11/12/2012 |
OARDC Receives National Research Award for Critical Soybean Rust Work |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) is one of the recipients of the 2012 Experiment Station Section Award of Excellence in Multistate Research for its work to rapidly address the threat of soybean rust to U.S. agricultural production.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Steve Slack, Anne Dorrance |
11/09/2012 |
Chow Line: Take precautions if stuffing turkey (11/9/12) |
I have always stuffed our Thanksgiving turkey with homemade stuffing, but my daughter tells me it’s not safe. Should I stop? Would it make a difference if I used stuffing from a box?
Martha Filipic |
Linnette Goard |
11/07/2012 |
Renovations at Ohio State Wetland Aim to Ramp Up Its Programs and Impact |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State’s renowned Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, which opened its doors 20 years ago, is now in the process of opening them wider.
Kurt Knebusch |
Ron Hendrick, Lynn McCready |
11/06/2012 |
New Ohio Casinos Prompt Cautions on Gambling Addiction |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- As newly legal casinos continue to open their doors in Ohio, a new field specialist with Ohio State University Extension wants to be sure families understand the risks involved with gambling and where to turn for help if needed.
Martha Filipic |
Jim Bates |
11/06/2012 |
Ohio State Researcher to Re-write Ohio’s Phosphorus Index to Improve Water Quality |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Grand Lake St. Marys has lost an estimated $60-80 million in tourism due to harmful algae blooms. And in 2011, algae blooms covered 990 square miles of Lake Erie’s surface area, the largest in the lake’s history.
Tracy Turner |
Elizabeth Dayton |
11/06/2012 |
OSU Extension, USDA to Discuss Forages and Pasture Management |
SARDINIA, Ohio – Farmers and producers interested in learning more about how to improve forage and pasture management after a drought can participate in a discussion of the issue by experts from Ohio State University Extension and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nov. 15.
Tracy Turner |
David Allen Dugan |
11/06/2012 |
Ohio State University Extension Experts to Discuss Algae and Water Quality Issues |
NEWARK, Ohio – Farmers, producers, consumers and others interested in learning more about the growing issue of algae in Ohio waters can participate in a discussion of the issue by experts from Ohio State University Extension and the U. S. Department of Agriculture Nov. 8.
Tracy Turner |
Ted Wiseman |
11/06/2012 |
Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Nov. 7 |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as of Nov. 7.
Kaitlyn Riemenschneider |
11/02/2012 |
Chow Line: Limit trans fats, boost heart health (Nov. 2, 2012) |
What has been the effect from the ban on trans fats in New York City restaurants?
Martha Filipic |
Dan Remley |
10/26/2012 |
Chow Line: Why it’s important to eat breakfast (10/26/12) |
I know I should eat breakfast, but I rarely do. Can you explain why it’s so important? I’m always looking for ways to try to lose some extra pounds, and it seems like a good idea to not eat when I’m not hungry, which is typically in the morning.
Martha Filipic |
Julie Kennel |
10/23/2012 |
Ohio River Valley Woodland, Wildlife Workshop Is March 24 |
MASON, Ohio -- The 2012 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Conference takes place on March 24 at the Kings Island Resort and Conference Center in southern Ohio.
Kurt Knebusch |
Kathy Smith |
10/23/2012 |
OSU Income Tax Schools Set for November, December |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension has announced its annual schedule of OSU Income Tax Schools, which last year drew more than 800 participants.
Kurt Knebusch |
David Marrison |
10/23/2012 |
Pilot Plant, Research Advancements Help Drive Domestic Natural Rubber Project Forward |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- The 6,000-square-foot pilot plant in Wooster makes gloves and a variety of other latex and rubber products. But the natural rubber used in this plant doesn't come from where you would expect it.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Katrina Cornish, Matt Kleinhenz, John Cardina |
10/23/2012 |
Commercial Wine Production and Grape Growers Workshop Is Nov. 15 in Southern Ohio |
PIKETON, Ohio – Wine grape growers, commercial wine operators, and those interested in becoming either one can learn the practical and essential skills needed to be successful in the industry at a workshop held by Ohio State University horticulture, viticulture and enology experts Nov. 15.
Tracy Turner |
Gary Gao |
10/19/2012 |
Chow Line: Whole grains turn up in surprising places (10/19/12) |
A group of us were watching a football game last week, and someone claimed that the tortilla chips we were eating counted as a “whole-grain” food. I find that hard to believe. Is that right?
Martha Filipic |
Carolyn Gunther |
10/18/2012 |
OSU Extension Celebrates Ohio Farm to School Month |
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio’s school lunchrooms provide a great opportunity for Ohio farmers and other food producers looking to tap into the growing demand for local foods. And farmers and schools working together creates a great opportunity for Ohio’s students to gain access to fresh, healthy, local foods, an Ohio State University expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Julie Fox |
10/18/2012 |
Family Fundamentals: Confusion, memory problems common in elderly (Oct. 2012) |
My dad is approaching 70 and seems to be getting more confused and forgetful. We don’t think it’s anything serious right now, but should we be worried about dementia?
Martha Filipic |
James Bates |
10/18/2012 |
Unbeatable Students Create UnBeetable Burger |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Apparently, it's hard to beat a burger made of beets. On Oct. 1, the "UnBeetable Burger" with a soft gourmet pretzel bun won the Student Product Development Competition of AACC International, a professional association specializing in cereal grain science.
Martha Filipic |
Liz Green, Luis Rodriguez-Saona |
10/17/2012 |
Study Provides Insight on Residents of Rural Food Deserts |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- "Food deserts" are normally thought of as low-income, blighted urban neighborhoods with little access to fresh, reasonably priced fruits and vegetables. But rural areas, despite their wide-open spaces and fertile farmland, can be food deserts, too.
Martha Filipic |
Tom Blaine |
10/16/2012 |
Produce Safety Workshop Is Nov. 14 in Northeast Ohio |
CANFIELD, Ohio -- Ohio State’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team will hold a workshop on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms in Mahoning County.
Ashley Kulhanek |
10/16/2012 |
OSU Extension: Producers Looking to Increase Calf Crop Value Could Turn to Surrogacy |
PIKETON, Ohio – Looking for a new way to add value to your calf crop? Try raising someone else’s calves instead of your own, an Ohio State University Extension beef expert said.
Tracy Turner |
John Grimes |
10/15/2012 |
New App Lets You Report Invasive Species |
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Now there’s a new tool for fighting alien invasions. Your smart phone.
Kurt Knebusch |
Kathy Smith |
10/12/2012 |
Chow Line: When ground beef turns gray (10/12/12) |
Sometimes when I open a package of ground beef, the meat has turned grayish brown on the inside. It smells OK, but it doesn’t look very appetizing and I wonder if it’s safe to eat. Is it?
Martha Filipic |
Linnette Goard |
10/12/2012 |
OARDC Announces Winners of 2012 Service, Achievement Awards |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- OARDC presented its 2012 service and achievement awards Oct. 11 during the center's annual Employee Appreciation Night.
Kurt Knebusch |
Steve Slack |
10/11/2012 |
Ohio Apple Crop: Smaller but More Flavorful |
WOOSTER, Ohio – Consumers may find that while the apple pickings in Ohio may be slimmer this year, the apple crop’s overall quality will be more flavorful, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Diane Miller |
10/10/2012 |
Interested in Renewable Energy? Nov. 8 Workshop in Wooster Has It All |
WOOSTER, Ohio -- Wind farms. Solar power. Biogas. Ohio is starting to embrace renewable energy. And you will have a chance to learn more about the opportunities and challenges of green energy generation Nov. 8 on the Wooster campus of Ohio State University's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC).
Mauricio Espinoza |
Yebo Li |
10/10/2012 |
Shale Energy Community Education Workshop Planned for Nov. 10 |
CAMBRIDGE, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension is hosting a community education workshop on shale energy development on Nov. 10.
Martha Filipic |
Peggy Kirk Hall |
10/09/2012 |
Producers: Still Time to Eliminate Weeds in Hay and Pasture Fields |
WOODSFIELD, Ohio – Farmers looking to grow highly productive pastures and hay fields still have time to fight weeds in their fields to prevent reduced forage quality and quantity, an Ohio State University Extension expert said.
Tracy Turner |
Mark Allen Landefeld |
10/09/2012 |
OSU South Centers to Host Pumpkin Field Night |
OSU South Centers to Host Pumpkin Field Night
Julie Moose |
10/05/2012 |
'An Ohio State Story': Lab Idea Yields 60 Local Jobs, New Green Industry |
MANSFIELD, Ohio -- An industry need. A waste product. An idea by an Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center scientist. Mix them together. What do you get? A new company. Sixty new Ohio jobs. And a new green industry.
Mauricio Espinoza |
Yebo Li, Jeff Schultheis |