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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Datesort ascending Title Intro Author(s) Source(s)
07/08/2002 New Root Rot-Resistant Soybean Gene Discovered WOOSTER, Ohio - A new soybean gene, showing resistance to Phytophthora root rot, has been identified - the first time in nearly 20 years a gene exhibiting effectiveness against the disease has been discovered. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance, Steve St. Martin
07/03/2002 Ohio Raspberries in Short Supply This Season PIKETON, Ohio - Berry lovers who've waited all year for the sweet, juicy goodness of red and black raspberries should head out to their local farmers' markets and pick-your-own operations as early in the season as possible. Candace Pollock Sandy Kuhn
07/03/2002 Frost Damage May Contribute to Low Wheat Yields WOOSTER, Ohio - Frost damage on Ohio wheat that occurred earlier in the growing season is becoming more evident now that harvest has begun. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps
07/02/2002 Pork Producers Invited to AI School COLUMBUS, Ohio - Workers' job satisfaction, working conditions, technical skill and attitude can affect the success of artificial insemination (AI), according to recent studies at North Carolina State University. Producers of show pigs may pay up to $500 per dose of semen, making the success of AI programs an important investment. Emily McConnell Don Levis
07/01/2002 Researchers Seeking New Ways to Control Nursery Tree Pest WOOSTER, Ohio - From soil-applied systemic insecticides to tree guards, Ohio State University entomologists are looking for ways to control one of the most economically damaging insect pests in Ohio's nursery industry. Candace Pollock Dan Herms
07/01/2002 New Test Simplifies Soil Quality Assessment PIKETON, Ohio - Assessing soil organic matter for overall soil quality can now be done in an agricultural field, a greenhouse and even a homeowner's backyard garden. Candace Pollock Rafiq Islam, Shawn Wright
07/01/2002 Ginseng May Be a Lucrative Specialty Crop PIKETON, Ohio - A group of tiny plants, no more than an inch in height, inconspicuously grow in a wooded area on the grounds of Ohio State University's South Centers at Piketon. Candace Pollock Rafiq Islam, Shawn Wright
06/25/2002 Chow Line: Whole grains a whole lot better (for 7/14/02) I happen to like whole-wheat bread, brown rice and other whole grains, but I have a hard time convincing my husband to try them. Can you list the reasons why whole grains are better for you? Martha Filipic Jaime Ackerman
06/11/2002 Wet Spring Focus of Vegetable Grower Tour BRADNER, Ohio - Ohio State University vegetable crop specialists are using this spring's overly wet weather to help paint a picture of effective management practices for an upcoming Vegetable Grower Tour. Candace Pollock Mac Riedel
06/11/2002 Myriad of Problems May Await Late-Planted Crops COLUMBUS, Ohio - Everything from reduced yields, to insect and disease problems, to poor growth performance may be in store for corn and soybean growers this summer as a result of late planting. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance, Pat Lipps, Jim Beuerlein, Peter Thomison
06/10/2002 Marketing Theme of 2002 Ohio Profitability Tour COLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio farm families looking for economic alternatives to sustain their farming operations can attend any one of 20 tours highlighted in the 2002 Ohio Farm Profitability Tour Series. Candace Pollock Mike Hogan
06/10/2002 Ohio's Wheat Production Continues to Shrink COLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio's first wheat production forecast is down 10 percent compared to last year, continuing the state's trend of a shrinking crop the past several years. Candace Pollock Matt Roberts, Pat Lipps
06/10/2002 Head Scab Risk Low in Ohio WOOSTER, Ohio - Much of Ohio's wheat crop may have escaped the risk of head scab disease, a bright spot in what's shaping up to be a rather dismal growing season for crop producers. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps
06/06/2002 "Emerging" Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans COLUMBUS, Ohio - Unfavorable growing conditions throughout parts of Ohio may be creating emergence problems in corn and soybeans. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
06/06/2002 Emerging Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans COLUMBUS, Ohio - Unfavorable growing conditions throughout parts of Ohio may be creating emergence problems in corn and soybeans. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
05/31/2002 Chow Line: Vegetarian teens might eat better (for 6/16/02) A few months ago, my 15-year-old son decided he wanted to follow a vegetarian diet. I've been skeptical about the wisdom of his choice. Should I be concerned? Martha Filipic Jaime Ackerman
05/29/2002 Increased Farm Bill Funding Means More Conservation Results COLUMBUS, Ohio - With a 10 percent increase in funding over the 1996 Farm Bill, introduction of new programs and 21 percent of the 2002 Farm Bill's budget devoted to conservation, improvements to water quality, wildlife habitats and the environment appears to be increasing in importance. Candace Pollock Brent Sohngen
05/29/2002 Wet Spring Ideal to Practice Controlled Traffic COLUMBUS, Ohio - Practicing controlled traffic may afford growers a planting advantage at a time when wet conditions are keeping most farmers out of their fields. Candace Pollock Randall Reeder
05/29/2002 Choose Fields Wisely If Switching to Soybeans WOOSTER, Ohio - Growers contemplating switching their acreage from corn to soybeans should carefully choose which fields to make the transition. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
05/28/2002 Ohio Farm Bureau Member To Be Honored COLUMBUS, Ohio - Ohio State University animal science faculty is honoring a member of the Ohio Farm Bureau for his contributions to the animal agricultural industry. Candace Pollock Keith Irvin
05/23/2002 Study Examines Rural Low-Income Families in Light of Welfare Reform COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As the government debates the details of welfare reform, a national research project sheds light on how rural low-income families fare in the world of work. Martha Filipic Sharon Seiling
05/22/2002 Soggy Fields May Promote Wheat Diseases WOOSTER, Ohio - Excessive wet weather throughout Ohio the past several weeks may cause problems with disease development in the state's wheat crop. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps
05/22/2002 New Insight on Pollinators May Aid Strawberry Production TROY, Ohio - A steady rainfall soaks strawberry fields in this town just outside of Dayton, but the weather doesn't deter Ohio State University entomologists from trekking through standing water and mud to record the growth progression of strawberry blooms - food for many insects whose pollination transforms the flowers into fruit. Candace Pollock Roger Williams
05/22/2002 More Rain Could Mean Higher Corn Prices COLUMBUS, Ohio - Corn prices are likely to increase within the next several weeks if wet weather persists throughout the eastern Corn Belt, says an Ohio State University Extension agricultural economist. Candace Pollock Matt Roberts
05/17/2002 Chow Line: Wash those fruits and veggies (for 5/26/02) Some cantaloupe was recently recalled because of salmonella. I thought that was mostly a problem with chicken and eggs. How did it get on fruit? Martha Filipic Jaime Ackerman
05/15/2002 New Grants Target Cooperative Development PIKETON, Ohio - Several Ohio cooperative groups are getting a boost in promotion and marketing with the help of new Ohio Cooperative Development Center grants. Candace Pollock John Ellerman
05/09/2002 Satellite Program Answers Farm Bill Questions COLUMBUS, Ohio - Now that Congress has passed the 2002 Farm Bill, Ohio producers, agri-businesses and related agricultural and natural resources agencies may have questions regarding its content and implications. Candace Pollock Carl Zulauf
05/09/2002 Keep in Mind Insect Pests When Planting Soybeans WOOSTER, Ohio - Soybean growers may be looking to get their crop in the ground, but they especially need to keep in mind two insect pests this growing season. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
05/09/2002 The Chances for Timely Planting Diminish COLUMBUS, Ohio - With soggy fields from persistent wet weather plaguing Ohio corn and soybean growers and more rain forecasted, timely planting appears to be getting further out of reach. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
05/07/2002 Biotechnology Consortium Seeks to Improve Ohio's Agricultural Industries COLUMBUS, Ohio - In recent years, biotechnology has largely been associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), genetically engineered organisms (GEOs), or some other form of cross breeding or genetic alteration. Candace Pollock Terry Graham
