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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Datesort ascending Title Intro Author(s) Source(s)
02/14/2005 New Blackberry Varieties Can Overcome Winter PIKETON, Ohio — New blackberry varieties are now available to Ohio fruit growers that erase the production limitation associated with crop overwintering. Candace Pollock Shawn Wright
02/11/2005 Soybean Rust or No, Don't Alter Management Practices COLUMBUS, Ohio — The goal of any crop management is to utilize a production system that generates the most yields. Soybean growers should stick to that practice, even with the potential arrival of soybean rust looming large. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
02/11/2005 Precision Ag a Tool for Soybean Rust ADA, Ohio — Precision agriculture, which can aid growers in tracking the development and progression of crop insects and diseases, may also prove to be an effective tool when it comes to soybean rust. Candace Pollock Harold Watters
02/08/2005 Soybean Rust Next to Impossible to Predict WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now confirmed in eight southern states, the question on most minds is will the disease strike Ohio, and if so, when? Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
02/07/2005 Workshop All About Restoring Ohio History WESTERVILLE, Ohio — Good farmers know never to waste anything, and that includes old farm buildings. Throughout the years, barns have been renovated and reused, and those interested in preserving this part of Ohio's history should attend the Ohio Barn Workshop Feb. 21-22 at Everal Barn in Westerville, Ohio. Candace Pollock Carol Moody
02/07/2005 Ins and Outs of Ag Marketing Focus of Conference MASON, Ohio — Agricultural marketing opportunities are the focus of the 3rd annual Ohio River Valley Farm Marketing Conference. The event is led by Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon Ohio Cooperative Development Center, along with a host of sponsors from Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. Candace Pollock Travis West
02/02/2005 Survey Says: Ohio Consumers Willing to Pay for Organics COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio consumers are willing to pay a premium for organic foods, but such factors as health, food safety, level of organic ingredients and where buyers shop impact just how much, according to a series of Ohio State University Extension surveys. Candace Pollock Marvin Batte
01/31/2005 Conference to Tout the Latest Trends in Conservation Tillage ADA, Ohio — From trends in conservation tillage, to new technology in precision agriculture, to a plethora of management practices, over 50 educational topics will highlight the Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference, being held Feb. 24-25 at Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio. Candace Pollock Randall Reeder
01/27/2005 Timing of Soybean Rust May Impact Soybean Aphid Control WOOSTER, Ohio — Soybean growers are bracing for a soybean aphid population explosion this growing season, and controlling the pest could become even more challenging if soybean rust is thrown into the mix of management practices. Candace Pollock Ron Hammond
01/19/2005 Winning the War Against Soybean Rust Requires a Strategy COLUMBUS, Ohio — The best weapon growers have to fighting soybean rust is fungicides, but an effective job of controlling the disease is questionable without an application strategy. Candace Pollock Erdal Ozkan
01/19/2005 Hybrids in Corn Performance Trials Benefit from Good Weather COLUMBUS, Ohio — Near-perfect growing conditions in 2004 has landed another year of exceptional results for corn hybrids evaluated in the Ohio State University Ohio Corn Performance Test. Candace Pollock Peter Thomison
01/14/2005 In-Furrow Applicator Cuts Chemical Costs in Vegetable Crops URBANA, Ohio — Nothing is cheap when it comes to growing high-value vegetable crops, including the chemical investment for insect and disease management. Candace Pollock Jim Jasinski
01/12/2005 Training Program a Tool for Improving Agriculture in Africa COLUMBUS, Ohio — East African universities are looking to Ohio State University to strengthen their Colleges of Agriculture to help improve agricultural productivity, food security and the economy throughout the region. Candace Pollock Mark Erbaugh
01/12/2005 A Little Cunning May Do the Trick in Pepper Management WOOSTER, Ohio — The trick to outsmarting insects and diseases on peppers may lie in the way chemicals are applied to the vegetable crop. Candace Pollock Richard Derksen
01/11/2005 Tree Liners Give Purpose to Retractable Roof Greenhouses COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Nursery professionals looking to economically produce tree liners, boost profits and get their product out to customers more efficiently may have found the answer in retractable roof greenhouses. Candace Pollock Hannah Mathers
01/05/2005 Beef Symposium Targets Marketing Tools LANCASTER, Ohio — Raising beef cattle not only requires the skills to produce a high-quality product, but also the knowledge to develop and implement a plan to bring that product to market. Candace Pollock Stan Smith
01/04/2005 Minimizing Compaction of Vegetable Crops Tricky COLUMBUS, Ohio — Controlling compaction in field crops is not easy, but minimizing compaction in vegetable crops is even trickier. Candace Pollock Randall Reeder
12/22/2004 Some Wheat Yellowing from Stress WOOSTER, Ohio — The wheat crop in Ohio is on its way to another growing season, but a portion of the crop is already off to a shaky start. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps
12/20/2004 Mulch Options Exist for Tomato Growers COLUMBUS, Ohio — It's easy to recognize the benefits mulches afford vegetable crops, but the challenge lies in choosing which mulch performs the best and doesn't lighten the wallet. Candace Pollock Elaine Grassbaugh
12/17/2004 Link Found Between Lycopene and Poor Seed Quality in Tomatoes COLUMBUS, Ohio — Tomato breeders who produce varieties high in lycopene are sometimes paying the price of increased nutritional benefits in the form of reduced production performance. But an Ohio State University study may have provided a solution to the dilemma. Candace Pollock Mark Bennett
12/15/2004 Students Rewarded for Business Planning Skills PIKETON, Ohio – Southern Ohio Career and Technology Center (CTC) students who participated in an Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon youth entrepreneur training course are being rewarded for their efforts. Candace Pollock Christie Welch
12/07/2004 Public Invited to Remember Ben Stinner Saturday, Dec. 11, at OARDC WOOSTER, Ohio — A special memorial service for Benjamin R. Stinner, an Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center scientist and the holder of Ohio State University’s W.K. Kellogg Foundation-endowed chair in ecological management, will be held Saturday, Dec. 11, 1 to 4 p.m., in the Shisler Conference Center on OARDC’s Wooster campus, 1680 Madison Ave. Kurt Knebusch Casey Hoy
12/07/2004 "Crop Profit Game" Satellite Series Scheduled COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State University Extension is on tap to offer this year's "The Crop Profit Game," a satellite series for Ohio crop producers, agronomy retailers and other agribusiness individuals. Candace Pollock Greg LaBarge
12/01/2004 Growing Season Good for Soybean Trials COLUMBUS, Ohio — Not only did Ohio growers' soybean yields benefit from the good growing season, but test results from the 2004 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials weren't too shabby either. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
11/29/2004 Ohio Signature Beef BOWLING GREEN, Ohio — Individuals who food shop in areas such as Cleveland, Toledo, Akron/Canton or Dayton may have seen packaged beef with the "Ohio Signature" label. Candace Pollock Dan Frobose
11/24/2004 Ohio Soybeans On Track For Record Yields COLUMBUS, Ohio — Harvest has been long for Ohio soybean growers, but the end result is nothing to scoff at. Candace Pollock Jim Beuerlein
11/23/2004 Ohio's Natural Resources the Focus of New Extension Program CALDWELL, Ohio — Education, appreciation, conservation — such are the ideals Ohio State University Extension Educators hope Ohioans will gain for nature under a proposed statewide OSU Extension Master Naturalist Program. Candace Pollock J.P. Lieser
11/12/2004 A Bumper Crop and No Place to Put It COLUMBUS, Ohio — U.S. growers may be enjoying a bumper crop of corn this growing season, but are facing two consequences as a result: low prices and no storage room. Candace Pollock Matt Roberts
11/12/2004 Don't Panic. Soybean Rust is Manageable WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now officially confirmed in the United States, the more educated Ohio growers are about the fungus, the better prepared they will be to manage it if it is ever diagnosed closer to home. Candace Pollock Anne Dorrance
11/02/2004 Another Record Corn Harvest for Ohio COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio's corn crop is heading for its second consecutive year of record-breaking yields, something that Ohio State University Extension agricultural specialists say is unheard-of in the world of crop production. Candace Pollock Pat Lipps, Peter Thomison
