05/29/2002 |
Choose Fields Wisely If Switching to Soybeans |
WOOSTER, Ohio - Growers contemplating switching their acreage from corn to soybeans should carefully choose which fields to make the transition.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
11/12/2004 |
Don't Panic. Soybean Rust is Manageable |
WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now officially confirmed in the United States, the more educated Ohio growers are about the fungus, the better prepared they will be to manage it if it is ever diagnosed closer to home.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
11/17/2011 |
Kudzu Presents Problems, Not Yet Running Rampant in the North |
WOOSTER, Ohio – An invasive species synonymous with the South has taken root in the Eastern Corn Belt, but according to Ohio State University Extension field crop pathologist Anne Dorrance, it doesn’t yet present quite the headaches for farmers above the Mason-Dixon Line as it has below.
Andy Vance |
Anne Dorrance |
06/13/2005 |
Soybean Rust Moving Slower than Predicted |
WOOSTER, Ohio — Soybean rust is moving northward from the southern United States much slower than predicted, but Ohio's soybean crop may not be out of the woods yet.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
06/14/2005 |
Soybean Rust-Labeled Fungicides Not Worth It for Other Diseases |
WOOSTER, Ohio — In the interim of soybean rust's potential arrival to Ohio, growers may be compelled to use fungicides labeled for rust to control other soybean foliar diseases.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
06/30/2006 |
Soybean Rust Development Stalled |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Thanks to drought conditions in the southeastern United States, soybean rust has stalled in its march northward to Ohio.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
09/09/2005 |
Scouting for Soybean Rust Not Over Yet |
WOOSTER, Ohio — Scouting for soybean rust in Ohio is not quite over yet. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
11/15/2001 |
Disease-Resistant Genes in Soybean Cultivars Losing Effectiveness Against Root Rot |
WOOSTER, Ohio - A disease responsible for severe soybean production losses is adapting to soybean cultivars planted in Ohio fields.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
04/08/2008 |
Managing Soybean Seed Supply When Quality Comes into Question |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio soybean growers, their sights set on increasing soybean acreage this year, may face crop production challenges due to less than optimum seed quality. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
03/01/2012 |
Seed Selection Key to Managing Soybean Disease, Achieving High Yields |
COLUMBUS, Ohio --As spring planting season approaches, soybean growers should be aware that one of the best ways to manage soybean disease is to make sure they plant the right varieties for their fields, said an Ohio State University Extension soybean expert.
Tracy Turner |
Anne Dorrance |
05/27/2010 |
Scout Soybean Fields for Water-Borne Diseases |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Ohio soybean growers should be keeping an eye on their crop for water-borne diseases that may have cropped up during the recent heavy rains. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
03/28/2005 |
Brazil Experiences with Rust Offer Insight for U.S. Growers |
WOOSTER, Ohio — First-hand observations of soybean rust in Brazilian soybean fields are telling Ohio State University plant pathologists one thing: that with diligent scouting, timing of fungicide applications and a blessing from Mother Nature, the disease is easily manageable. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
09/15/2005 |
Soybean Rust Manual Available at FSR |
LONDON, Ohio -- Soybean rust may be confined to the southern United States, but that doesn't mean Ohio and other Midwest soybean growers should forget about the disease and how to manage it. A soybean rust manual, "Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust," is a valuable tool designed to help walk growers through disease identification and proper fungicide applications. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
10/08/2003 |
Thumbs-Up for Crops Despite Performance Challenges |
COLUMBUS, Ohio â With late plantings, excessive rainfall, a myriad of insects and diseases and poor plant development, it seemed Ohio corn and soybean growers would be throwing in the towel on another disappointing season.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
10/09/2009 |
Phomopsis Seed Rot Showing Up in Ohio Soybeans |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Phomopsis seed decay is now showing up in some soybean fields in Ohio. The disease, which causes cracked, shriveled, moldy seed, impacts yield and reduces seed quality and grade. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
10/28/2010 |
Variety Selection/Seed Treatments Key to Managing Soybean Pathogens |
WOOSTER, Ohio – With soybean harvest nearly complete, now's the time to be thinking about choosing the right soybean varieties for next season to help manage the myriad of diseases and pests that can impact the crop. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
07/15/2002 |
Increasing Stresses Could Impact Soybean Yields |
WOOSTER, Ohio - Ohio's soybean crop may be hard-pressed to deliver this growing season.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
05/07/2009 |
New Pythium Species Isolated In Ohio |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- A new species of Pythium, a water mold that attacks soybeans and corn in saturated soils, has been identified in Ohio. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
04/19/2010 |
Follow Guidelines When Planting Soybeans |
WOOSTER, Ohio – With Ohio growers projected to increase their soybean acreage this growing season – 50,000 more acres than last year—some planting cautions are in order, says an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
07/11/2001 |
New Soybean Varieties Show Resistance to Root Rot |
WOOSTER, Ohio - Ohio State University researchers have identified new soybean varieties that exhibit both partial and complete resistance to Phytophthora sojae, a pathogen responsible for severe production losses. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
07/27/2009 |
Soybean Rust Risk in Ohio Low |
WOOSTER, Ohio – The risk for soybean rust on Ohio's soybean crop is low and, once again, the crop may escape the disease. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
02/12/2007 |
Prepare Now for Soybean Diseases |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- It's never too early to think about soybean diseases. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
11/19/2007 |
Ohio Negative for Soybean Rust Following Positive ID in Canada |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- As the 2007 soybean production season comes to a close, Ohio and Michigan remain the only major soybean-producing states east of the Mississippi River to be free from soybean rust. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
07/13/2005 |
Soybean Rust Infections Remain Low |
WOOSTER, Ohio — Depending on what the remnants of Tropical Depression Dennis has in store for Ohio, incidences of soybean rust may remain very low for the next month.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
07/29/2009 |
OSU Plant Pathologist Awarded for Excellence in Extension Outreach and Education |
WOOSTER, Ohio – An Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist has been awarded the American Phytopathological Society Excellence in Extension Award, in part for furthering national educational efforts on soybean rust.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
03/16/2009 |
Look to Field History When Planting Soybeans |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- When it comes to preparing Ohio soybeans, one of the best sources of information growers can use to make planting decisions is right beneath their feet -- the field's history. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
06/17/2010 |
Soybean Rust Confirmed in Southern U.S., But Little Threat to Ohio Crop |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Soybean rust has been reported on soybeans in the southern United States for the first time this year, but it's unlikely that Ohio soybean growers will have to worry about the disease this growing season. |
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
02/15/2010 |
Get the Latest on Sudden Death Syndrome at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference |
ADA, Ohio – Sudden death syndrome, a soybean disease once confined to just northern areas of Ohio, is now commonly found as far south as the Ohio River. Farmers attending the Ohio State University Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference in February will get the latest information about the disease and ways they can manage it.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
03/05/2007 |
New Phytophthora Research to Speed Up Plant Protection |
WOOSTER, Ohio – A new way of characterizing partial resistance to one of the most devastating soybean diseases may enable germplasm companies to incorporate effective genes more quickly into plant lines that are the most beneficial to growers.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |
08/27/2002 |
Soybean Disease Could Indicate More Serious Problems |
WOOSTER, Ohio - A relatively new soybean disease to Ohio is being used as a bio-indicator to diagnose a more serious economic problem.
Candace Pollock |
Anne Dorrance |