can be fed. Candace Pollock Bill Weiss, Maurice Eastridge
08/19/2002 Harvesting Corn for Silage A Tough Decision OTTAWA, Ohio - Harvesting corn for grain or for forage may be one of the toughest decisions some Ohio growers are facing this season. Candace Pollock Bill Weiss, Maurice Eastridge, Ed Lentz
05/21/2007 Study: Spring Floods Good for Handsome Wood Duck COLUMBUS, Ohio — Springtime flooding by rivers and streams — normal and natural but limited now by dams and other flood-control measures — helps keep nesting wood ducks safe and lets them successfully raise more young, says a study by scientists in Illinois and Ohio. Kurt Knebusch Bob Gates
12/15/2011 Ohio State Scientists Work to Bring Back the Bobwhite COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio used to have more partridges in its pear trees. Today, researchers at Ohio State University are working to help the birds come back. Kurt Knebusch Bob Gates
10/03/2012 100 Students at 4-H Center Oct. 10 for National Eco-Bot Challenge COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Using inch-long "Eco-Bots" made from the head of a toothbrush, a small vibrating motor and a watch battery, thousands of youths around the nation will devise ways to clean up a simulated toxic spill on Oct. 10 in the "Eco-Bot Challenge." Martha Filipic Bob Horton, Sally McClaskey
07/25/2003 "Feed Me Seymour!" Carnivorous Plants All Bark, No Bite WOOSTER, Ohio — In the dark comedy classic “Little Shop of Horrors,” a giant Venus flytrap seeks a steady diet of humans with the help of its florist owner. Likewise, in the sci-fi movie “The Day of the Triffids,” hapless victims fall prey to walking, carnivorous plants. Candace Pollock Bob McMahon
04/19/2012 Ohio 4-H Alumnus to Lead World Bank in Afghanistan, Bhutan WASHINGTON -- With a start in 4-H, you never know where you might go. Ohio 4-H alumnus Bob Saum reflected on that as he gets organized to head to Kabul on May 1, when he becomes the country director of the World Bank for Afghanistan and Bhutan. Martha Filipic Bob Saum
09/07/2010 Cornish Appointed as Endowed Chair in Bio-based Materials at OARDC WOOSTER, Ohio — Katrina Cornish, an internationally recognized expert on alternative natural rubber, has been selected as Endowed Chair in Bio-based Emergent Materials at Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Mauricio Espinoza Bobby Moser
05/12/2005 Ohio State Receives $11.6 Million Third Frontier Award To Turn Crops Into Industrial Products COLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) has received an $11.6 million Third Frontier Project award to create the Ohio BioProducts Innovation Center (OBIC), which will develop chemical conversion technologies to generate industrial products such as lubricants and adhesives from raw materials grown in the state, including corn and soybeans. Mauricio Espinoza Bobby Moser
09/21/2011 ‘Fueling the Cure’ Yields $101,000 Joint Food, Cancer Research Endowment LONDON, Ohio – The philanthropic efforts of five agricultural cooperatives spawned a unique joint endowment between the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center with a donation of over $101,000 Tuesday (9/20) at Ohio State’s Farm Science Review. Andy Vance Bobby Moser, Steven Clinton
11/23/2009 OSU South Centers Small Business Development Center Awarded for Excellence PIKETON, Ohio – The Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon Small Business Development Center has been named the 2009 Best Center in Ohio for its excellence in assisting new and existing small businesses throughout Appalachia Ohio. Candace Pollock Brad Bapst, Ryan Mapes
05/24/2010 Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock PIKETON, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension horticulturists at OSU South Centers at Piketon are already picking their high tunnel strawberries – about a month ahead of field-grown strawberries. But that’s not the exciting news. They will be harvesting a crop grown using potentially new technology that could make fruits and vegetables accessible to anyone, anywhere. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
02/27/2006 Intensive Berry Training Program Being Offered to Midwest Growers PIKETON, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension and Michigan State University Extension are joining forces to provide Midwest berry growers with an intensive two-day training on berry production and management, with a specific emphasis on blueberries. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
10/17/2007 Are Deer Eating Your Profits? Reduce the Losses with OSU Extension Workshop PIKETON, Ohio -- Deer may be quiet, elusive creatures, but the pronounced damage they leave behind eats away millions of dollars a year in profits. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
04/17/2012 OSU Expert: Fruit and Vegetable Growers Have Options to Protect Crops From Frost and Freeze PIKETON, Ohio – An extended period of unseasonably warm weather in March that led to vegetation across Ohio reaching growing stages more than a month earlier than normal has left many fruit and vegetable growers statewide considering contingency plans to protect their crops in the event of a frost or freeze, an Ohio State University Extension expert said. Tracy Turne Brad Bergefurd
09/07/2012 Locally Grown Hops a Possibility for Ohio’s Booming Microbreweries LONDON, Ohio — Ohio beer manufacturers send an estimated $4 million out of Ohio annually by purchasing the flowers of the hop plant, called hop cones, or “hops,” from growers outside the state.  Kyle Sharp Brad Bergefurd
05/24/2010 Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock PIKETON, Ohio – Ohio State University Extension horticulturists at OSU South Centers at Piketon are already picking their high tunnel strawberries – about a month ahead of field-grown strawberries. But that's not the exciting news. They will be harvesting a crop grown using potentially new technology that could make fruits and vegetables accessible to anyone, anywhere. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
09/08/2008 New Irrigation Technology Can Conserve Water/Save Money PIKETON, Ohio -- Irrigation may be a crucial investment for specialty crop production in Ohio, but it can break the bank if managed inefficiently. Ohio State University Extension horticulturists are evaluating new irrigation systems that target the right amount of water where the plants need it. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
08/15/2001 Strawberry Production Technique May Save Growers Time and Money HILLSBORO, Ohio - A strawberry production technique, new to Ohio, may prove to be an efficient, money-saving practice for growers. Candace Pollock Brad Bergefurd
